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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 05:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 00:53

vircle instry is most impotant one section in senven instry parts in shandong province.Nowadays shandong acdording the method that developing whole-car and components simultaneously. star corporation develop with small corpotation together .the motorbike , re-equip car ,car components,car,agriclutre vircle,are the main aim .steply make shandong to be the complete car instry province. Now there are 16 corporation whole-car making corporations,79
re-equip car corporaions.16 motorbike mading corpotations,23 small-style-car making corpotations, over 500 car components making corporations.
attach to the policy of Chinese instry construction ,the assmble effective phenominon have been seen.The figures showed by shandong econimy department indicate that the all kinds of coporations relaeted to cars are over 652,these are all in enough scope copotations.This instry can create over150 billions a year. elementary form the assmle instry gruop with other citys ,
Jinan, Qing, Yantai,Weifang,Rizhao,Jining.
Jinan`s huge style car,Qing`s middle style car ,Weifang`s diesel engine, Rizhao`s lowspeed carriage,Jining`s re-equiped car,
all these citys has formed their ecology assmble instry gruop.
among them,Dongyue corpotation the hugeist in Yantai for it`s cars making fair,Conglin ,Zhichu ,Taili etc are auxilary corpotations for it.there are 70 corpotations in all in this aim.
Becusue of the coordination of policy ,Shandong province reform the structre in the same time.The well situation had go on .2006
Wuzheng Shifeng got the approvement for ministyle car making .this sign all agricltural vircle had trsform to be the ministyle car making corporations.mainwhile,Zhongqi Tongyongdongyue etc ,strenthen their tecnology investment.this made them being in superiority.Now ,dongyueGE has 5 series and 22 car styles,the
yield has reach 1/3 in Shanghai GE.

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