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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 08:01



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:29

第1个the church in Mainz, Canyon Moon Bay, and so on.

5. Please tell us flying Temple.

Possession of the name "Ka Zhaxi," coming from the viewing platform Temple (Department of tourists to live) 1 km, 8 km from the city of Deqin. "Ka Zhaxi," which means "my nine blank lines," according to legend had a Sakyamuni Buddha from Tibet to come here, so this temple was built and named "flying temple." Prince Edward has snow-capped mountains in the main hall dedicated to God, as well as Padmasambhava sleep lying Buddha statues that Ka Zhaxi. Three colors are painted on the walls of the magnificent murals, says the founder of the Gelug Sect master Tsongkhapa, the Sakyamuni Buddha, Guanyin a decade, Lok King Kong wins, the law of the Buddhist temple of the gods, as well as flying to Jiansi bamboo that the Palestinian card By fall, Deqin Ganzi, Sichuan and the Temple of the Living Buddha Temple in several portraits. Dian-zhong for the murals painted in the Ming Dynasty, a very high cultural value. Kage Bo dedicated to the equestrian statue of god-English, in order to fine sculpture. Next to the main hall to set up by the Church and burn incense and Taiwan for Dachaoshan are turning, burning incense.

6. Please tell Mainz in Mainz and in the church.

The Diqing Tibetan who are devout Buddhists as the most important part of life, but they accepted the church in Mainz, in Mainz is why the Church can be said to exist is a miracle.

In 1866, French missionary Father del Gu into the Diqing, its forces to infiltrate the northwest of Yunnan and try to be extended to Tibetan areas in the hinterland. They set up churches, the development of believers in Tibetan Buddhism a powerful force, there is a very difficult place. Very few followers, and a growing belief by people of Tibetan Buddhism by hatred. People with disabilities who can not tolerate the Catholic Church's missionary activity, sparked the Arab-Israeli Weixi lesson plans and teaching block. In 1905 the teaching Weixi, angry crowds burned the Lancang River, Nu River along the 10 churches, killing a French missionary Yubo a million South Po. The Qing government was forced by the imperialist forces, a large number of troops sent to suppress the people monks and laymen, anti-foreign religions of the masses to resist for three months, was eventually suppressed, the church to receive a huge compensation, in Mainz in Mainz in the construction of the church. In 1921, in Mainz completion of the church and become Catholic, "Diocese of Yunnan," the main church, the Church under the jurisdiction of 2 minutes, has been running a school and a hospital nuns.

Style church as a whole reflects the characteristics of the Basilika churches, and also the characteristics of the Church of Rome. The main building sitting east of the West for brick. Positive for the tall bell tower, the upper part of the clock tower, though for the Chinese Pavilion and the Chinese Wading cornices, but it ends at the top of the cross mark or confirm the identity of its Western-style. Deqin county seat from the southbound direction vici to 88 km, the car slowly across the Lancang River Bridge, then to the mountain surface water, quiet environment of Mainz in the village. "Benz" in Tibetan means "village", "" Tibetan word for "six." Mainz have been called the beautiful and rich land of fish and rice.

Mainz went in, they see a brick of Chinese and Western architecture, ranked in the pleasant shade of the world, this is the Catholic Church, as the visitors were worthy of the name of "Xana." Possession of high-rise trees, flowers, things such as the sea. Mainz in the church building is located in the central village of lush flowers and trees, back the Department of Castle Peak, surrounded by terraced fields dotted farm structures. Construction groups with the natural landscape into one style. The entire building in order to support the church as the central combination of Chinese and Western-compatible, appropriate priorities, including doors, front yard, churches, as well as the backyard of the cellar, garden, vegetable garden, orchard and so on, compact, spectacular scale. Along the outer walls of buildings which have doors, hospital flower proction, planting fruit, unique taste. Church sit west to east, French (Gothic) architecture, as a whole into a cross, riding wishful stamp 1.30 meters high, arched stone gateway to be used as and 6 meters deep into the three meters wide, and then build on top of the porch Cheng buy their own air, as high as 20 meters. Cuanjian Ding-roof pavilion for the wooden structure, with 4 and 12 in piles outside the spinal column supporting Zhang, both within and outside the block between a stone pillar fence. Clock Tower on board, panoramic view of Mainz, but also access to remote riverbank scenery. 22 meters deep into the church, 12.7 meters wide, from row 6 square pillar supporting the roof, on both sides of each window 7. Altar 3.8 meters wide, 5.75 meters into the deep, on both sides of the locker room with purification. Glass tile roof covered with homes in Palm arch two years. Grapes proced in the orchard, sweet and delicious. French missionaries brought from the Gandhi-brewed wine and utensils brewing technology, brewing technology and to pass on to the local religious people. Today, the church also maintains wine at the time of containers. If you go to Mainz, diethylene glycol can enjoy the wine Gandhi.第2个three weeks, with the blessing of the gods, the official start Dachaoshan activities. Kamiyama pilgrimage route has "transferred" and the "transfer" of the sub. "Transfer" according to a clockwise direction in order to cross the south of the "multi-carat" Pass north of the mouth and "pull" Project I, the snow-capped mountains around the whole week, Prince Edward, after cloud osumi Xicha and Nande Qin, Zuogong boundaries, the need to walk 13 Days. "Transfer" is limited to the Deqin County of flying Temple, the rain falls and the Prince Edward collapsing temple among the three fixed-line, turning, walking about 5-6 days. For most of the pilgrims coming all the way, both the Dachaoshan "transfer" or "to" life, only one or two.

In the summer of pilgrims walking on the road, there are countless flowers accompany visitors. Return of the steady stream of pilgrims on the road, leaning bamboo, bamboo pole on top of all inserted a few Myricaria film, it is the Hydropower special logo. Forward line, you can see a huge Lin Jing Fan stand when the wind, the trees covered with a red white and blue printed with Tibetan Liuzizhenyan (Mani Padme banks) and the patterns of cloth Jingfan. Dachaoshan were in Lin Jing Fan ignited to take the oriental arborvitae branches, with the smoke in the Cong Jing Fan and Mani Dui bypass in three weeks, and then on its way. Over the ridge, through the woods houses, they collapse into the village of rain, like a Shangri-la. After a village temple, who Dachaoshan Jinmiao to burn incense and worship. Again, to a cattle farm, you can see dozens like Bai Lian-km glacier melt water from the rock mp or down the left side of the glacier Jingfan a breeze, which is well-known collapse of the rain god waterfall. God may waterfall drizzle, snow Fengyi Chui, on and off this falls under the jurisdiction of the pilgrims who prostrate themselves in worship. According to the local people said that the only disaster without the benefit of its people can enjoy under the divine and Piaofei waterfall wet Yi Jin. There is no disaster blessing of the people there will be no Fufen. After that, visitors can also enjoy the rain in the collapse of the Chailang Bau (only one person through the channel, the legend is not sinful adopted), an eight Kayin (Tibetan Zhuanshu inscribed on a stone, "Stone Double seal characters "), five trees from the same root, and so unique scenery.

Prince Edward from the temple to the village of Yong Ming on the road, along with countless stones from Leiqi simple stone houses, it is said to be followers of the Dachaoshan this for themselves after death, and under the home-made, for the soul. Pilgrims took to the road, where a village or Murao Hill Project and the mouth next to the road, visitors can always see with piles of stones, stone Lei Qi and Ma Nii into the colorful, fluttering in the breeze of Jingfan, appears to be solemn, Mysterious.

Temple coming to the rain god collapse of the Dachaoshan waterfall, is more frequent contacts pedestrian routes. By 3 450 m height above sea level leading to 1 950 meters while the Lancang River. Jing Fan Man pulled through the Bridge Wing, Wing-tat and the West when the two villages, walking uphill, will see a water mill, with once by Water wheel drive and to stop this is to give local people here Water for spirituality in order to allow water to sell their expertise. This is known of the "Re Shuitang," there is a boiling hot spring water outflow reel, next to the pipe useful primer to get into the hot springs of the two Shui Nichi, visitors to this hot springs bath, is said to have illnesses and misfortunes of the effectiveness of .

Tibetan Buddhists believe that each turn a mountain, can eliminate some sin, so that the soul be purified; each to be completed by all means to their dream one step closer to heaven; pilgrimage in en route to be the soul means that the fall from the sky Be able to bounce back into heaven. Transferred by road is only a pious, brave man to complete the roads, communication and a dream of paradise in the road, life is a memorable adventure trip. 第3个these words also save the life of the hero who blurted out the words used. So what exactly is meant by "Buddha"? In fact, the Buddha was pagoda, although the Chinese pagoda for all people, no stranger to, but if asked, "What is the purpose of having pagoda?" Remains a difficult To answer the question, which we need to understand the origin of the pagoda, as well as the use of its type, structure and so on.

Tower, known as Sanskrit stupa, in ancient India is the meaning of the graves. From Sanskrit into Chinese in India, has emerged in the Buddha map, and so on who the name of Buddha, and the grave side, round graves, the name of free translation, and so significantly higher. The "tower" is the ancient Chinese people from India to give this building a very figurative name, was first seen in the Jin Dynasty Ge Hong wrote the "Court". Legend has it that Sakyamuni Buddha and Fastreact de-pan, his disciples to his body cremated, the remains of the fire in the condensation become colorful, do not hit the breaking of crystals, known as Sheli Zi. Legend has it that Sakyamuni was also left behind the body of his bones, head bones, teeth, hair, finger and so on are all the Buddha She Lizi. At that time, there are eight countries of the King heard that the Drug Jianie release, leading the soldiers will come for the Buddha relic, they were the last to be a, according to India's age-old traditions and customs in their country to build a tower to worship. These are below the pagoda palace, which is a collection of relics of the Buddha Sakyamuni. As the followers of Buddhism Sakyamuni Buddha She Lizi will be seen as a supreme sacred items, the pagoda is not only to be released Jianie Chai symbol of the Buddhist disciples who is the object of worship. Buddhism: If the faithful regularly pray around the pagoda, in the afterlife will be able to obtain the highest merit and rewards. So, right around the pagoda for worship, has become monks at the time of day will do the homework. Moreover, the pagoda is to build itself a story rather than act. Chai Jianie release in two years after the dynasty's peacock India has opened the Ashoka on the first eight stupa in the underground palace of the seven towers, She Lizi out, they were divided into many, and then he spread Buddhism in the majority of the region Generally built to support tower. This is also often the generations to follow the Buddhist believers. Today, all over the stupa of the Buddha in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, in China's vast land, there are ancient tower on the number of 10,000.

