问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501


发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-31 04:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:52

1. He asks what time the bus arrives.
2. He asked if you have been to Qing.
3. They wanted to know whether that is a fast train or not.
4. Jim asked me how I could get to Beijing.
5. Could tell me what time it is?
6. Do you know if he goes surfing every Sunday?
7. Father told me the earth moves round the sun.
8. I don’t know if the light travel faster than the sun.
9. I think she is not able to come here on time.
10. He asked who the headmaster was.
11. I wanted to know who had broken the cup?
12. Could you tell me how many songs he had learned so far?
二. 1. will snow , doesn’t snow, will go
2. will tell, comes
3. will come
4. isn’t he?
5. is he?
6. would go
7. whether
8. if
9. is
10. I can
三. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9.B
四. 1. I don’t think he is a league member.
2. He told me the earth rounds the sun.
3. He asked me whether she was a thief or not.
4. He told me he had finished his homework.
5. I know where he went yesterday.
6. I wanted to know if we would go to the park the next day.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:53

我汗 好多啊……我很懒的……如果就几道我还做一下……

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:53

一 合并句子
1 He asks What time the bus arrives?
2 He asked whether you had been to Qing?
3 They wanted to know whether that was a fast train or not?
4 Jim asked me How could I get to Beijing?
5 Could you tell me What time it is?
6 Dou you know whether he goes surfing every Sunday?
7 Father told me that The earth moves around the sun.
8 I do not know whether the light travels faster than the sun?
9 .I don't think she is able to come here on time.
10. He asked Who the headmaster was.
I wanted to know Who hadbroken the cup?
Could you tell me How many songs he has learned so far?

二. 填空
1. He asks me if it snows tomorrow. If it _______(does not snow),
they _____(will go) shopping.
2. I______(told) you when he _______(would come) back.
I want to know when he ______(comes) back tomorrow.
3.I will call you as soon as you_______(arrive) in Beijing.
4.I think he is a thief,_____isn't he______?
5. I don’t think he is a thief,_____is he___?
6. She asked if we _____would go_______(go) to the park the next day.
7.I wanted to know_____if____(是否) it was a fast train or not.
8. Do you know____whether___(是否)it will rain tomorrow.
9. Our teacher told us that the sun ___is__(be)bigger than the earth.
10.I don’t know what to do next?
I don’t know what___I__ _will______ do next.


四、1、I don't think he is......
2. rounds
3. was
4. had
5. where he went
6. would

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:54

1 He asks what time the bus arrives.
2 He asked if you have been to Qing.
3 They wanted to know whether that is a fast train or not.
4 Jim asked me how I can get to Beijing.
5 Could you tell me What time it is?
6 Dou you know if he go surfing every Sunday?
7 Father told me that the earth moves round the sun.
8 I do not know if the light travels faster than the sun.
9 .I think she is not able to come here on time.
10. He asked who is the headmaster.
I wanted to know who has broken the cup.
Could you tell me how many songs he has learned so far?
1.will snow, doesn't snow, will go
2.will tell, comes
4.isn't he?
5.is he?
6.would go
10.I should
5.where he went

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:54

He asked what time the bus arrived.
He asked if i have been to QingDao.
they wanted to know wheather that was a fast train or not.全打太累,剩下仿写,注意时态
填空 would snow,does not snow,will go
told,came ,would come
is not he,is he
would go
选择;B D C B C D B D B
改错;i do not think he is a league member
if改为wheather或删去or not
did he go改为he went
will 改为 would

1。i like music which i can sing along with 2。she is the girl whom i met at the school gate yesterday 3。Roy was the boy who had broken the window 4。the man who lives next door is a policeman 5。 Rita likes musicians who are able to play different kinds of music 6。


asked whether/if;that


1.你必须做我所做的一切事情 You must do everything I do.2.我很欣赏那些能写自己的音乐的歌手 I really admire those singer who can write their own music.3.我比较喜欢演唱柔和抒缓的歌手 I prefer slow and dramatic singers.


因为主句是didn't know过去时,所以宾语从句要用过去的时态,AD 不正确 B could they 这个语序是疑问语序,如果改成 they could 就对了 C 是不定式短语,可以放在疑问词后面使用


在初中英语学习中,宾语从句是核心知识点之一。掌握宾语从句的关键在于理解其陈述语序和时态规则。以下是60道精选的宾语从句单选题,帮助你巩固这一技能:1. 在黑暗中分辨不清是男孩还是女孩,你能确定吗?A. if, and 2.你能告诉我他是否去了上海吗?A. has gone 3.他告诉我她会赶上早班车。D. ...


