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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 03:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 19:28





// optical flow use Multi-Pattern-Match algrithm, use the big inner diff pattern to do multi pattern match, then averge the result// already implemented: square-pattern, X-patternclass COpticalFlow_MPM
COpticalFlow_MPM(){}    virtual ~COpticalFlow_MPM(){}    static bool AddImplementation(COpticalFlow_MPM* imp)
{        if(m_impNum < c_maxImpNum){
m_impTbl[m_impNum++] = imp;            return true;
}        return false;
}    static void SetImageDimesion(int width, int height, int lineBytes)
{        for(int i = 0; i < m_impNum; ++i){
m_impTbl[i]->m_width = width;
m_impTbl[i]->m_height = height;
m_impTbl[i]->m_lineBytes = lineBytes;
}    // auto choose the pattern to do optical flow
static void AutoOpticalFlow(uint8_t* image1, uint8_t* image2)
m_impTbl[m_impCurr]->calcOpticalFlow(image1, image2);        // check if need switch pattern
static int s_goodCount = 0;        static int s_badCount = 0;        if(m_quality > 0){
}        if(s_goodCount + s_badCount > 30){            if(s_badCount * 2 > s_goodCount){
m_impCurr = m_impCurr < (m_impNum - 1) ? m_impCurr + 1 : 0;
s_goodCount = s_badCount = 0;
}    // the result
static uint8_t m_quality;    // 0 ~ 255, 0 means the optical flow is invalid.
static float m_offset_x;    // unit is pixel
static float m_offset_y;protected:    virtual const char* Name() = 0;    virtual void GeneratePatternTable() = 0;    // prepare the address offset tables, that can make the calculation simple and fast.
void GenerateSearchTable()
{        // generate the search offset from corresponding location to the max distance
int index = 0;        int yNum, ay[2];        for (int dist = 1; dist <= c_searchD; ++dist){            for (int x = -dist; x <= dist; ++x){                // for each x, only have 1 or 2 dy choices.
ay[0] = dist - abs(x);                if (ay[0] == 0){
yNum = 1;
}                else{
yNum = 2;
ay[1] = -ay[0];
}                for (int iy = 0; iy < yNum; ++iy){
m_searchOffsets[index++] = ay[iy] * m_lineBytes + x;
}        // generate the watch points.
index = 0;        int center = m_width * m_height / 2 + m_width / 2;        for (int y = -c_watchN; y <= c_watchN; ++y){            for (int x = -c_watchN; x <= c_watchN; ++x){
m_watchPoints[index++] = center + y * c_watchG * m_lineBytes + x * c_watchG * m_width / m_height;
}    void ResetResult()
m_quality = 0;
m_offset_x = 0;
m_offset_y = 0;
}    void calcOpticalFlow(uint8_t* image1, uint8_t* image2)
ResetResult();        int betterStart;        int matchedOffset;        int x1, y1, x2, y2;        int matchedCount = 0;        int offset_x[c_watchS];        int offset_y[c_watchS];        for (int i = 0; i < c_watchS; ++i){            if (SearchMaxInnerDiff(image1, m_watchPoints[i], betterStart)){
int32_t minDiff = SearchBestMatch(image1 + betterStart, m_patternOffsets, c_patternS, image2, betterStart, matchedOffset);                if (minDiff < c_patternS * c_rejectDiff){
x1 = betterStart % m_lineBytes;        y1 = betterStart / m_lineBytes;
x2 = matchedOffset % m_lineBytes;    y2 = matchedOffset / m_lineBytes;
m_offset_x += (x2 - x1);
m_offset_y += (y2 - y1);
offset_x[matchedCount] = (x2 - x1);
offset_y[matchedCount] = (y2 - y1);
}        if (matchedCount >= 4){
m_offset_x /= matchedCount;
m_offset_y /= matchedCount;            // calculate the variance, and use the variance to get the quality.
float varX = 0, varY = 0;            for (int i = 0; i < matchedCount; ++i){
varX += (offset_x[i] - m_offset_x) * (offset_x[i] - m_offset_x);
varY += (offset_y[i] - m_offset_y) * (offset_y[i] - m_offset_y);
varX /= (matchedCount - 1);
varY /= (matchedCount - 1);            float varMax = varX > varY ? varX : varY;
m_quality = (uint8_t)(varMax > 2 ? 0 : (2-varMax) * 255 / 2);            if(m_quality == 0){
}    // get the pattern inner diff, the pattern is center of the area.
inline int32_t InnerDiff(const uint8_t* center, const int* patternPoints, const int patternSize)
int32_t sum = 0;
int32_t mean = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < patternSize; ++i){
sum += center[patternPoints[i]];
mean = sum / patternSize;