Having said that, people can not help asking: so many of the pagoda are following it's really the Buddha who Shakanai She Lizi? Of course not, really dedicated body of the pagoda is a relic of the few, and most of the Buddha The following column is dedicated to the symbolic relic of the Buddha. What to do this symbolic relic? Buddhist, said: believers have stupa built, if I can not find the Buddha's body She Lizi, can be gold, silver, glass, crystal, agate, and other treasures to be replaced; if It can not find these treasures can also be great to clean the beach to pick up the sand, or collect some herbs, bamboo root section to create bone. As long as sincerely with the Xinfo heart, a symbol of these items in the eyes of the faithful will have a completely true as Shenfo relic of the general function and role. Another focus of the Buddhist classics of the Buddha and thinking of all the wisdom of Buddhism believers to the realm of de Drug beacon, so that in some ancient tower, a number of Buddhist classics have been enshrined as a relic in the tower Are. Classic is different from the real bone of the body, so pagoda in the collection of classic Buddhist been called "holy bodies relic." Regardless of who is the real bone or bone bodies, the pagoda where they will be called "stupa."

However, there is a pagoda only be used as a symbol of the Buddha, not buried under the tower She Lizi, it does not have the nature of the graves, such as holes in the grottoes carved out of stone pagoda is one such 6 This tower in the Buddhist Sanskrit literature called Chaitya, who called the Chinese "to support" or "at the end of the system."

Any form of culture and the arts are not fixed, immutable, as an important symbol of the Buddhist faith, one of the pagoda is the case. When the construction of the pagoda from India to thinking in all directions, all regions of the followers of Buddhism in India pagoda-style building at the same time, has been a combination of the nation's culture, to create their own favorite style pagoda. As a result of the development of Buddhism in history, a variety of emerging pagoda, Buddhist beliefs into ancient architectural art of all ethnic groups in the Flower. China is also a wide range of the ancient tower, from the looks of their shape and structure of the form, can be roughly divided into the following types:

(1) tower-style pavilion: in the ancient China of the oldest, the highest body, to preserve the largest number of Han nationality is a unique architectural style pagoda. This distance between each tower's more, looked a like a high-level pavilion. Comparison of body tall, the tower in general have a masonry or wooden stairs, for people to climb the television, remote access Vision, and the tower's floors and floors of the tower is often the line. Some of the towers, but also intends to create Fangmu structures such as pillars and doors and windows.

(2) tower Miyan Shi: China's ancient tower in the number and status second only to the pavilion-style tower, the general body also tall, it is the pavilion by the Wooden Pagoda-style brick structure to the development of the evolution from time to time. This high level of the first tower, the first layer over the distance between the layers is particularly short on each floor of the tower close canopy of overlapping. The tower is within the general air of the drum, the board can not access Vision. Some Mi Yanshi in the tower when the proction is solid. Even with the tower can climb stairs, and within the actual number of floors have to look far less than shown by the light-rise tower. Wealthy Fangmu structure of the building most of the decorations on the first floor of the tower.

(3) follow-up bowl-tower: India is the oldest form of traditional pagoda in China very early in the construction of the main popular since the Yuan Dynasty. It's part of the tower is a flat circular bowl cover, above a large resettlement of Tasha, the following have the support Xu Mizuo. This was e to the Tower of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet to use more, so it was known as "La Mata." Also because of its shape much like a bottle, it is also known as a "tower-Aquarius."

(4) the throne of King Kong-style tower: This is the name for its own portfolio of the case, and the specific shapes are diverse. Its basic characteristic is: below the base of a tall, the seat has a five-tower, located in the middle of a relatively tall tower, and at the four corners of the tower is relatively short. Five base of the tower shape does not necessarily, some of the Miyan Shi, and some follow-up is bowl-like. This column is dedicated to the Buddhist community in secret to teach King Kong 5 relic of Lord Buddha pagoda, in popular in China after the Ming Dynasty.

(5) tower-style Pavilion: India is a review of the bowl-tower and the ancient traditions of the Chinese Pavilion construction of a combination of ancient forms, but also has a long history. The tower looks like a pavilion, are single, some also in the top of an additional Xiaoge. In the tower within the general set up shrines, Buddha placement. As a result of this simple structure of the tower, not the cost, easy-to-repair, many of the monks who had been used as Muta.

(6) Flower Tower: Tower has single flowers as well as the high-rise. Its main features are in the upper half of the tower Decorative floriation complex, looks like a huge bouquet of flowers, may be decorated from the Pavilion and at the top of the tower-style pavilion, tower Miyan Shi tow

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30




400分 哦也·~~~~~

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:31


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:31

Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Welcome, everyone!

Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place.

Dali is a world –famous tourist attraction. It is rich in cultural heritages and tourist resources. Dali is widely claimed as “the Oriental Switzerland”, “the Chinese Geneva” and “the Pearl on the Yunnan Plateau”. Each year, it attracts thousands of tourists both at home and from abroad to pay a visit. For example, the Cangsang mountain, Erhai lake, Dali Ancient city and the Three Pagodas are all important resorts in Dali. And we are all familiar with the saying:”wind, flowers, snow and the moon”, which refers to the snow on Cangshan mountain, the moon of the Erhai Lake, the wind of Shangguan county and the flowers in Xiaguang county. There are regarded as the best sight of Dali. We will enjoy them later.

The Bai Nationality is the chief nationality in Dali Prefecture. It has the second biggest population among the 25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan, totaling more than 1,000,000 people. The Bai people have a long history and a well-developed culture. Under the influence of the Han people, some of their customs and habits are quite similar to those of the Han people. As our bus keeps moving on towards Dali, you will see more and more houses and villiages that have a strong local colour of the Bai people.

Dali City is the capital of the Bai Autonomous Prefecture. As the largest city in the west of Yunnan, it covers an area of 1,400 square kilometers with a population of more than 450,000. In addition, Dali City is the political, economic and cultural center of Dali, as well as one of the important gateways to the Southeast Asian nations.

OK, everyone, we are now at the Three Pagodas Temple. Let’s go inside and see.

Three Pagodas are the ancient landmarks. They have been the symbol of Dali. The temple located in the piedmont of Cangshan mountain and the near the Erhai Lake. The three pagodas are the only building of the temple. Because the temple went through the war and has been ruined. In Chinese we call it “cong shen”, which means admiring the Buddha, and this Buddha refers to the 观音.

After cross this plaza we will be in the temple. See ,the three pagodas stand there. The major Pagoda, built ring the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. On its front, four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuring Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.” From this, we can conclude that one of the reasons to built this pagoda is to prevent disasters. This pagoda, we call it “千寻”.

I am sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century ring the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is divided into 10 tiers. They are made from bricks.

The three pagodas have a history of more than 1,000 years. They have warthered the storms and earthquakes several years. Still, the three pagodas stand firm and erect. They clearly show us the exquisite and superb craftsmanship of the ancient Chinese architecture.

In recent years, the local government renovated the three pagodas. During the renovation, inside the major pagoda were found lots of treasures: Buddhist Sciptures, gold, silver, bronze and iorn wares, pearl, agate, amber, jade and some herbs, totaling more than 600 pieces.

These three pagodas make a beautiful picture. If seen from a far distance, you will have such a feeling that how can this miracle exist in this world. Every time when I saw them, I always wondered that. They are really the wonderful works made by Bai people.

This way, please, everyone. Now we can see the Statue of Yutong 观音. It is a rebuilt one, the original one was destroyed before. This statue is different from other statues of观音 in other places around China. What’s the difference? Please look at it clearly. It’s face looks like a woman’s face, and it’s body resembles a man’ s body. This feature can not be found in other statue.

After visiting the temple, we will go to enjoy the scenery of Cangshan mountain and Erhai Lake, Ok ,Let’s go, everyone.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:29

第1个the church in Mainz, Canyon Moon Bay, and so on.

5. Please tell us flying Temple.

Possession of the name "Ka Zhaxi," coming from the viewing platform Temple (Department of tourists to live) 1 km, 8 km from the city of Deqin. "Ka Zhaxi," which means "my nine blank lines," according to legend had a Sakyamuni Buddha from Tibet to come here, so this temple was built and named "flying temple." Prince Edward has snow-capped mountains in the main hall dedicated to God, as well as Padmasambhava sleep lying Buddha statues that Ka Zhaxi. Three colors are painted on the walls of the magnificent murals, says the founder of the Gelug Sect master Tsongkhapa, the Sakyamuni Buddha, Guanyin a decade, Lok King Kong wins, the law of the Buddhist temple of the gods, as well as flying to Jiansi bamboo that the Palestinian card By fall, Deqin Ganzi, Sichuan and the Temple of the Living Buddha Temple in several portraits. Dian-zhong for the murals painted in the Ming Dynasty, a very high cultural value. Kage Bo dedicated to the equestrian statue of god-English, in order to fine sculpture. Next to the main hall to set up by the Church and burn incense and Taiwan for Dachaoshan are turning, burning incense.

6. Please tell Mainz in Mainz and in the church.

The Diqing Tibetan who are devout Buddhists as the most important part of life, but they accepted the church in Mainz, in Mainz is why the Church can be said to exist is a miracle.

In 1866, French missionary Father del Gu into the Diqing, its forces to infiltrate the northwest of Yunnan and try to be extended to Tibetan areas in the hinterland. They set up churches, the development of believers in Tibetan Buddhism a powerful force, there is a very difficult place. Very few followers, and a growing belief by people of Tibetan Buddhism by hatred. People with disabilities who can not tolerate the Catholic Church's missionary activity, sparked the Arab-Israeli Weixi lesson plans and teaching block. In 1905 the teaching Weixi, angry crowds burned the Lancang River, Nu River along the 10 churches, killing a French missionary Yubo a million South Po. The Qing government was forced by the imperialist forces, a large number of troops sent to suppress the people monks and laymen, anti-foreign religions of the masses to resist for three months, was eventually suppressed, the church to receive a huge compensation, in Mainz in Mainz in the construction of the church. In 1921, in Mainz completion of the church and become Catholic, "Diocese of Yunnan," the main church, the Church under the jurisdiction of 2 minutes, has been running a school and a hospital nuns.

Style church as a whole reflects the characteristics of the Basilika churches, and also the characteristics of the Church of Rome. The main building sitting east of the West for brick. Positive for the tall bell tower, the upper part of the clock tower, though for the Chinese Pavilion and the Chinese Wading cornices, but it ends at the top of the cross mark or confirm the identity of its Western-style. Deqin county seat from the southbound direction vici to 88 km, the car slowly across the Lancang River Bridge, then to the mountain surface water, quiet environment of Mainz in the village. "Benz" in Tibetan means "village", "" Tibetan word for "six." Mainz have been called the beautiful and rich land of fish and rice.

