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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 04:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 19:52

01. You, Appearing

It's your face
Where are we?
Save me

02. Kim and Jessie

Kim and Jessie
They have a secret world
In the twilight
Kids of the woods
They are crazy about romance and illusions

Somebody lurks in the shadows
Somebody whispers
Somebody lurks in the shadows
Yeah yeah yeah

Dream dressed in blue
It’s all they need for now and forever
Dazed by the moon
They shatter their heartbeats
With singing

[Chorus x 2]

They need to drown out out all the voices
They pass a bottle like it is water
And soon they’ll be flying
They are Gods! They are lightning!

[Chorus x 6]

03. Skin of the Night

Like a moth she moves to the red light
Her blood warms and boils there
She skims the sweat like a new milk
As pops the buttons off her wet blouse

Oh Queen of the Night!
Well she is deep inside!
She is haunting me!
All of her soft parts call to me
She could be mine...

She digs her nails into her naked chest
Miles of veins fan out like a road map
She pulls back the skin to show her ribs
That twinkle like shooting stars.

Oh Queen of the Night!
Well she is deep inside!
She is haunting me!
All of her soft parts call to me
She could be mine...

04. Graveyard Girl

Death is her boyfriend
She spits on summers and smiles to the night
She collects crowns made of black roses
But her heart is made of bubble gum

Graveyard girl

Dark rags and red stars
She's the dirty witch of her high school
She worships Satan like a father
But dreams of a sister like Molly Ringwald

"I'm gonna jump the walls and run
I wonder if they'll miss me?
I won't miss them.
The cemetery is my home
I want to be a part of it,
Invisible even to the night.
Then I'll read poetry to the stones
Maybe one day I could be one of them...
Wise and silent.
Waiting for someone to love me.
Waiting for someone to kiss me.
I'm fifteen years old
And I feel it's already too late to live.
Don't you?"

I can't help my love
For Graveyard Girl.

05. Couleurs

Chasing colors through my fears
Chasing colors in my fears
I need yourself!
Should you find out
I need you a new way, need you all day

06. Up!

If I clean my rocket
We'll go flying today
And we'll hit the pockets
Of warm and crispy air

Oh you lovely boy you smell so sweet
We ride so well
And we load our pistols as we perch upon
My razor wings
Up to the planets up to the bodies of the galaxy
We fly we feed we suck we bleed we need...

If I clean my rocket
We'll go flying today
And we'll hit the pockets
Of warm and crispy air

Oh we flee the scene of our little crime
We feel so free
But the hounds of law they bite our heels
As we retreat
Up to the planets up to the bodies of the galaxy
Of the galaxy we fly we feed we suck we bleed we need...

07. We Own the Sky

Each shade of blue
Is kept in our eyes
Keep blowing and lighting
Because we own the sky

Secrets from the winds
Burnt stars crying

Soft soft or cruel
Can't we change our minds?
We kill what we build
Because we own the sky

Secrets from the winds
Burnt stars crying

So many moons here
Lost wings floating

It's coming, it's coming now!
It's coming, it's coming now!
What's coming? What's coming now?What's coming? What's coming now?

It's coming from the sky
It's coming from the wind

08. Highway of Endless Dreams

7 a.m. sty road
I'm gonna drive until it burns my bones

Crossing a dream with my old lost care
Its smell brings the dead memories back

Crossing a dream.

09. Too Late

I look into your eyes
Diving into the ocean
I look into your eyes

Like a wall of stars
We are ripe to fall

And if you are a ghost
I'll call your name again
And if you are a ghost
I'll call your name...

You, always.

10. Dark Moves of Love

The time is blowing out
Dividing you and me
Can you see me?

Everything is wrecked and grey
I'm focusing on your image
Can you hear me in the void?

I will fight the time and bring you back!
I will fight the time and bring you back!

11. Midnight Souls Still Remain

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