int32_t sumDiff = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < patternSize; ++i){
sumDiff += abs(center[patternPoints[i]] - mean);
}        return sumDiff;
}    // get the sum diff between two pattern, the pattern is the center of the area.
inline int32_t PatternDiff(const uint8_t* center1, const uint8_t* center2, const int* patternPoints, const int patternSize)
int32_t sumDiff = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < patternSize; ++i){
sumDiff += abs(center1[patternPoints[i]] - center2[patternPoints[i]]);
}        return sumDiff;
}    // search the max inner diff location, image is the full image begining, the return value searchOffset is base on the image begining.
inline bool SearchMaxInnerDiff(const uint8_t* image, int searchStart, int& betterStart)
{        // if the inner diff is less than this number, cannot use this pattern to do search.
const int c_minInnerDiff = c_patternS * 4;        const int c_acceptInnerDiff = c_patternS * 12;        const uint8_t* searchCenter = image + searchStart;
int32_t currDiff = InnerDiff(searchCenter, m_patternOffsets, c_patternS);
int32_t maxDiff = currDiff;
betterStart = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < c_searchS; ++i){
currDiff = InnerDiff(searchCenter + m_searchOffsets[i], m_patternOffsets, c_patternS);            if (currDiff > maxDiff){
maxDiff = currDiff;
betterStart = m_searchOffsets[i];
}            if (maxDiff > c_acceptInnerDiff){                break;
}        if (maxDiff < c_minInnerDiff){            return false;

betterStart += searchStart;        return true;
}    // get the minnmum pattern diff with the 8 neighbors.
inline int32_t MinNeighborDiff(const uint8_t* pattern)
{        const int32_t threshDiff = c_patternS * c_acceptDiff;        // eight neighbors of a pattern
const int neighborOffsets[8] = { -1, 1, -m_lineBytes, m_lineBytes, -m_lineBytes - 1, -m_lineBytes + 1, m_lineBytes - 1, m_lineBytes + 1 };        int minDiff = PatternDiff(pattern, pattern + neighborOffsets[0], m_patternOffsets, c_patternS);        if (minDiff < threshDiff){            return minDiff;
}        int diff;        for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i){
diff = PatternDiff(pattern, pattern + neighborOffsets[i], m_patternOffsets, c_patternS);            if (diff < minDiff){
minDiff = diff;                if (minDiff < threshDiff){                    return minDiff;
}        return minDiff;
}    // search the pattern that have max min_diff with neighbors, image is the full image begining, the return value betterStart is base on the image begining.
inline bool SearchMaxNeighborDiff(const uint8_t* image, int searchStart, int& betterStart)
{        const uint8_t* searchCenter = image + searchStart;
int32_t currDiff = MinNeighborDiff(searchCenter);
int32_t maxDiff = currDiff;
betterStart = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < c_searchS; ++i){
currDiff = MinNeighborDiff(searchCenter + m_searchOffsets[i]);            if (currDiff > maxDiff){
maxDiff = currDiff;
betterStart = m_searchOffsets[i];
}        if (maxDiff <= c_patternS * c_acceptDiff){            return false;

betterStart += searchStart;        return true;
}    // match the target pattern in the image, return the best match quality and matched offset; the pattern is the center, image is the full image begining.
inline int32_t SearchBestMatch(const uint8_t* target, const int* patternPoints, const int patternSize, const uint8_t* image, int searchStart, int& matchedOffset)
{        const int thinkMatchedDiff = patternSize * c_acceptDiff;        const uint8_t* searchCenter = image + searchStart;        const uint8_t* matched = searchCenter;
int32_t currDiff = PatternDiff(target, matched, patternPoints, patternSize);
int32_t minDiff = currDiff;        for (int i = 0; i < c_searchS; ++i){
currDiff = PatternDiff(target, searchCenter + m_searchOffsets[i], patternPoints, patternSize);            if (currDiff < minDiff){
minDiff = currDiff;
matched = searchCenter + m_searchOffsets[i];
}            if (minDiff < thinkMatchedDiff){                break;

