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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-31 17:36



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 19:23


Scope of application: courts, prisons, large-scale entertainment venue security, and so
Features: pulsed magnetic field, bilateral launch bilateral reception, detection, Hassle Free.
Detection range of detection is divided into 33 regions, can accurately show the location of exploration objectives.
Unique DSP (digital processing chip), the detection capabilities and anti-jamming capabilities and enhance.
Composite circuit design, resistant cell phones, walkie-talkies and other electromagnetic interference.
Double password protection and the protection of electronic locks installed to prevent unauthorized change system settings.
15 preset proceres for different occasions.
200 sensitivity level, each regional detection sensitivity can be adjusted indivially.
Built-in self-diagnosis proceres, power-on self test, and that mistakes have suggested that fault.
Infrared devices can effectively rece false alarms and omissions, and automatically by the number of statistics, the number of alarm, alarm rate.
Touch button, backlit liquid crystal display, simple and clear.
Through computer interface, networking.
With the current used by the international security standards, wear pacemakers, pregnant women, floppy disks, video tapes and other sound.


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