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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 16:22



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 10:20

Has been hailed as a symbol of American culture of McDonald's in China is almost a household name. In the downtown section of McDonald's restaurants everywhere can see the advertisement, signs and so on. McDonald's formation and development of brands and advertising communication are inseparable. McDonald's thesis tried various forms of advertising (including signboards symbols, outdoor advertising, television ads, etc.), as well as ads, content, content, analysis of McDonald's advertising in China the formation of the spread of its brand, shaping and maintaining relationship . As well as the analysis of brand image to consumers. On the final McDonald's brand advertising dissemination of offensive,What we can be inspired and learn from.
Key words: ad advertising spread in the form of advertising McDonald's brand image to consumers

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 10:20


热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 10:21


热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 10:21

Sun-moon symbol of American culture in China is almost McDonald's is known. In flourishing sections, McDonald's restaurants can be seen everywhere, advertising signs, etc. McDonald's, the formation and development of brand advertising and communication are inseparable. Paper tries to from McDonald's forms of advertising (including the signboard symbols, outdoor advertising, television advertisement, etc.), and advertising, content, connotation, analyzes McDonald's in China for its brand advertising, shaping and maintenance, etc. Analysis of consumers and brand image. Finally the building-up of brand advertising and media's offensive, we can get what inspired and reference.
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