matchedOffset = matched - image;        return minDiff;
}    int m_width, m_height, m_lineBytes;    static const int c_acceptDiff = 2;    // if the average pixel error is less than this number, think already matched
static const int c_rejectDiff = 8;    // if the average pixel error is larger than this number, think it's not matched    // all address offset to the pattern key location, the size is according to the square pattern.
static const int c_patternN = 3;    static const int c_patternS = (2 * c_patternN + 1) * (2 * c_patternN + 1);    int m_patternOffsets[c_patternS];    // the offsets to the image start for each seed point, the match is around these seed points.
static const int c_watchN = 2;    static const int c_watchS = (2 * c_watchN + 1) * (2 * c_watchN + 1);    static const int c_watchG = 30;        // The gap of the watch grid in height direction
int m_watchPoints[c_watchS];    // the search offset to the search center, match the pattern from the corresponding location to the max distance. (not include distance 0.)
static const int c_searchD = 10;    // search street-distance from the key location
static const int c_searchS = 2 * c_searchD * c_searchD + 2 * c_searchD;    int m_searchOffsets[c_searchS];    // The implements table that use various pattern
static int m_impCurr;    static int m_impNum;    static const int c_maxImpNum = 16;    static COpticalFlow_MPM* m_impTbl[c_maxImpNum];
};// save the optical flow resultuint8_t COpticalFlow_MPM::m_quality;    // 0 ~ 255, 0 means the optical flow is invalid.float COpticalFlow_MPM::m_offset_x;    // unit is pixelfloat COpticalFlow_MPM::m_offset_y;// the implements that use different patternint COpticalFlow_MPM::m_impCurr = 0;int COpticalFlow_MPM::m_impNum = 0;
COpticalFlow_MPM* COpticalFlow_MPM::m_impTbl[COpticalFlow_MPM::c_maxImpNum];// Multi-Pattern-Match-Squareclass COpticalFlow_MPMS : public COpticalFlow_MPM
COpticalFlow_MPMS(){}    virtual ~COpticalFlow_MPMS(){}    virtual const char* Name()    { return "Square"; }protected:    // prepare the address offset tables, that can make the calculation simple and fast.
virtual void GeneratePatternTable()
{        // generate the address offset of the match area to the center of the area.
int index = 0;        for (int y = -c_patternN; y <= c_patternN; ++y){            for (int x = -c_patternN; x <= c_patternN; ++x){
m_patternOffsets[index++] = y * m_lineBytes + x;
};// Multi-Pattern-Match-Xclass COpticalFlow_MPMX : public COpticalFlow_MPM
COpticalFlow_MPMX(){}    virtual ~COpticalFlow_MPMX(){}    virtual const char* Name()    { return "X"; }protected:    // prepare the address offset tables, that can make the calculation simple and fast.
virtual void GeneratePatternTable()
{        // generate the address offset of the match area to the center of the area.
int index = 0;        int armLen = (c_patternS - 1) / 4;        for (int y = -armLen; y <= armLen; ++y){            if(y == 0){
m_patternOffsets[index++] = 0;
m_patternOffsets[index++] = y * m_lineBytes - y;
m_patternOffsets[index++] = y * m_lineBytes + y;
};static COpticalFlow_MPMS of_mpms;static COpticalFlow_MPMX of_mpmx;void OpticalFlow::init()
{    // set the optical flow implementation table
COpticalFlow_MPM::SetImageDimesion(m_width, m_height, m_lineBytes);

uint32_t OpticalFlow::flow_image_in(const uint8_t *buf, int len, uint8_t *quality, int32_t *centi_pixel_x, int32_t *centi_pixel_y)
{    static uint8_t s_imageBuff1[m_pixelNum];    static uint8_t s_imageBuff2[m_pixelNum];    static uint8_t* s_imagePre = NULL;    static uint8_t* s_imageCurr = s_imageBuff1;    *quality = 0;    *centi_pixel_x = 0;    *centi_pixel_y = 0;

memcpy(s_imageCurr, buf, len);    // first image
if(s_imagePre == NULL){
s_imagePre = s_imageCurr;
s_imageCurr = s_imageCurr == s_imageBuff1 ? s_imageBuff2 : s_imageBuff1;    // switch image buffer
return 0;

COpticalFlow_MPM::AutoOpticalFlow(s_imagePre, s_imageCurr);    if(COpticalFlow_MPM::m_quality > 0){        *quality = COpticalFlow_MPM::m_quality;        *centi_pixel_x = (int32_t)(COpticalFlow_MPM::m_offset_x * 100);        *centi_pixel_y = (int32_t)(COpticalFlow_MPM::m_offset_y * 100);

s_imagePre = s_imageCurr;
s_imageCurr = s_imageCurr == s_imageBuff1 ? s_imageBuff2 : s_imageBuff1;    // switch image buffer
return 0;

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