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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-30 08:46



热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 01:00


has good memory
地道的:has an elephant memory
use different abilities to help those in need
do something to ensure oneself's safety

Tell them to be careful when playing water sports
fall down at the corner


do one's best to learn English and get good marks on Chinese


On the way to the club,(who?)take a missing child to the police station
He is not good at English,so he needs to read and practise more.
He is always concerning about others rather than himself.
It's good manners to offer seats on buses.
appreciate his help

热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 01:00

sb has good memory.
help those people who need help with different ability.
do sth to ensure yourself’s safety.
tell them take care when they are playing water games.
fell at the turning.
study hard in English and get good score in Chinese.
take a lost boy to the policestation on the way to the club.
He is not very good at English. So he need more reading and using of English.
He cares others more than himself.
It is polite to give seats to others.
Thanks for his help.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 01:01

1. Having a good memory
2. Use different ability to help the people that need it.
3. Do something to ensure your safety.
4. Tell them not to be remiss of when they are doing water activities.
5. Falling down at the corner.
6. Try hard to learn english and get good effort with chinese as well.
7. Bring the kid who was lost to the police station on the way to the club.
8. His english is poor so he need to read and use more english.
9. He always think over other people rather than himself.
10. It is good manners to abdicate to others on the bus.
11. Appreciated his help.

为什么有些句子没有加名词???? 还得我差点不能翻译了!!!
这保证是纯点国外英文!!! 本人自己脑子翻译!!! 没错啦~~住在国外英文不差!!
我又信心!!~~ 给我加分哦~~

热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 01:01

1, there is a good memory
2, with different ability to help people in need of help
3, do something to ensure their own safety
4, to tell them when to play water sports not careless
5, I fell in turn
6, the efforts to learn English language and to better results
7, in the way to the club, with a lost child to the police station
8, his poor English, so he needs to read more in English
9, he was always very few others to consider their own
10, on the bus is a polite way
11, grateful for his help

热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 01:02

1 have a good memory
2 to help those who need help with your different abilities
3 to do something to ensure your own safty
4 to tell them to be cafeful when playing water sports
5 fall down at the corner
6 to study English hard and get a good mark in Chinese
7 send a boy who has lost his way to the police station on the way to the club
8 His English is not good so he need to read more and use more.
9 He always gives more thought to others than himself.
10 It is polite to give your sit to other people when on the bus.
11 thank him fore his help
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