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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-01 04:06



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 21:05

Wanting to study Mandarin, Jim, a Canadian boy, came and lives in China. Yet he finds it hard to study the language without formal schooling since everybody tends to speak to him in English and of course he always answers in the same language. Further, some of his Chinese friends would only teach him some patches of words which he finds hard to memorize and early to get confused with the other. The tone is another hurdle as well. So he decides to enroll into a Mandarin learning program and he finds the systematic learning helpful. He still agonized over all Chinese learning environment and the subtlety of expressions and tones. Well, he is trying hard to speak out and not using his own language. It seems that the most effective way for Jim, is either to get a personal tutor, or simply get himself a Chinese girlfriend. Ha!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 21:06

My name is Jim and I am from Canada.I am living with my parents in Peking since we moved to China three years ago.My parents find that people are friendly and interesting here and they want to dwelling here with the rest of their life.To tell you the truth, I like Peking,too.But I find Chinese is the most difficult language to learn.
When I discussed this problem with my friends the other day,everyone tried to content me heartedly.Finally,I realized that only systematic learning would do.So firstly I enrolled in a famous Mandarin school and then claimed to my classmates that they should speak to me in Mandarin both at the campus and in the playing.I believe that I can eat this bard bone step by step.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 21:06

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