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Celebrate Youth 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 04:26



热心网友 时间:2023-02-07 11:09

歌曲名:Celebrate Youth
歌手:Rick Springfield

Oo oh, oo oh .. aah
Corbin Bleu - Celebrate You
-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----
Everyday is the right day
Its easy to understand
Cause you get the chance
and you take it
Make it the best you can make it
Why should you hold back?
Its the time of your life
You don't want to miss out.
On right here and now
Theres so many reasons why
You dont wanna stop
Its your chance, live it up
And everything you do
Celebrate you (Oo oh)
Celebrate you (Oo oh)
Everytime is the right time
So make every second count
Go for your dream, you can live it
Reach for the skies, no limit
Celebrate what youre all about Ouuuuh!
Its the time of your life
You dont want him to stop
on right here and now
Theres so many reasons why
You dont wanna stop
Heres your chance, live it up
And everything you do
Celebrate you
You, come on,
make the party last forever and ever
Have the best time youve ever had
Then go break free, yeah!
Celebrate you
Everyone has a reason (reason)
A reason to celebrate, yeah
Cause you get the chance
and you take it
Make it the best you can make it
What you waiting for today?
Its the time of your life
You dont want him to stop
On right here and now
Theres so many reasons why
You dont wanna stop
Its your chance, live it up
And everything you do
Celebrate you
Everybody now!
And everything you do
Celebrate you x4
-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----

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