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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-31 07:31



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 10:16

I wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss
I wanna crush your heart
I wanna be your scar

And when you're touching me
I hear a symphony
Oh oh oh baby
Come on now baby

Someone get a priest
Maybe the police, i think that we
Should call the justice of the peace
You're a pretty young thing
It's a damn cool thing
I gotta tell the world, in case they haven't heard
There never was a doubt
Oh baby, hush your mouth
You're a pretty young thing
It's a damn cool thing

Let me hear my name
Baby say it again
I wanna take you on
I wanna be the one

And when you're closing in
I hear violins
Oh oh oh baby
Come on now baby

Someone get a priest
Maybe the police, i think that we
Should call the justice of the peace
You're a pretty young thing
It's a damn cool thing
I gotta tell the world, in case they haven't heard
There never was a doubt
Oh baby, hush your mouth
You're a pretty young thing
It's a damn cool thing

Pretty young thing
Don't need no diamond ring
I'll give you everything
I'll show you anything
Just shh! Just shh!
Don't say a word

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 10:17


http://www.huanqiumusic.com/soren/temp/pretty.wmv 这是MV应该有歌词吧



lene《pretty young thing(酸酸甜甜就是我英文版)》i wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss i wanna crush your heart i wanna be your scar and when you’re touching me i hear a symphony oh oh oh baby come on now baby someone get a priest maybe the police, i think that...


pretty young thing(酸酸甜甜就是我英文版)》i wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss i wanna crush your heart i wanna be your scar and when you’re touching me i hear a symphony oh oh oh baby come on now baby someone get a priest maybe the police, i think that we ...


pretty young thing,超级女声张含韵演唱的“酸酸甜甜就是我”是这首歌的中文版。歌词:I wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss I wanna crush your heart I wanna be your scar And when you’re touching me / I hear a symphony Oh oh oh baby / Come on now baby Someone get a ...


歌名: lene - pretty young thing i wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss i wanna crush your heart i wanna be your scar and when you’re touching me i hear a symphony oh oh oh baby come on now baby someone get a priest maybe the police, i think that we should call...


《美妙青春滋味》(pretty young thing)是超级女声张含韵演唱的《 酸酸甜甜就是我》的英文原版。 挪威女歌手Lene Nystroms的。歌词 i wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss i wanna crush your heart i wanna be your scar and when you’re touching me i hear a symphony oh oh oh ...


酸酸甜甜就是我 蒙牛酸酸乳主题歌 演唱:张含韵 张含韵-酸酸甜甜就是我 耳朵里塞着小喇叭 躲在被窝里看漫画 虽然我还在象牙塔 我多么想一夜长大 亲爱的爸爸妈妈 别叫我小傻瓜 虽然我很听话 不代表我没有想法 喜欢酸的甜这就是真的我 每一天对于我都非常新鲜 我挑剔的味觉 有最独特的区别 我喜欢酸...

有一首英文歌和"酸酸甜甜就是我"的曲一样 那首割叫什么?

pretty young thing(《酸酸甜甜就是我》英文版)演唱者:Lene i wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss i wanna crush your heart i wanna be your scar and when you’re touching me i hear a symphony oh oh oh baby come on now baby someone get a priest maybe the police, i ...


pretty young thing(酸酸甜甜就是我英文版)》i wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss i wanna crush your heart i wanna be your scar and when you’re touching me i hear a symphony oh oh oh baby come on now baby someone get a priest maybe the police, i think that we ...


歌词:I wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss I wanna crush your heart i wanna be your scar and when you're touching me i hear a symphony oh oh oh baby come on now baby someone get a priest maybe the police, i think that we should call the justice of the peace yo...


I am who is the sweety and sour girl!酸酸甜甜就是我

酸酸甜甜就是我歌词 酸酸甜甜就是我原唱是谁 酸酸甜甜就是我哪年的歌 酸酸甜甜就是我的意思 酸酸甜甜就是我MV 酸酸甜甜就是我怎么唱 我会好好的歌词 我最亲爱的歌词 可不可以的歌词
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