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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 05:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 20:44

Jiangnan now busy sweet-scented osmanthus is one drop into the late autumn season in October, the so-called Ye Jing Spring Mountain Air, moonrise, frightened blackbird, when Ming-chun Jian, the bird's chirping sound farther and farther. Was removed between the city's noise, almost no longer be able to listen to the voice of the Qing birds in urban and some are hybrid cars Naruto loud noise.

I still remembered the home of those birds, in October of the day, I pass by Bird and Flower Market and saw those who have been imprisoned in a cage of birds, I bought a emerald green vendors birds, 16 yuan 1. I trader said: "In the future I will always come to you here, to buy these kingfisher flying with them." Those birds are heaven sex free beings, even though they been fed in a cage, but a but with the freedom, they are milli do not hesitate to fly to the sky.

Days at home, in the south, such as silk in April, in my room, every morning 5:00 or so, wake up like a dream between the windows is bright Everbright days. Drowsily awake nap when the waves were able to listen to the birds *ing, feel the wood pigeon partridge-ming anger, Luk Yeung charming winds. That kind of spring morning, flowering like snow, want to come inside voice is also becoming more birds Spring Xiao, green shade over the courtyard, they were still asleep, you can hear the birds mildly Qingliang the "chirp - Jojo chirp," the birds, ringing like a drop of water as smooth, transparent, and winding ups and singing. The sound sometimes low, sometimes high, it is immersed.

3f ~ U * L1d ax kz this season does not pass south of the Bluebird a few clouds outside the letter, only passing on words between the Orioles took a low slip off. And the connection to heaven in what way best? I would like to bird's voice is the most wonderful nature and a messenger came from the.

   When the sun woke up, he and I were still in bed last night of the stars and the moon did not take courtesan exclusive gentle, fleeting, and flowers will be envious moon, or so charming and moving, I like prostrate asleep, I said because I was naturally comfortable sleeping fish Pufu Zhao, he said: "Well, this is a lotus posture, you will be crossing to make a Yangshen afterlife, I'll sleep in your heart lotus. Yes, a tree, a fish, look at the situation is so blooming, and love is such a hatch, and a contempt for the lakes are fish, but in the riverbed where the descendants of Genghis Khan a happy drunk had.
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