Mainz went in, they see a brick of Chinese and Western architecture, ranked in the pleasant shade of the world, this is the Catholic Church, as the visitors were worthy of the name of "Xana." Possession of high-rise trees, flowers, things such as the sea. Mainz in the church building is located in the central village of lush flowers and trees, back the Department of Castle Peak, surrounded by terraced fields dotted farm structures. Construction groups with the natural landscape into one style. The entire building in order to support the church as the central combination of Chinese and Western-compatible, appropriate priorities, including doors, front yard, churches, as well as the backyard of the cellar, garden, vegetable garden, orchard and so on, compact, spectacular scale. Along the outer walls of buildings which have doors, hospital flower proction, planting fruit, unique taste. Church sit west to east, French (Gothic) architecture, as a whole into a cross, riding wishful stamp 1.30 meters high, arched stone gateway to be used as and 6 meters deep into the three meters wide, and then build on top of the porch Cheng buy their own air, as high as 20 meters. Cuanjian Ding-roof pavilion for the wooden structure, with 4 and 12 in piles outside the spinal column supporting Zhang, both within and outside the block between a stone pillar fence. Clock Tower on board, panoramic view of Mainz, but also access to remote riverbank scenery. 22 meters deep into the church, 12.7 meters wide, from row 6 square pillar supporting the roof, on both sides of each window 7. Altar 3.8 meters wide, 5.75 meters into the deep, on both sides of the locker room with purification. Glass tile roof covered with homes in Palm arch two years. Grapes proced in the orchard, sweet and delicious. French missionaries brought from the Gandhi-brewed wine and utensils brewing technology, brewing technology and to pass on to the local religious people. Today, the church also maintains wine at the time of containers. If you go to Mainz, diethylene glycol can enjoy the wine Gandhi.第2个three weeks, with the blessing of the gods, the official start Dachaoshan activities. Kamiyama pilgrimage route has "transferred" and the "transfer" of the sub. "Transfer" according to a clockwise direction in order to cross the south of the "multi-carat" Pass north of the mouth and "pull" Project I, the snow-capped mountains around the whole week, Prince Edward, after cloud osumi Xicha and Nande Qin, Zuogong boundaries, the need to walk 13 Days. "Transfer" is limited to the Deqin County of flying Temple, the rain falls and the Prince Edward collapsing temple among the three fixed-line, turning, walking about 5-6 days. For most of the pilgrims coming all the way, both the Dachaoshan "transfer" or "to" life, only one or two.

In the summer of pilgrims walking on the road, there are countless flowers accompany visitors. Return of the steady stream of pilgrims on the road, leaning bamboo, bamboo pole on top of all inserted a few Myricaria film, it is the Hydropower special logo. Forward line, you can see a huge Lin Jing Fan stand when the wind, the trees covered with a red white and blue printed with Tibetan Liuzizhenyan (Mani Padme banks) and the patterns of cloth Jingfan. Dachaoshan were in Lin Jing Fan ignited to take the oriental arborvitae branches, with the smoke in the Cong Jing Fan and Mani Dui bypass in three weeks, and then on its way. Over the ridge, through the woods houses, they collapse into the village of rain, like a Shangri-la. After a village temple, who Dachaoshan Jinmiao to burn incense and worship. Again, to a cattle farm, you can see dozens like Bai Lian-km glacier melt water from the rock mp or down the left side of the glacier Jingfan a breeze, which is well-known collapse of the rain god waterfall. God may waterfall drizzle, snow Fengyi Chui, on and off this falls under the jurisdiction of the pilgrims who prostrate themselves in worship. According to the local people said that the only disaster without the benefit of its people can enjoy under the divine and Piaofei waterfall wet Yi Jin. There is no disaster blessing of the people there will be no Fufen. After that, visitors can also enjoy the rain in the collapse of the Chailang Bau (only one person through the channel, the legend is not sinful adopted), an eight Kayin (Tibetan Zhuanshu inscribed on a stone, "Stone Double seal characters "), five trees from the same root, and so unique scenery.

Prince Edward from the temple to the village of Yong Ming on the road, along with countless stones from Leiqi simple stone houses, it is said to be followers of the Dachaoshan this for themselves after death, and under the home-made, for the soul. Pilgrims took to the road, where a village or Murao Hill Project and the mouth next to the road, visitors can always see with piles of stones, stone Lei Qi and Ma Nii into the colorful, fluttering in the breeze of Jingfan, appears to be solemn, Mysterious.

Temple coming to the rain god collapse of the Dachaoshan waterfall, is more frequent contacts pedestrian routes. By 3 450 m height above sea level leading to 1 950 meters while the Lancang River. Jing Fan Man pulled through the Bridge Wing, Wing-tat and the West when the two villages, walking uphill, will see a water mill, with once by Water wheel drive and to stop this is to give local people here Water for spirituality in order to allow water to sell their expertise. This is known of the "Re Shuitang," there is a boiling hot spring water outflow reel, next to the pipe useful primer to get into the hot springs of the two Shui Nichi, visitors to this hot springs bath, is said to have illnesses and misfortunes of the effectiveness of .

Tibetan Buddhists believe that each turn a mountain, can eliminate some sin, so that the soul be purified; each to be completed by all means to their dream one step closer to heaven; pilgrimage in en route to be the soul means that the fall from the sky Be able to bounce back into heaven. Transferred by road is only a pious, brave man to complete the roads, communication and a dream of paradise in the road, life is a memorable adventure trip. 第3个these words also save the life of the hero who blurted out the words used. So what exactly is meant by "Buddha"? In fact, the Buddha was pagoda, although the Chinese pagoda for all people, no stranger to, but if asked, "What is the purpose of having pagoda?" Remains a difficult To answer the question, which we need to understand the origin of the pagoda, as well as the use of its type, structure and so on.

Tower, known as Sanskrit stupa, in ancient India is the meaning of the graves. From Sanskrit into Chinese in India, has emerged in the Buddha map, and so on who the name of Buddha, and the grave side, round graves, the name of free translation, and so significantly higher. The "tower" is the ancient Chinese people from India to give this building a very figurative name, was first seen in the Jin Dynasty Ge Hong wrote the "Court". Legend has it that Sakyamuni Buddha and Fastreact de-pan, his disciples to his body cremated, the remains of the fire in the condensation become colorful, do not hit the breaking of crystals, known as Sheli Zi. Legend has it that Sakyamuni was also left behind the body of his bones, head bones, teeth, hair, finger and so on are all the Buddha She Lizi. At that time, there are eight countries of the King heard that the Drug Jianie release, leading the soldiers will come for the Buddha relic, they were the last to be a, according to India's age-old traditions and customs in their country to build a tower to worship. These are below the pagoda palace, which is a collection of relics of the Buddha Sakyamuni. As the followers of Buddhism Sakyamuni Buddha She Lizi will be seen as a supreme sacred items, the pagoda is not only to be released Jianie Chai symbol of the Buddhist disciples who is the object of worship. Buddhism: If the faithful regularly pray around the pagoda, in the afterlife will be able to obtain the highest merit and rewards. So, right around the pagoda for worship, has become monks at the time of day will do the homework. Moreover, the pagoda is to build itself a story rather than act. Chai Jianie release in two years after the dynasty's peacock India has opened the Ashoka on the first eight stupa in the underground palace of the seven towers, She Lizi out, they were divided into many, and then he spread Buddhism in the majority of the region Generally built to support tower. This is also often the generations to follow the Buddhist believers. Today, all over the stupa of the Buddha in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, in China's vast land, there are ancient tower on the number of 10,000.

Having said that, people can not help asking: so many of the pagoda are following it's really the Buddha who Shakanai She Lizi? Of course not, really dedicated body of the pagoda is a relic of the few, and most of the Buddha The following column is dedicated to the symbolic relic of the Buddha. What to do this symbolic relic? Buddhist, said: believers have stupa built, if I can not find the Buddha's body She Lizi, can be gold, silver, glass, crystal, agate, and other treasures to be replaced; if It can not find these treasures can also be great to clean the beach to pick up the sand, or collect some herbs, bamboo root section to create bone. As long as sincerely with the Xinfo heart, a symbol of these items in the eyes of the faithful will have a completely true as Shenfo relic of the general function and role. Another focus of the Buddhist classics of the Buddha and thinking of all the wisdom of Buddhism believers to the realm of de Drug beacon, so that in some ancient tower, a number of Buddhist classics have been enshrined as a relic in the tower Are. Classic is different from the real bone of the body, so pagoda in the collection of classic Buddhist been called "holy bodies relic." Regardless of who is the real bone or bone bodies, the pagoda where they will be called "stupa."

However, there is a pagoda only be used as a symbol of the Buddha, not buried under the tower She Lizi, it does not have the nature of the graves, such as holes in the grottoes carved out of stone pagoda is one such 6 This tower in the Buddhist Sanskrit literature called Chaitya, who called the Chinese "to support" or "at the end of the system."

Any form of culture and the arts are not fixed, immutable, as an important symbol of the Buddhist faith, one of the pagoda is the case. When the construction of the pagoda from India to thinking in all directions, all regions of the followers of Buddhism in India pagoda-style building at the same time, has been a combination of the nation's culture, to create their own favorite style pagoda. As a result of the development of Buddhism in history, a variety of emerging pagoda, Buddhist beliefs into ancient architectural art of all ethnic groups in the Flower. China is also a wide range of the ancient tower, from the looks of their shape and structure of the form, can be roughly divided into the following types:

(1) tower-style pavilion: in the ancient China of the oldest, the highest body, to preserve the largest number of Han nationality is a unique architectural style pagoda. This distance between each tower's more, looked a like a high-level pavilion. Comparison of body tall, the tower in general have a masonry or wooden stairs, for people to climb the television, remote access Vision, and the tower's floors and floors of the tower is often the line. Some of the towers, but also intends to create Fangmu structures such as pillars and doors and windows.

(2) tower Miyan Shi: China's ancient tower in the number and status second only to the pavilion-style tower, the general body also tall, it is the pavilion by the Wooden Pagoda-style brick structure to the development of the evolution from time to time. This high level of the first tower, the first layer over the distance between the layers is particularly short on each floor of the tower close canopy of overlapping. The tower is within the general air of the drum, the board can not access Vision. Some Mi Yanshi in the tower when the proction is solid. Even with the tower can climb stairs, and within the actual number of floors have to look far less than shown by the light-rise tower. Wealthy Fangmu structure of the building most of the decorations on the first floor of the tower.

