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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 09:12



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 06:41


Black Tiger Snake


学名:Notechis Ater

分布:澳洲东南部 - 塔斯马尼亚岛



Tiger snakes are a type of venomous serpent found in southern regions of Australia, including its coastal islands and Tasmania. These snakes are highly variable in their colour, often banded like those on a tiger, and forms in their regional occurences. All populations are in the genus Notechis, and their diverse characters have been described in further subdivisions of this group.


King Island tiger snake, with barely visible banding, near Petrified Forest on King Island, Australia
King Island tiger snake, with barely visible banding, near Petrified Forest on King Island, Australia

Tiger snakes are found in coastal environments, wetlands, and creeks where they often form territories. Areas with an abundance of prey, such as frogs, can support large populations. Islands inhabited by tiger snakes are also occupied by nesting Silver Gulls, and the snake will subsist on the hatchlings. The largest of these are made blind by the gulls pecking, so are oblivious to their harrassment.[3] The species' distribution extends from the south of Western Australia through to South Australia, Tasmania, up through Victoria, and New South Wales. Its common habitat includes the coastal areas of Australia. Tiger snakes are commonly found along inland waterways and around the lower lakes of the River Murray (e.g., Lake Alexandrina, Lake Albert and along the Coorong).

The tiger snakes wetland habitat have often become the site of suburban development, leading to frequent encounters with people ring the twentieth century. This change in land-use has greatly reced the available food for Notechis, especially the rection of frog populations.
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