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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-23 19:50



热心网友 时间:2023-07-24 18:20

1. 论文从“人肉搜索”这一社会普遍现象对个人网络隐私权的侵权等方面进行讨论.
This thesis discusses the various aspects of infringement of personal privacy on the internet by the prevailing social phenomenon “cyber manhunt”.

2. 并以“人肉搜索”对网络隐私权的侵权案例为例,论述了人肉搜索的利弊,从而发现问题。
And by citing cases of infringement of personal privacy on the internet by cyber manhunt as examples, it expounds the pros and cons of cyber manhunt and thereby discovers the relevant problems.

3. 将行业规范纳入法律化体系,将法律规范纳入行业化体系,使得行业自律与立法保护真正融合在一起,确实维护个人的网络隐私权。
By bringing the professional specifications into the legal framework and vice versa, so that the professional self-regulation and legislative protection can really be merged together, only then the protection of personal privacy on the internet can be realized.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-24 18:21

1st, the paper from “the long pig search” this social common phenomenon to indivial network right of privacy's aspects and so on right infringement carries on the discussion.

2 and take “the long pig search” to the network right of privacy's right infringement case as an example, elaborated the long pig search advantages, thus finds the problem.

3, integrates the profession standard the legalization system, integrates the profession system the legal norm, causes the profession autonomy and the legislative protection fuses truly in together, maintains indivial network right of privacy truly.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-24 18:21

1, papers from the "human flesh search" is a common phenomenon in the social networks of personal privacy infringement and other aspects of this. 2 and to "human flesh search" case of infringement of privacy on the network as an example, discusses the pros and cons of human flesh search to find the problem. 3, the instry's norms into the law of system of legal norms into the instry-oriented system, making the instry self-regulation and legislation to protect the truly come together, really safeguard the privacy of the indivial networks.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-24 18:22


1, papers from the "human flesh search" is a common phenomenon in the social networks of personal privacy infringement and other aspects of this.
2 and to "human flesh search" case of infringement of privacy on the network as an example, discusses the pros and cons of human flesh search to find the problem.
3, the instry's norms into the law of system of legal norms into the instry-oriented system, making the instry self-regulation and legislation to protect the truly come together, really safeguard the privacy of the indivial networks.
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