(3) follow-up bowl-tower: India is the oldest form of traditional pagoda in China very early in the construction of the main popular since the Yuan Dynasty. It's part of the tower is a flat circular bowl cover, above a large resettlement of Tasha, the following have the support Xu Mizuo. This was e to the Tower of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet to use more, so it was known as "La Mata." Also because of its shape much like a bottle, it is also known as a "tower-Aquarius."

(4) the throne of King Kong-style tower: This is the name for its own portfolio of the case, and the specific shapes are diverse. Its basic characteristic is: below the base of a tall, the seat has a five-tower, located in the middle of a relatively tall tower, and at the four corners of the tower is relatively short. Five base of the tower shape does not necessarily, some of the Miyan Shi, and some follow-up is bowl-like. This column is dedicated to the Buddhist community in secret to teach King Kong 5 relic of Lord Buddha pagoda, in popular in China after the Ming Dynasty.

(5) tower-style Pavilion: India is a review of the bowl-tower and the ancient traditions of the Chinese Pavilion construction of a combination of ancient forms, but also has a long history. The tower looks like a pavilion, are single, some also in the top of an additional Xiaoge. In the tower within the general set up shrines, Buddha placement. As a result of this simple structure of the tower, not the cost, easy-to-repair, many of the monks who had been used as Muta.

(6) Flower Tower: Tower has single flowers as well as the high-rise. Its main features are in the upper half of the tower Decorative floriation complex, looks like a huge bouquet of flowers, may be decorated from the Pavilion and at the top of the tower-style pavilion, tower Miyan Shi tow

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30




400分 哦也·~~~~~

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:29

第1个the church in Mainz, Canyon Moon Bay, and so on.

5. Please tell us flying Temple.

Possession of the name "Ka Zhaxi," coming from the viewing platform Temple (Department of tourists to live) 1 km, 8 km from the city of Deqin. "Ka Zhaxi," which means "my nine blank lines," according to legend had a Sakyamuni Buddha from Tibet to come here, so this temple was built and named "flying temple." Prince Edward has snow-capped mountains in the main hall dedicated to God, as well as Padmasambhava sleep lying Buddha statues that Ka Zhaxi. Three colors are painted on the walls of the magnificent murals, says the founder of the Gelug Sect master Tsongkhapa, the Sakyamuni Buddha, Guanyin a decade, Lok King Kong wins, the law of the Buddhist temple of the gods, as well as flying to Jiansi bamboo that the Palestinian card By fall, Deqin Ganzi, Sichuan and the Temple of the Living Buddha Temple in several portraits. Dian-zhong for the murals painted in the Ming Dynasty, a very high cultural value. Kage Bo dedicated to the equestrian statue of god-English, in order to fine sculpture. Next to the main hall to set up by the Church and burn incense and Taiwan for Dachaoshan are turning, burning incense.

6. Please tell Mainz in Mainz and in the church.

The Diqing Tibetan who are devout Buddhists as the most important part of life, but they accepted the church in Mainz, in Mainz is why the Church can be said to exist is a miracle.

In 1866, French missionary Father del Gu into the Diqing, its forces to infiltrate the northwest of Yunnan and try to be extended to Tibetan areas in the hinterland. They set up churches, the development of believers in Tibetan Buddhism a powerful force, there is a very difficult place. Very few followers, and a growing belief by people of Tibetan Buddhism by hatred. People with disabilities who can not tolerate the Catholic Church's missionary activity, sparked the Arab-Israeli Weixi lesson plans and teaching block. In 1905 the teaching Weixi, angry crowds burned the Lancang River, Nu River along the 10 churches, killing a French missionary Yubo a million South Po. The Qing government was forced by the imperialist forces, a large number of troops sent to suppress the people monks and laymen, anti-foreign religions of the masses to resist for three months, was eventually suppressed, the church to receive a huge compensation, in Mainz in Mainz in the construction of the church. In 1921, in Mainz completion of the church and become Catholic, "Diocese of Yunnan," the main church, the Church under the jurisdiction of 2 minutes, has been running a school and a hospital nuns.

Style church as a whole reflects the characteristics of the Basilika churches, and also the characteristics of the Church of Rome. The main building sitting east of the West for brick. Positive for the tall bell tower, the upper part of the clock tower, though for the Chinese Pavilion and the Chinese Wading cornices, but it ends at the top of the cross mark or confirm the identity of its Western-style. Deqin county seat from the southbound direction vici to 88 km, the car slowly across the Lancang River Bridge, then to the mountain surface water, quiet environment of Mainz in the village. "Benz" in Tibetan means "village", "" Tibetan word for "six." Mainz have been called the beautiful and rich land of fish and rice.

Mainz went in, they see a brick of Chinese and Western architecture, ranked in the pleasant shade of the world, this is the Catholic Church, as the visitors were worthy of the name of "Xana." Possession of high-rise trees, flowers, things such as the sea. Mainz in the church building is located in the central village of lush flowers and trees, back the Department of Castle Peak, surrounded by terraced fields dotted farm structures. Construction groups with the natural landscape into one style. The entire building in order to support the church as the central combination of Chinese and Western-compatible, appropriate priorities, including doors, front yard, churches, as well as the backyard of the cellar, garden, vegetable garden, orchard and so on, compact, spectacular scale. Along the outer walls of buildings which have doors, hospital flower proction, planting fruit, unique taste. Church sit west to east, French (Gothic) architecture, as a whole into a cross, riding wishful stamp 1.30 meters high, arched stone gateway to be used as and 6 meters deep into the three meters wide, and then build on top of the porch Cheng buy their own air, as high as 20 meters. Cuanjian Ding-roof pavilion for the wooden structure, with 4 and 12 in piles outside the spinal column supporting Zhang, both within and outside the block between a stone pillar fence. Clock Tower on board, panoramic view of Mainz, but also access to remote riverbank scenery. 22 meters deep into the church, 12.7 meters wide, from row 6 square pillar supporting the roof, on both sides of each window 7. Altar 3.8 meters wide, 5.75 meters into the deep, on both sides of the locker room with purification. Glass tile roof covered with homes in Palm arch two years. Grapes proced in the orchard, sweet and delicious. French missionaries brought from the Gandhi-brewed wine and utensils brewing technology, brewing technology and to pass on to the local religious people. Today, the church also maintains wine at the time of containers. If you go to Mainz, diethylene glycol can enjoy the wine Gandhi.第2个three weeks, with the blessing of the gods, the official start Dachaoshan activities. Kamiyama pilgrimage route has "transferred" and the "transfer" of the sub. "Transfer" according to a clockwise direction in order to cross the south of the "multi-carat" Pass north of the mouth and "pull" Project I, the snow-capped mountains around the whole week, Prince Edward, after cloud osumi Xicha and Nande Qin, Zuogong boundaries, the need to walk 13 Days. "Transfer" is limited to the Deqin County of flying Temple, the rain falls and the Prince Edward collapsing temple among the three fixed-line, turning, walking about 5-6 days. For most of the pilgrims coming all the way, both the Dachaoshan "transfer" or "to" life, only one or two.

In the summer of pilgrims walking on the road, there are countless flowers accompany visitors. Return of the steady stream of pilgrims on the road, leaning bamboo, bamboo pole on top of all inserted a few Myricaria film, it is the Hydropower special logo. Forward line, you can see a huge Lin Jing Fan stand when the wind, the trees covered with a red white and blue printed with Tibetan Liuzizhenyan (Mani Padme banks) and the patterns of cloth Jingfan. Dachaoshan were in Lin Jing Fan ignited to take the oriental arborvitae branches, with the smoke in the Cong Jing Fan and Mani Dui bypass in three weeks, and then on its way. Over the ridge, through the woods houses, they collapse into the village of rain, like a Shangri-la. After a village temple, who Dachaoshan Jinmiao to burn incense and worship. Again, to a cattle farm, you can see dozens like Bai Lian-km glacier melt water from the rock mp or down the left side of the glacier Jingfan a breeze, which is well-known collapse of the rain god waterfall. God may waterfall drizzle, snow Fengyi Chui, on and off this falls under the jurisdiction of the pilgrims who prostrate themselves in worship. According to the local people said that the only disaster without the benefit of its people can enjoy under the divine and Piaofei waterfall wet Yi Jin. There is no disaster blessing of the people there will be no Fufen. After that, visitors can also enjoy the rain in the collapse of the Chailang Bau (only one person through the channel, the legend is not sinful adopted), an eight Kayin (Tibetan Zhuanshu inscribed on a stone, "Stone Double seal characters "), five trees from the same root, and so unique scenery.

Prince Edward from the temple to the village of Yong Ming on the road, along with countless stones from Leiqi simple stone houses, it is said to be followers of the Dachaoshan this for themselves after death, and under the home-made, for the soul. Pilgrims took to the road, where a village or Murao Hill Project and the mouth next to the road, visitors can always see with piles of stones, stone Lei Qi and Ma Nii into the colorful, fluttering in the breeze of Jingfan, appears to be solemn, Mysterious.

Temple coming to the rain god collapse of the Dachaoshan waterfall, is more frequent contacts pedestrian routes. By 3 450 m height above sea level leading to 1 950 meters while the Lancang River. Jing Fan Man pulled through the Bridge Wing, Wing-tat and the West when the two villages, walking uphill, will see a water mill, with once by Water wheel drive and to stop this is to give local people here Water for spirituality in order to allow water to sell their expertise. This is known of the "Re Shuitang," there is a boiling hot spring water outflow reel, next to the pipe useful primer to get into the hot springs of the two Shui Nichi, visitors to this hot springs bath, is said to have illnesses and misfortunes of the effectiveness of .

Tibetan Buddhists believe that each turn a mountain, can eliminate some sin, so that the soul be purified; each to be completed by all means to their dream one step closer to heaven; pilgrimage in en route to be the soul means that the fall from the sky Be able to bounce back into heaven. Transferred by road is only a pious, brave man to complete the roads, communication and a dream of paradise in the road, life is a memorable adventure trip. 第3个these words also save the life of the hero who blurted out the words used. So what exactly is meant by "Buddha"? In fact, the Buddha was pagoda, although the Chinese pagoda for all people, no stranger to, but if asked, "What is the purpose of having pagoda?" Remains a difficult To answer the question, which we need to understand the origin of the pagoda, as well as the use of its type, structure and so on.

