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谁知道这个乐队Death From Above(dfa)怎么翻译及其他资料

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 06:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 05:19


偶然在电视上的video flow看到他们的MV,romantic right,第一感觉是这个乐队有点像the white stripes,也有点像JET的某几首歌,不过仔细听来还是不一样的。乐队的最大特点就是制造噪音,在他们的biography里,noise这个词是出现了好几遍的。而这张专辑里唯一的两样乐器就是Bass和Drum,虽然很简单,但效果是不一般的!下面简单贴了点介绍,我认为粗体字的部分还是比较有意思的。

1979 is the year of my birth
1979 is the year of off the wall
1979 is the year of pleasure principle
1979 is the last year of the last cool decade
1979 is scratched into my arm
1979 is scratched into my arm
1979 is scratched into my f**king arm

~ Sebastien Grainger, Death From Above 1979"We wanted our band to be like an elephant in your living room" says Jesse F. Keeler, one half of Death From Above 1979. "That's why we gave ourselves trunks."

Of course there have been two-piece bands before. The two-piece is ingrained indelibly in the lexicon of rock: Simon and Garfunkel, The Chemical Brothers, The Carpenters, Sonny and Cher...the list goes on. It is fair to say, though, that none before have manged to make as much noise with as little instrumentation as Death From Above 1979. Death From Above 1979 is a two-piece; two friends who met in prison - Jesse F. Keeler and Sebastien Grainger - that live in a funeral parlour in Toronto. To hear them on record, it is hard to believe that the only instruments being played (with the exception of the odd flute sample or Moog oscillation) are the bass and drums. It's a bit like how Queen used to write "No One Played Synthesizers" in the sleeve notes of their early albums. Well, with Death From Above no one plays guitars. "We don't need them, and besides, why would we want to put anyone else on the payroll?"


官方网站:www.deathfromabove1979.ca (网站里有试听)
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