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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 06:59



热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 22:59

In Hangzhou,the weather is very comfortable.There are four seasons a year,every season is different and has it own feature.Spring comes first.The temperature becomes higher and higher tardily.People always go hiking in this season.The leaves turn to green now.Many kinds of flowers are in full flowering.After May,the summer comes.It's really hot im summer but cool in many monutains.People may stay at homes instead of going out.However,the rain always comes in this time.Because of the typhoons,rain gives Hangzhou coolness.

In Hangzhou,the weather is very comfortable.There are four seasons a year,every season is different and has it own feature.Spring comes first.The temperature becomes higher and higher tardily.People always go hiking in this season.The leaves turn to green now.Many kinds of flowers ...


In Hangzhou, the weather is very comfortable. There are four seasons a year, every season is different and has it own feature. Spring comes first. The temperature becomes higher and higher tardily. People always go hiking in this season. The leaves turn to green now. Many kinds ...


Charming West Lake, Hangzhou, the Four Seasons, "a paradise on earth" with an embedded shining pearl, it is that the West Lake.West Lake of the Four Seasons is the United States. Spring in the West go to the flourishing of Bai Di, Sir Georg Solti on a lake view, the on...


on May 1st ,I went to the museum in Hangzhou with Lily .It was Friday and the weather was sunny.It is two kilometers from home. we went there by bike. we went there at 8.and went home at 3.we saw lots of photos and things.we learnt a lot and saw many parents ,...

我有一篇英语作文 要写四川和杭州 要我,天气,去哪,干什么。 谁能告诉我...

I saw willows bowing in shiness. The water is so blue. The pavilions throw their shadows in the water. What is most impressive is the blooming peach flowers vying with each other in showing their beauty. The tea bushes, the screens and quiet bamboos are left in my memory....


Tomorrow Beijing will be clear in the morning, the temperature 10 degrees, will be evening cloudy, Hangzhou will daytime have the rain, the temperature 25 degrees, evening will have the wind, will thank listens.--- 孩子,我们前几年学的......

写西湖的英语作文包括人 食物 交通 景色 天气

In the summer, the lake's West Lake, the lotus leaf, lotus hard squeeze hard squeeze. Most notably that of white jade flowers, demure, Su-jie, is "emerge unstained from filth." Jingying those holding lotus leaves, such as agate-like dew, and guard the arch of flowers and ...


I am afraid that the typhoon is coming. It is raining and natural disasters that make me unhappy when traveling. Anyway, i finished up the knowledge must be good to travel. To enrich myself !翻译:朋友们!我将要在八月份去杭州旅游了!我现在的兴起是非常的激动的!因为我将要去...


【一】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 英语作文:Last summer vocation,I went to Hang zhou.The weather there was not very hot.I went to visit the West Lake.It’s very beautiful.I had great fun boating on the lake.I ate lots of different kinds of food.I like them ...


1.关于减少雾霾天气的建议书 尊敬的城市居民们:你们好。这个双休日又是雾霾天气,能见度不足百米。无论是车辆还是行人,都在摸索着前行。没有了嬉笑,没有了鸟鸣,连楼房也只有模糊的轮廓。而我们只能呆在家里,不能出去。雾霾正无声无息地笼罩着整个杭州城。雾霾天气不但严重影响了空气的质量,更...

有关天气的英语作文50词 关于天气的英语作文120词 关于天气的英语作文80词左右 关于天气的英语作文80词带翻译 介绍天气的英语作文60词左右 描写天气的英语作文70词左右 我喜欢什么天气的英语作文80词 北京的天气英语作文80词 桂林的天气英语作文50词
甲醛超标的后果?怎么处理? 公司领导意见和中介商意见不统一。作为销售人员我该如何调节此矛盾,达 ... 一流领导者必学的谈判技巧 在工程建设方面有甲方和乙方他们俩都是指的是哪一方面的人呢?_百 ... 从河东的雪莲路的百合春天到天津师范大学八里台校区怎样坐车最近,急急... 雪莲东里附近有招低压或高压电工吗? 请问天津东丽区雪莲东里附近的化工厂还开吗?中石化分公司聚醚部。附近的... 天津雪莲东里和彩丽园哪个好 下列关于电功率的说法,正确的是( ) A.用电器的电功率越大,所做的功越... 【富丽广场康美居】税费应该很高吧?合同能不能做低房价? 上海国际包装印刷城的设计规划 麻烦问下现在花20万进辽宁电信公司值吗?我今年大四毕业,家里托关系进... 普通二本花20万能进华能电厂吗 一期士官花20W进电力局值吗 哪位哥哥姐姐告诉我下 华能九台电厂是什么时候成立的,华能九台电厂花20万进去合适吗... 电厂工作,听说要花二十多万,大家说值不值 山西电建编制花20万元能进吗 花20w进河北省送变电公司或超高压公司值吗?正式工 乳液与面霜之间有什么区别? 联想a850手机内存为什么只有1.2g,不是4g吗? PSP有什么中文版广东麻将游戏 ...流产手术好些?一般情况下女性怀孕后多久适合做人流呢?在哪里做最... ...是不给手机号,也从来不视频或语音聊天,只是微信上聊天? 荣耀V10手机恢复出厂设置,如果操作才能不使用鸿蒙操作系统? 南京伟悦生物科技有限公司的清洗剂怎么样 南京清洗油烟机环保要求是什么 山东省考各地市笔试成绩 hcna是什么证书 求教华为LTE测试使用哪种MIFI 华为hcna认证有哪些 急,要一篇关于地方天气的英语作文,初二水平,80词左右 ccie如何报培训班 深圳cisco认证培训怎么报名 求《爱情真善美》中立恒和谁在一起?谢谢 我有两张EXCEL表,第一个有姓名和其对应的身份证号码,另外一个也有, 京杭大运河经过了哪些名人? 微信在哪群发? 我是女生二十岁全身长毛了该怎么办? 抖音怎么更改视频背景 社会快手网名大全成熟 快手最社会的网名 快手网名成熟稳重 淘油惠500元加油优惠券是真的吗 程序储存原理的实现前提是 计算机储存程序和程序原理是谁提出来的 虚拟局域网和交换机的关系 ...保障主要是指对公民权利的法律保障,其中,什么是公民权利保障的... 权利保障主要是指对公民权利的法律保障,具体包括 被盗了,但是又重新注册了一个,旧的微信还能用吗? 登不上,我又注册了一个新的,以前的微号还能找回来吗? 如果重新注册一个之前的还可以找得回来吗?