Tower, known as Sanskrit stupa, in ancient India is the meaning of the graves. From Sanskrit into Chinese in India, has emerged in the Buddha map, and so on who the name of Buddha, and the grave side, round graves, the name of free translation, and so significantly higher. The "tower" is the ancient Chinese people from India to give this building a very figurative name, was first seen in the Jin Dynasty Ge Hong wrote the "Court". Legend has it that Sakyamuni Buddha and Fastreact de-pan, his disciples to his body cremated, the remains of the fire in the condensation become colorful, do not hit the breaking of crystals, known as Sheli Zi. Legend has it that Sakyamuni was also left behind the body of his bones, head bones, teeth, hair, finger and so on are all the Buddha She Lizi. At that time, there are eight countries of the King heard that the Drug Jianie release, leading the soldiers will come for the Buddha relic, they were the last to be a, according to India's age-old traditions and customs in their country to build a tower to worship. These are below the pagoda palace, which is a collection of relics of the Buddha Sakyamuni. As the followers of Buddhism Sakyamuni Buddha She Lizi will be seen as a supreme sacred items, the pagoda is not only to be released Jianie Chai symbol of the Buddhist disciples who is the object of worship. Buddhism: If the faithful regularly pray around the pagoda, in the afterlife will be able to obtain the highest merit and rewards. So, right around the pagoda for worship, has become monks at the time of day will do the homework. Moreover, the pagoda is to build itself a story rather than act. Chai Jianie release in two years after the dynasty's peacock India has opened the Ashoka on the first eight stupa in the underground palace of the seven towers, She Lizi out, they were divided into many, and then he spread Buddhism in the majority of the region Generally built to support tower. This is also often the generations to follow the Buddhist believers. Today, all over the stupa of the Buddha in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, in China's vast land, there are ancient tower on the number of 10,000.

Having said that, people can not help asking: so many of the pagoda are following it's really the Buddha who Shakanai She Lizi? Of course not, really dedicated body of the pagoda is a relic of the few, and most of the Buddha The following column is dedicated to the symbolic relic of the Buddha. What to do this symbolic relic? Buddhist, said: believers have stupa built, if I can not find the Buddha's body She Lizi, can be gold, silver, glass, crystal, agate, and other treasures to be replaced; if It can not find these treasures can also be great to clean the beach to pick up the sand, or collect some herbs, bamboo root section to create bone. As long as sincerely with the Xinfo heart, a symbol of these items in the eyes of the faithful will have a completely true as Shenfo relic of the general function and role. Another focus of the Buddhist classics of the Buddha and thinking of all the wisdom of Buddhism believers to the realm of de Drug beacon, so that in some ancient tower, a number of Buddhist classics have been enshrined as a relic in the tower Are. Classic is different from the real bone of the body, so pagoda in the collection of classic Buddhist been called "holy bodies relic." Regardless of who is the real bone or bone bodies, the pagoda where they will be called "stupa."

However, there is a pagoda only be used as a symbol of the Buddha, not buried under the tower She Lizi, it does not have the nature of the graves, such as holes in the grottoes carved out of stone pagoda is one such 6 This tower in the Buddhist Sanskrit literature called Chaitya, who called the Chinese "to support" or "at the end of the system."

Any form of culture and the arts are not fixed, immutable, as an important symbol of the Buddhist faith, one of the pagoda is the case. When the construction of the pagoda from India to thinking in all directions, all regions of the followers of Buddhism in India pagoda-style building at the same time, has been a combination of the nation's culture, to create their own favorite style pagoda. As a result of the development of Buddhism in history, a variety of emerging pagoda, Buddhist beliefs into ancient architectural art of all ethnic groups in the Flower. China is also a wide range of the ancient tower, from the looks of their shape and structure of the form, can be roughly divided into the following types:

(1) tower-style pavilion: in the ancient China of the oldest, the highest body, to preserve the largest number of Han nationality is a unique architectural style pagoda. This distance between each tower's more, looked a like a high-level pavilion. Comparison of body tall, the tower in general have a masonry or wooden stairs, for people to climb the television, remote access Vision, and the tower's floors and floors of the tower is often the line. Some of the towers, but also intends to create Fangmu structures such as pillars and doors and windows.

(2) tower Miyan Shi: China's ancient tower in the number and status second only to the pavilion-style tower, the general body also tall, it is the pavilion by the Wooden Pagoda-style brick structure to the development of the evolution from time to time. This high level of the first tower, the first layer over the distance between the layers is particularly short on each floor of the tower close canopy of overlapping. The tower is within the general air of the drum, the board can not access Vision. Some Mi Yanshi in the tower when the proction is solid. Even with the tower can climb stairs, and within the actual number of floors have to look far less than shown by the light-rise tower. Wealthy Fangmu structure of the building most of the decorations on the first floor of the tower.

(3) follow-up bowl-tower: India is the oldest form of traditional pagoda in China very early in the construction of the main popular since the Yuan Dynasty. It's part of the tower is a flat circular bowl cover, above a large resettlement of Tasha, the following have the support Xu Mizuo. This was e to the Tower of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet to use more, so it was known as "La Mata." Also because of its shape much like a bottle, it is also known as a "tower-Aquarius."

(4) the throne of King Kong-style tower: This is the name for its own portfolio of the case, and the specific shapes are diverse. Its basic characteristic is: below the base of a tall, the seat has a five-tower, located in the middle of a relatively tall tower, and at the four corners of the tower is relatively short. Five base of the tower shape does not necessarily, some of the Miyan Shi, and some follow-up is bowl-like. This column is dedicated to the Buddhist community in secret to teach King Kong 5 relic of Lord Buddha pagoda, in popular in China after the Ming Dynasty.

(5) tower-style Pavilion: India is a review of the bowl-tower and the ancient traditions of the Chinese Pavilion construction of a combination of ancient forms, but also has a long history. The tower looks like a pavilion, are single, some also in the top of an additional Xiaoge. In the tower within the general set up shrines, Buddha placement. As a result of this simple structure of the tower, not the cost, easy-to-repair, many of the monks who had been used as Muta.

(6) Flower Tower: Tower has single flowers as well as the high-rise. Its main features are in the upper half of the tower Decorative floriation complex, looks like a huge bouquet of flowers, may be decorated from the Pavilion and at the top of the tower-style pavilion, tower Miyan Shi tow

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:29

第1个the church in Mainz, Canyon Moon Bay, and so on.

5. Please tell us flying Temple.

Possession of the name "Ka Zhaxi," coming from the viewing platform Temple (Department of tourists to live) 1 km, 8 km from the city of Deqin. "Ka Zhaxi," which means "my nine blank lines," according to legend had a Sakyamuni Buddha from Tibet to come here, so this temple was built and named "flying temple." Prince Edward has snow-capped mountains in the main hall dedicated to God, as well as Padmasambhava sleep lying Buddha statues that Ka Zhaxi. Three colors are painted on the walls of the magnificent murals, says the founder of the Gelug Sect master Tsongkhapa, the Sakyamuni Buddha, Guanyin a decade, Lok King Kong wins, the law of the Buddhist temple of the gods, as well as flying to Jiansi bamboo that the Palestinian card By fall, Deqin Ganzi, Sichuan and the Temple of the Living Buddha Temple in several portraits. Dian-zhong for the murals painted in the Ming Dynasty, a very high cultural value. Kage Bo dedicated to the equestrian statue of god-English, in order to fine sculpture. Next to the main hall to set up by the Church and burn incense and Taiwan for Dachaoshan are turning, burning incense.

6. Please tell Mainz in Mainz and in the church.

The Diqing Tibetan who are devout Buddhists as the most important part of life, but they accepted the church in Mainz, in Mainz is why the Church can be said to exist is a miracle.

In 1866, French missionary Father del Gu into the Diqing, its forces to infiltrate the northwest of Yunnan and try to be extended to Tibetan areas in the hinterland. They set up churches, the development of believers in Tibetan Buddhism a powerful force, there is a very difficult place. Very few followers, and a growing belief by people of Tibetan Buddhism by hatred. People with disabilities who can not tolerate the Catholic Church's missionary activity, sparked the Arab-Israeli Weixi lesson plans and teaching block. In 1905 the teaching Weixi, angry crowds burned the Lancang River, Nu River along the 10 churches, killing a French missionary Yubo a million South Po. The Qing government was forced by the imperialist forces, a large number of troops sent to suppress the people monks and laymen, anti-foreign religions of the masses to resist for three months, was eventually suppressed, the church to receive a huge compensation, in Mainz in Mainz in the construction of the church. In 1921, in Mainz completion of the church and become Catholic, "Diocese of Yunnan," the main church, the Church under the jurisdiction of 2 minutes, has been running a school and a hospital nuns.

Style church as a whole reflects the characteristics of the Basilika churches, and also the characteristics of the Church of Rome. The main building sitting east of the West for brick. Positive for the tall bell tower, the upper part of the clock tower, though for the Chinese Pavilion and the Chinese Wading cornices, but it ends at the top of the cross mark or confirm the identity of its Western-style. Deqin county seat from the southbound direction vici to 88 km, the car slowly across the Lancang River Bridge, then to the mountain surface water, quiet environment of Mainz in the village. "Benz" in Tibetan means "village", "" Tibetan word for "six." Mainz have been called the beautiful and rich land of fish and rice.

Mainz went in, they see a brick of Chinese and Western architecture, ranked in the pleasant shade of the world, this is the Catholic Church, as the visitors were worthy of the name of "Xana." Possession of high-rise trees, flowers, things such as the sea. Mainz in the church building is located in the central village of lush flowers and trees, back the Department of Castle Peak, surrounded by terraced fields dotted farm structures. Construction groups with the natural landscape into one style. The entire building in order to support the church as the central combination of Chinese and Western-compatible, appropriate priorities, including doors, front yard, churches, as well as the backyard of the cellar, garden, vegetable garden, orchard and so on, compact, spectacular scale. Along the outer walls of buildings which have doors, hospital flower proction, planting fruit, unique taste. Church sit west to east, French (Gothic) architecture, as a whole into a cross, riding wishful stamp 1.30 meters high, arched stone gateway to be used as and 6 meters deep into the three meters wide, and then build on top of the porch Cheng buy their own air, as high as 20 meters. Cuanjian Ding-roof pavilion for the wooden structure, with 4 and 12 in piles outside the spinal column supporting Zhang, both within and outside the block between a stone pillar fence. Clock Tower on board, panoramic view of Mainz, but also access to remote riverbank scenery. 22 meters deep into the church, 12.7 meters wide, from row 6 square pillar supporting the roof, on both sides of each window 7. Altar 3.8 meters wide, 5.75 meters into the deep, on both sides of the locker room with purification. Glass tile roof covered with homes in Palm arch two years. Grapes proced in the orchard, sweet and delicious. French missionaries brought from the Gandhi-brewed wine and utensils brewing technology, brewing technology and to pass on to the local religious people. Today, the church also maintains wine at the time of containers. If you go to Mainz, diethylene glycol can enjoy the wine Gandhi.第2个three weeks, with the blessing of the gods, the official start Dachaoshan activities. Kamiyama pilgrimage route has "transferred" and the "transfer" of the sub. "Transfer" according to a clockwise direction in order to cross the south of the "multi-carat" Pass north of the mouth and "pull" Project I, the snow-capped mountains around the whole week, Prince Edward, after cloud osumi Xicha and Nande Qin, Zuogong boundaries, the need to walk 13 Days. "Transfer" is limited to the Deqin County of flying Temple, the rain falls and the Prince Edward collapsing temple among the three fixed-line, turning, walking about 5-6 days. For most of the pilgrims coming all the way, both the Dachaoshan "transfer" or "to" life, only one or two.