初一英语(关于宾语从句) What'sthematter的宾语从句是Whatthematteris?(把助动词放在了后边)Wheredidyougolastweek的宾语从句是Whereyouwentlastweek(去掉了助动词)到底宾语从句怎么变啊?真费解... What's the matter的宾语从句是What the matter is?(把助动词放在了后边)Where did you go last week的宾语从句是...


A.would be discussed B.will be discussed C.be discussed 答案:C 解释:虚拟语气用在宾语从句中。recommend/suggest/insist/order/require等动词后面的宾语从句中的谓语是should+动词原形(或should省略)。翻译:主管建议这件事情应该在会议上讨论。2。It is raining now, otherwise we ---go out...


1. All the members agreed that the meeting would be put...2. I found out that they were...3. I told the doctor that I had a headache.4. The headmaster said that the school reports had been...5. The student asked when Einstein won the...6. I want to know where t...


定语从句:A good friend is a present that you give yourself.宾语从句:I know you will try your best to love me .


said是过去时,从句中用一般过去式)that,travels(客观真理)if,would be(said是过去式,从句中用过去将来时)if they can speak (want是一般现在时)if, are playing(祈使句)if he had finished his (asked是过去式,从句中为过去完成时)how many people i can see (knows时一般现在时)...

初中定语从句和宾语从句题目 宾语从句定语从句 怎么区分定语从句和宾语从句 英语宾语从句例句 宾语从句 英语 宾语从句英语怎么说 英语宾语从句用法详解 定语从句题目 宾语从句题型
...这一夜你还会为他熬夜吗?你有什么最想对他说的? 西南大学党委宣传部主要职责 平衡车进水晒干能用吗 平衡车进水了怎么办?可以晒吗? 客厅装修需要哪些电位 遗产继承如何规定 郴州酒店有哪些 郴州最大的酒店排名,郴州市内景区酒店 郴州酒店排名前十名,郴州旅游住酒店推荐 求生欲是什么意思? 翡翠手镯太小怎么戴 翡翠手镯小了怎么戴进去 【英语时态/宾语从句】选择题求解释 英语宾语从句选择题~ 如何向高层次的领导提问题? 总经理接待日提什么问题比较好 总公司总经理从日本来广州工厂考察,被安排大会上提问,问什么问题好呢? 浅析高层住宅项目新技术、新材料、新工艺及材料节约措施? 宣威旅行社有几家 曲靖工商注册:旅行社注册及资质办理攻略 曲靖工商注册:资质办理旅行社资质办理流程是什么 平凡之路潘岩结婚了吗 对教资成绩有异议怎么办 教师资格证面试成绩有异议怎么办 教师资格证面试成绩有异议怎么办? 西游记中的主要人物都成了佛吗? 想学拍照,朋友总是说我拍照技术不好/比如取的景不好/或者拍的是歪的/光线等等,大家多多指点 我用的是OPPO手机,之前可以是二个方向横屏,现在只能是一个方向横屏,怎么可以是二个方向横屏? 汽车在什么情况下要抛光,打蜡,封釉?这些分别有什么作用,和具体的操作步骤,需要用到什么工具跟材料。 三相充电桩充电时为什么零钱有负荷呢 电动汽车充电桩8000负荷和220负载的区别 老婆说她已经心死了,不想让我选择她了,说不爱了,机会已经给过了,是你没有珍惜。不想在见到我了? 室内装饰材料关于石材门套的问题 关于明朝的电影有什么 古典吉他考级容易通过吗? 古典吉他考音乐学院需要什么水平? 2020年裘市村会不会拆迁? 裘市村为什么不拆 前江街道西江村什么时候拆迁完成 资产减值准备属于什么类科目 奈格里是什么神 一年级语文上册第十二单元试题 大神们,请问虎皮鹦鹉幼鸟20多天大,大便为什么很干硬,还拉不出来!应该怎么办啊?还有能不能喝冷水? 鹦鹉鸟便便干燥结团不掉下来怎么办 怎么做三个轮胎的钓鱼船 怎样让做出的船模型更快更稳 啥车的内胎做船好 甜蜜的种子经典老歌的原唱 在办公室里最让人讨厌的十大员工 如何与这样的人相处,职场新人! 普通刑绳和特别刑绳一样吗 用绳刑时穿什么?