In the summer of pilgrims walking on the road, there are countless flowers accompany visitors. Return of the steady stream of pilgrims on the road, leaning bamboo, bamboo pole on top of all inserted a few Myricaria film, it is the Hydropower special logo. Forward line, you can see a huge Lin Jing Fan stand when the wind, the trees covered with a red white and blue printed with Tibetan Liuzizhenyan (Mani Padme banks) and the patterns of cloth Jingfan. Dachaoshan were in Lin Jing Fan ignited to take the oriental arborvitae branches, with the smoke in the Cong Jing Fan and Mani Dui bypass in three weeks, and then on its way. Over the ridge, through the woods houses, they collapse into the village of rain, like a Shangri-la. After a village temple, who Dachaoshan Jinmiao to burn incense and worship. Again, to a cattle farm, you can see dozens like Bai Lian-km glacier melt water from the rock mp or down the left side of the glacier Jingfan a breeze, which is well-known collapse of the rain god waterfall. God may waterfall drizzle, snow Fengyi Chui, on and off this falls under the jurisdiction of the pilgrims who prostrate themselves in worship. According to the local people said that the only disaster without the benefit of its people can enjoy under the divine and Piaofei waterfall wet Yi Jin. There is no disaster blessing of the people there will be no Fufen. After that, visitors can also enjoy the rain in the collapse of the Chailang Bau (only one person through the channel, the legend is not sinful adopted), an eight Kayin (Tibetan Zhuanshu inscribed on a stone, "Stone Double seal characters "), five trees from the same root, and so unique scenery.

Prince Edward from the temple to the village of Yong Ming on the road, along with countless stones from Leiqi simple stone houses, it is said to be followers of the Dachaoshan this for themselves after death, and under the home-made, for the soul. Pilgrims took to the road, where a village or Murao Hill Project and the mouth next to the road, visitors can always see with piles of stones, stone Lei Qi and Ma Nii into the colorful, fluttering in the breeze of Jingfan, appears to be solemn, Mysterious.

Temple coming to the rain god collapse of the Dachaoshan waterfall, is more frequent contacts pedestrian routes. By 3 450 m height above sea level leading to 1 950 meters while the Lancang River. Jing Fan Man pulled through the Bridge Wing, Wing-tat and the West when the two villages, walking uphill, will see a water mill, with once by Water wheel drive and to stop this is to give local people here Water for spirituality in order to allow water to sell their expertise. This is known of the "Re Shuitang," there is a boiling hot spring water outflow reel, next to the pipe useful primer to get into the hot springs of the two Shui Nichi, visitors to this hot springs bath, is said to have illnesses and misfortunes of the effectiveness of .

Tibetan Buddhists believe that each turn a mountain, can eliminate some sin, so that the soul be purified; each to be completed by all means to their dream one step closer to heaven; pilgrimage in en route to be the soul means that the fall from the sky Be able to bounce back into heaven. Transferred by road is only a pious, brave man to complete the roads, communication and a dream of paradise in the road, life is a memorable adventure trip. 第3个these words also save the life of the hero who blurted out the words used. So what exactly is meant by "Buddha"? In fact, the Buddha was pagoda, although the Chinese pagoda for all people, no stranger to, but if asked, "What is the purpose of having pagoda?" Remains a difficult To answer the question, which we need to understand the origin of the pagoda, as well as the use of its type, structure and so on.

Tower, known as Sanskrit stupa, in ancient India is the meaning of the graves. From Sanskrit into Chinese in India, has emerged in the Buddha map, and so on who the name of Buddha, and the grave side, round graves, the name of free translation, and so significantly higher. The "tower" is the ancient Chinese people from India to give this building a very figurative name, was first seen in the Jin Dynasty Ge Hong wrote the "Court". Legend has it that Sakyamuni Buddha and Fastreact de-pan, his disciples to his body cremated, the remains of the fire in the condensation become colorful, do not hit the breaking of crystals, known as Sheli Zi. Legend has it that Sakyamuni was also left behind the body of his bones, head bones, teeth, hair, finger and so on are all the Buddha She Lizi. At that time, there are eight countries of the King heard that the Drug Jianie release, leading the soldiers will come for the Buddha relic, they were the last to be a, according to India's age-old traditions and customs in their country to build a tower to worship. These are below the pagoda palace, which is a collection of relics of the Buddha Sakyamuni. As the followers of Buddhism Sakyamuni Buddha She Lizi will be seen as a supreme sacred items, the pagoda is not only to be released Jianie Chai symbol of the Buddhist disciples who is the object of worship. Buddhism: If the faithful regularly pray around the pagoda, in the afterlife will be able to obtain the highest merit and rewards. So, right around the pagoda for worship, has become monks at the time of day will do the homework. Moreover, the pagoda is to build itself a story rather than act. Chai Jianie release in two years after the dynasty's peacock India has opened the Ashoka on the first eight stupa in the underground palace of the seven towers, She Lizi out, they were divided into many, and then he spread Buddhism in the majority of the region Generally built to support tower. This is also often the generations to follow the Buddhist believers. Today, all over the stupa of the Buddha in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, in China's vast land, there are ancient tower on the number of 10,000.

Having said that, people can not help asking: so many of the pagoda are following it's really the Buddha who Shakanai She Lizi? Of course not, really dedicated body of the pagoda is a relic of the few, and most of the Buddha The following column is dedicated to the symbolic relic of the Buddha. What to do this symbolic relic? Buddhist, said: believers have stupa built, if I can not find the Buddha's body She Lizi, can be gold, silver, glass, crystal, agate, and other treasures to be replaced; if It can not find these treasures can also be great to clean the beach to pick up the sand, or collect some herbs, bamboo root section to create bone. As long as sincerely with the Xinfo heart, a symbol of these items in the eyes of the faithful will have a completely true as Shenfo relic of the general function and role. Another focus of the Buddhist classics of the Buddha and thinking of all the wisdom of Buddhism believers to the realm of de Drug beacon, so that in some ancient tower, a number of Buddhist classics have been enshrined as a relic in the tower Are. Classic is different from the real bone of the body, so pagoda in the collection of classic Buddhist been called "holy bodies relic." Regardless of who is the real bone or bone bodies, the pagoda where they will be called "stupa."

However, there is a pagoda only be used as a symbol of the Buddha, not buried under the tower She Lizi, it does not have the nature of the graves, such as holes in the grottoes carved out of stone pagoda is one such 6 This tower in the Buddhist Sanskrit literature called Chaitya, who called the Chinese "to support" or "at the end of the system."

Any form of culture and the arts are not fixed, immutable, as an important symbol of the Buddhist faith, one of the pagoda is the case. When the construction of the pagoda from India to thinking in all directions, all regions of the followers of Buddhism in India pagoda-style building at the same time, has been a combination of the nation's culture, to create their own favorite style pagoda. As a result of the development of Buddhism in history, a variety of emerging pagoda, Buddhist beliefs into ancient architectural art of all ethnic groups in the Flower. China is also a wide range of the ancient tower, from the looks of their shape and structure of the form, can be roughly divided into the following types:

(1) tower-style pavilion: in the ancient China of the oldest, the highest body, to preserve the largest number of Han nationality is a unique architectural style pagoda. This distance between each tower's more, looked a like a high-level pavilion. Comparison of body tall, the tower in general have a masonry or wooden stairs, for people to climb the television, remote access Vision, and the tower's floors and floors of the tower is often the line. Some of the towers, but also intends to create Fangmu structures such as pillars and doors and windows.

(2) tower Miyan Shi: China's ancient tower in the number and status second only to the pavilion-style tower, the general body also tall, it is the pavilion by the Wooden Pagoda-style brick structure to the development of the evolution from time to time. This high level of the first tower, the first layer over the distance between the layers is particularly short on each floor of the tower close canopy of overlapping. The tower is within the general air of the drum, the board can not access Vision. Some Mi Yanshi in the tower when the proction is solid. Even with the tower can climb stairs, and within the actual number of floors have to look far less than shown by the light-rise tower. Wealthy Fangmu structure of the building most of the decorations on the first floor of the tower.

(3) follow-up bowl-tower: India is the oldest form of traditional pagoda in China very early in the construction of the main popular since the Yuan Dynasty. It's part of the tower is a flat circular bowl cover, above a large resettlement of Tasha, the following have the support Xu Mizuo. This was e to the Tower of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet to use more, so it was known as "La Mata." Also because of its shape much like a bottle, it is also known as a "tower-Aquarius."

(4) the throne of King Kong-style tower: This is the name for its own portfolio of the case, and the specific shapes are diverse. Its basic characteristic is: below the base of a tall, the seat has a five-tower, located in the middle of a relatively tall tower, and at the four corners of the tower is relatively short. Five base of the tower shape does not necessarily, some of the Miyan Shi, and some follow-up is bowl-like. This column is dedicated to the Buddhist community in secret to teach King Kong 5 relic of Lord Buddha pagoda, in popular in China after the Ming Dynasty.

(5) tower-style Pavilion: India is a review of the bowl-tower and the ancient traditions of the Chinese Pavilion construction of a combination of ancient forms, but also has a long history. The tower looks like a pavilion, are single, some also in the top of an additional Xiaoge. In the tower within the general set up shrines, Buddha placement. As a result of this simple structure of the tower, not the cost, easy-to-repair, many of the monks who had been used as Muta.

(6) Flower Tower: Tower has single flowers as well as the high-rise. Its main features are in the upper half of the tower Decorative floriation complex, looks like a huge bouquet of flowers, may be decorated from the Pavilion and at the top of the tower-style pavilion, tower Miyan Shi tow

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30




400分 哦也·~~~~~

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热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30




400分 哦也·~~~~~

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:29

第1个the church in Mainz, Canyon Moon Bay, and so on.

5. Please tell us flying Temple.

Possession of the name "Ka Zhaxi," coming from the viewing platform Temple (Department of tourists to live) 1 km, 8 km from the city of Deqin. "Ka Zhaxi," which means "my nine blank lines," according to legend had a Sakyamuni Buddha from Tibet to come here, so this temple was built and named "flying temple." Prince Edward has snow-capped mountains in the main hall dedicated to God, as well as Padmasambhava sleep lying Buddha statues that Ka Zhaxi. Three colors are painted on the walls of the magnificent murals, says the founder of the Gelug Sect master Tsongkhapa, the Sakyamuni Buddha, Guanyin a decade, Lok King Kong wins, the law of the Buddhist temple of the gods, as well as flying to Jiansi bamboo that the Palestinian card By fall, Deqin Ganzi, Sichuan and the Temple of the Living Buddha Temple in several portraits. Dian-zhong for the murals painted in the Ming Dynasty, a very high cultural value. Kage Bo dedicated to the equestrian statue of god-English, in order to fine sculpture. Next to the main hall to set up by the Church and burn incense and Taiwan for Dachaoshan are turning, burning incense.

6. Please tell Mainz in Mainz and in the church.

The Diqing Tibetan who are devout Buddhists as the most important part of life, but they accepted the church in Mainz, in Mainz is why the Church can be said to exist is a miracle.

In 1866, French missionary Father del Gu into the Diqing, its forces to infiltrate the northwest of Yunnan and try to be extended to Tibetan areas in the hinterland. They set up churches, the development of believers in Tibetan Buddhism a powerful force, there is a very difficult place. Very few followers, and a growing belief by people of Tibetan Buddhism by hatred. People with disabilities who can not tolerate the Catholic Church's missionary activity, sparked the Arab-Israeli Weixi lesson plans and teaching block. In 1905 the teaching Weixi, angry crowds burned the Lancang River, Nu River along the 10 churches, killing a French missionary Yubo a million South Po. The Qing government was forced by the imperialist forces, a large number of troops sent to suppress the people monks and laymen, anti-foreign religions of the masses to resist for three months, was eventually suppressed, the church to receive a huge compensation, in Mainz in Mainz in the construction of the church. In 1921, in Mainz completion of the church and become Catholic, "Diocese of Yunnan," the main church, the Church under the jurisdiction of 2 minutes, has been running a school and a hospital nuns.

Style church as a whole reflects the characteristics of the Basilika churches, and also the characteristics of the Church of Rome. The main building sitting east of the West for brick. Positive for the tall bell tower, the upper part of the clock tower, though for the Chinese Pavilion and the Chinese Wading cornices, but it ends at the top of the cross mark or confirm the identity of its Western-style. Deqin county seat from the southbound direction vici to 88 km, the car slowly across the Lancang River Bridge, then to the mountain surface water, quiet environment of Mainz in the village. "Benz" in Tibetan means "village", "" Tibetan word for "six." Mainz have been called the beautiful and rich land of fish and rice.

Mainz went in, they see a brick of Chinese and Western architecture, ranked in the pleasant shade of the world, this is the Catholic Church, as the visitors were worthy of the name of "Xana." Possession of high-rise trees, flowers, things such as the sea. Mainz in the church building is located in the central village of lush flowers and trees, back the Department of Castle Peak, surrounded by terraced fields dotted farm structures. Construction groups with the natural landscape into one style. The entire building in order to support the church as the central combination of Chinese and Western-compatible, appropriate priorities, including doors, front yard, churches, as well as the backyard of the cellar, garden, vegetable garden, orchard and so on, compact, spectacular scale. Along the outer walls of buildings which have doors, hospital flower proction, planting fruit, unique taste. Church sit west to east, French (Gothic) architecture, as a whole into a cross, riding wishful stamp 1.30 meters high, arched stone gateway to be used as and 6 meters deep into the three meters wide, and then build on top of the porch Cheng buy their own air, as high as 20 meters. Cuanjian Ding-roof pavilion for the wooden structure, with 4 and 12 in piles outside the spinal column supporting Zhang, both within and outside the block between a stone pillar fence. Clock Tower on board, panoramic view of Mainz, but also access to remote riverbank scenery. 22 meters deep into the church, 12.7 meters wide, from row 6 square pillar supporting the roof, on both sides of each window 7. Altar 3.8 meters wide, 5.75 meters into the deep, on both sides of the locker room with purification. Glass tile roof covered with homes in Palm arch two years. Grapes proced in the orchard, sweet and delicious. French missionaries brought from the Gandhi-brewed wine and utensils brewing technology, brewing technology and to pass on to the local religious people. Today, the church also maintains wine at the time of containers. If you go to Mainz, diethylene glycol can enjoy the wine Gandhi.第2个three weeks, with the blessing of the gods, the official start Dachaoshan activities. Kamiyama pilgrimage route has "transferred" and the "transfer" of the sub. "Transfer" according to a clockwise direction in order to cross the south of the "multi-carat" Pass north of the mouth and "pull" Project I, the snow-capped mountains around the whole week, Prince Edward, after cloud osumi Xicha and Nande Qin, Zuogong boundaries, the need to walk 13 Days. "Transfer" is limited to the Deqin County of flying Temple, the rain falls and the Prince Edward collapsing temple among the three fixed-line, turning, walking about 5-6 days. For most of the pilgrims coming all the way, both the Dachaoshan "transfer" or "to" life, only one or two.

In the summer of pilgrims walking on the road, there are countless flowers accompany visitors. Return of the steady stream of pilgrims on the road, leaning bamboo, bamboo pole on top of all inserted a few Myricaria film, it is the Hydropower special logo. Forward line, you can see a huge Lin Jing Fan stand when the wind, the trees covered with a red white and blue printed with Tibetan Liuzizhenyan (Mani Padme banks) and the patterns of cloth Jingfan. Dachaoshan were in Lin Jing Fan ignited to take the oriental arborvitae branches, with the smoke in the Cong Jing Fan and Mani Dui bypass in three weeks, and then on its way. Over the ridge, through the woods houses, they collapse into the village of rain, like a Shangri-la. After a village temple, who Dachaoshan Jinmiao to burn incense and worship. Again, to a cattle farm, you can see dozens like Bai Lian-km glacier melt water from the rock mp or down the left side of the glacier Jingfan a breeze, which is well-known collapse of the rain god waterfall. God may waterfall drizzle, snow Fengyi Chui, on and off this falls under the jurisdiction of the pilgrims who prostrate themselves in worship. According to the local people said that the only disaster without the benefit of its people can enjoy under the divine and Piaofei waterfall wet Yi Jin. There is no disaster blessing of the people there will be no Fufen. After that, visitors can also enjoy the rain in the collapse of the Chailang Bau (only one person through the channel, the legend is not sinful adopted), an eight Kayin (Tibetan Zhuanshu inscribed on a stone, "Stone Double seal characters "), five trees from the same root, and so unique scenery.

Prince Edward from the temple to the village of Yong Ming on the road, along with countless stones from Leiqi simple stone houses, it is said to be followers of the Dachaoshan this for themselves after death, and under the home-made, for the soul. Pilgrims took to the road, where a village or Murao Hill Project and the mouth next to the road, visitors can always see with piles of stones, stone Lei Qi and Ma Nii into the colorful, fluttering in the breeze of Jingfan, appears to be solemn, Mysterious.

Temple coming to the rain god collapse of the Dachaoshan waterfall, is more frequent contacts pedestrian routes. By 3 450 m height above sea level leading to 1 950 meters while the Lancang River. Jing Fan Man pulled through the Bridge Wing, Wing-tat and the West when the two villages, walking uphill, will see a water mill, with once by Water wheel drive and to stop this is to give local people here Water for spirituality in order to allow water to sell their expertise. This is known of the "Re Shuitang," there is a boiling hot spring water outflow reel, next to the pipe useful primer to get into the hot springs of the two Shui Nichi, visitors to this hot springs bath, is said to have illnesses and misfortunes of the effectiveness of .

Tibetan Buddhists believe that each turn a mountain, can eliminate some sin, so that the soul be purified; each to be completed by all means to their dream one step closer to heaven; pilgrimage in en route to be the soul means that the fall from the sky Be able to bounce back into heaven. Transferred by road is only a pious, brave man to complete the roads, communication and a dream of paradise in the road, life is a memorable adventure trip. 第3个these words also save the life of the hero who blurted out the words used. So what exactly is meant by "Buddha"? In fact, the Buddha was pagoda, although the Chinese pagoda for all people, no stranger to, but if asked, "What is the purpose of having pagoda?" Remains a difficult To answer the question, which we need to understand the origin of the pagoda, as well as the use of its type, structure and so on.

Tower, known as Sanskrit stupa, in ancient India is the meaning of the graves. From Sanskrit into Chinese in India, has emerged in the Buddha map, and so on who the name of Buddha, and the grave side, round graves, the name of free translation, and so significantly higher. The "tower" is the ancient Chinese people from India to give this building a very figurative name, was first seen in the Jin Dynasty Ge Hong wrote the "Court". Legend has it that Sakyamuni Buddha and Fastreact de-pan, his disciples to his body cremated, the remains of the fire in the condensation become colorful, do not hit the breaking of crystals, known as Sheli Zi. Legend has it that Sakyamuni was also left behind the body of his bones, head bones, teeth, hair, finger and so on are all the Buddha She Lizi. At that time, there are eight countries of the King heard that the Drug Jianie release, leading the soldiers will come for the Buddha relic, they were the last to be a, according to India's age-old traditions and customs in their country to build a tower to worship. These are below the pagoda palace, which is a collection of relics of the Buddha Sakyamuni. As the followers of Buddhism Sakyamuni Buddha She Lizi will be seen as a supreme sacred items, the pagoda is not only to be released Jianie Chai symbol of the Buddhist disciples who is the object of worship. Buddhism: If the faithful regularly pray around the pagoda, in the afterlife will be able to obtain the highest merit and rewards. So, right around the pagoda for worship, has become monks at the time of day will do the homework. Moreover, the pagoda is to build itself a story rather than act. Chai Jianie release in two years after the dynasty's peacock India has opened the Ashoka on the first eight stupa in the underground palace of the seven towers, She Lizi out, they were divided into many, and then he spread Buddhism in the majority of the region Generally built to support tower. This is also often the generations to follow the Buddhist believers. Today, all over the stupa of the Buddha in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, in China's vast land, there are ancient tower on the number of 10,000.

Having said that, people can not help asking: so many of the pagoda are following it's really the Buddha who Shakanai She Lizi? Of course not, really dedicated body of the pagoda is a relic of the few, and most of the Buddha The following column is dedicated to the symbolic relic of the Buddha. What to do this symbolic relic? Buddhist, said: believers have stupa built, if I can not find the Buddha's body She Lizi, can be gold, silver, glass, crystal, agate, and other treasures to be replaced; if It can not find these treasures can also be great to clean the beach to pick up the sand, or collect some herbs, bamboo root section to create bone. As long as sincerely with the Xinfo heart, a symbol of these items in the eyes of the faithful will have a completely true as Shenfo relic of the general function and role. Another focus of the Buddhist classics of the Buddha and thinking of all the wisdom of Buddhism believers to the realm of de Drug beacon, so that in some ancient tower, a number of Buddhist classics have been enshrined as a relic in the tower Are. Classic is different from the real bone of the body, so pagoda in the collection of classic Buddhist been called "holy bodies relic." Regardless of who is the real bone or bone bodies, the pagoda where they will be called "stupa."

However, there is a pagoda only be used as a symbol of the Buddha, not buried under the tower She Lizi, it does not have the nature of the graves, such as holes in the grottoes carved out of stone pagoda is one such 6 This tower in the Buddhist Sanskrit literature called Chaitya, who called the Chinese "to support" or "at the end of the system."

Any form of culture and the arts are not fixed, immutable, as an important symbol of the Buddhist faith, one of the pagoda is the case. When the construction of the pagoda from India to thinking in all directions, all regions of the followers of Buddhism in India pagoda-style building at the same time, has been a combination of the nation's culture, to create their own favorite style pagoda. As a result of the development of Buddhism in history, a variety of emerging pagoda, Buddhist beliefs into ancient architectural art of all ethnic groups in the Flower. China is also a wide range of the ancient tower, from the looks of their shape and structure of the form, can be roughly divided into the following types:

(1) tower-style pavilion: in the ancient China of the oldest, the highest body, to preserve the largest number of Han nationality is a unique architectural style pagoda. This distance between each tower's more, looked a like a high-level pavilion. Comparison of body tall, the tower in general have a masonry or wooden stairs, for people to climb the television, remote access Vision, and the tower's floors and floors of the tower is often the line. Some of the towers, but also intends to create Fangmu structures such as pillars and doors and windows.

(2) tower Miyan Shi: China's ancient tower in the number and status second only to the pavilion-style tower, the general body also tall, it is the pavilion by the Wooden Pagoda-style brick structure to the development of the evolution from time to time. This high level of the first tower, the first layer over the distance between the layers is particularly short on each floor of the tower close canopy of overlapping. The tower is within the general air of the drum, the board can not access Vision. Some Mi Yanshi in the tower when the proction is solid. Even with the tower can climb stairs, and within the actual number of floors have to look far less than shown by the light-rise tower. Wealthy Fangmu structure of the building most of the decorations on the first floor of the tower.

(3) follow-up bowl-tower: India is the oldest form of traditional pagoda in China very early in the construction of the main popular since the Yuan Dynasty. It's part of the tower is a flat circular bowl cover, above a large resettlement of Tasha, the following have the support Xu Mizuo. This was e to the Tower of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet to use more, so it was known as "La Mata." Also because of its shape much like a bottle, it is also known as a "tower-Aquarius."

(4) the throne of King Kong-style tower: This is the name for its own portfolio of the case, and the specific shapes are diverse. Its basic characteristic is: below the base of a tall, the seat has a five-tower, located in the middle of a relatively tall tower, and at the four corners of the tower is relatively short. Five base of the tower shape does not necessarily, some of the Miyan Shi, and some follow-up is bowl-like. This column is dedicated to the Buddhist community in secret to teach King Kong 5 relic of Lord Buddha pagoda, in popular in China after the Ming Dynasty.

(5) tower-style Pavilion: India is a review of the bowl-tower and the ancient traditions of the Chinese Pavilion construction of a combination of ancient forms, but also has a long history. The tower looks like a pavilion, are single, some also in the top of an additional Xiaoge. In the tower within the general set up shrines, Buddha placement. As a result of this simple structure of the tower, not the cost, easy-to-repair, many of the monks who had been used as Muta.

(6) Flower Tower: Tower has single flowers as well as the high-rise. Its main features are in the upper half of the tower Decorative floriation complex, looks like a huge bouquet of flowers, may be decorated from the Pavilion and at the top of the tower-style pavilion, tower Miyan Shi tow

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30




400分 哦也·~~~~~

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:31

Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Welcome, everyone!

Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place.

Dali is a world –famous tourist attraction. It is rich in cultural heritages and tourist resources. Dali is widely claimed as “the Oriental Switzerland”, “the Chinese Geneva” and “the Pearl on the Yunnan Plateau”. Each year, it attracts thousands of tourists both at home and from abroad to pay a visit. For example, the Cangsang mountain, Erhai lake, Dali Ancient city and the Three Pagodas are all important resorts in Dali. And we are all familiar with the saying:”wind, flowers, snow and the moon”, which refers to the snow on Cangshan mountain, the moon of the Erhai Lake, the wind of Shangguan county and the flowers in Xiaguang county. There are regarded as the best sight of Dali. We will enjoy them later.

The Bai Nationality is the chief nationality in Dali Prefecture. It has the second biggest population among the 25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan, totaling more than 1,000,000 people. The Bai people have a long history and a well-developed culture. Under the influence of the Han people, some of their customs and habits are quite similar to those of the Han people. As our bus keeps moving on towards Dali, you will see more and more houses and villiages that have a strong local colour of the Bai people.

Dali City is the capital of the Bai Autonomous Prefecture. As the largest city in the west of Yunnan, it covers an area of 1,400 square kilometers with a population of more than 450,000. In addition, Dali City is the political, economic and cultural center of Dali, as well as one of the important gateways to the Southeast Asian nations.

OK, everyone, we are now at the Three Pagodas Temple. Let’s go inside and see.

Three Pagodas are the ancient landmarks. They have been the symbol of Dali. The temple located in the piedmont of Cangshan mountain and the near the Erhai Lake. The three pagodas are the only building of the temple. Because the temple went through the war and has been ruined. In Chinese we call it “cong shen”, which means admiring the Buddha, and this Buddha refers to the 观音.

After cross this plaza we will be in the temple. See ,the three pagodas stand there. The major Pagoda, built ring the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. On its front, four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuring Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.” From this, we can conclude that one of the reasons to built this pagoda is to prevent disasters. This pagoda, we call it “千寻”.

I am sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century ring the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is divided into 10 tiers. They are made from bricks.

The three pagodas have a history of more than 1,000 years. They have warthered the storms and earthquakes several years. Still, the three pagodas stand firm and erect. They clearly show us the exquisite and superb craftsmanship of the ancient Chinese architecture.

In recent years, the local government renovated the three pagodas. During the renovation, inside the major pagoda were found lots of treasures: Buddhist Sciptures, gold, silver, bronze and iorn wares, pearl, agate, amber, jade and some herbs, totaling more than 600 pieces.

These three pagodas make a beautiful picture. If seen from a far distance, you will have such a feeling that how can this miracle exist in this world. Every time when I saw them, I always wondered that. They are really the wonderful works made by Bai people.

This way, please, everyone. Now we can see the Statue of Yutong 观音. It is a rebuilt one, the original one was destroyed before. This statue is different from other statues of观音 in other places around China. What’s the difference? Please look at it clearly. It’s face looks like a woman’s face, and it’s body resembles a man’ s body. This feature can not be found in other statue.

After visiting the temple, we will go to enjoy the scenery of Cangshan mountain and Erhai Lake, Ok ,Let’s go, everyone.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:31


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:31

Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Welcome, everyone!

Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place.

Dali is a world –famous tourist attraction. It is rich in cultural heritages and tourist resources. Dali is widely claimed as “the Oriental Switzerland”, “the Chinese Geneva” and “the Pearl on the Yunnan Plateau”. Each year, it attracts thousands of tourists both at home and from abroad to pay a visit. For example, the Cangsang mountain, Erhai lake, Dali Ancient city and the Three Pagodas are all important resorts in Dali. And we are all familiar with the saying:”wind, flowers, snow and the moon”, which refers to the snow on Cangshan mountain, the moon of the Erhai Lake, the wind of Shangguan county and the flowers in Xiaguang county. There are regarded as the best sight of Dali. We will enjoy them later.

The Bai Nationality is the chief nationality in Dali Prefecture. It has the second biggest population among the 25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan, totaling more than 1,000,000 people. The Bai people have a long history and a well-developed culture. Under the influence of the Han people, some of their customs and habits are quite similar to those of the Han people. As our bus keeps moving on towards Dali, you will see more and more houses and villiages that have a strong local colour of the Bai people.

Dali City is the capital of the Bai Autonomous Prefecture. As the largest city in the west of Yunnan, it covers an area of 1,400 square kilometers with a population of more than 450,000. In addition, Dali City is the political, economic and cultural center of Dali, as well as one of the important gateways to the Southeast Asian nations.

OK, everyone, we are now at the Three Pagodas Temple. Let’s go inside and see.

Three Pagodas are the ancient landmarks. They have been the symbol of Dali. The temple located in the piedmont of Cangshan mountain and the near the Erhai Lake. The three pagodas are the only building of the temple. Because the temple went through the war and has been ruined. In Chinese we call it “cong shen”, which means admiring the Buddha, and this Buddha refers to the 观音.

After cross this plaza we will be in the temple. See ,the three pagodas stand there. The major Pagoda, built ring the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. On its front, four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuring Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.” From this, we can conclude that one of the reasons to built this pagoda is to prevent disasters. This pagoda, we call it “千寻”.

I am sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century ring the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is divided into 10 tiers. They are made from bricks.

The three pagodas have a history of more than 1,000 years. They have warthered the storms and earthquakes several years. Still, the three pagodas stand firm and erect. They clearly show us the exquisite and superb craftsmanship of the ancient Chinese architecture.

In recent years, the local government renovated the three pagodas. During the renovation, inside the major pagoda were found lots of treasures: Buddhist Sciptures, gold, silver, bronze and iorn wares, pearl, agate, amber, jade and some herbs, totaling more than 600 pieces.

These three pagodas make a beautiful picture. If seen from a far distance, you will have such a feeling that how can this miracle exist in this world. Every time when I saw them, I always wondered that. They are really the wonderful works made by Bai people.

This way, please, everyone. Now we can see the Statue of Yutong 观音. It is a rebuilt one, the original one was destroyed before. This statue is different from other statues of观音 in other places around China. What’s the difference? Please look at it clearly. It’s face looks like a woman’s face, and it’s body resembles a man’ s body. This feature can not be found in other statue.

After visiting the temple, we will go to enjoy the scenery of Cangshan mountain and Erhai Lake, Ok ,Let’s go, everyone.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 21:30


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