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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 07:39



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 20:16

the Earth: “Gaia”in Greece having a meaning of the mother of the ground
(the Earth) is one of the eight planets in solar system, and is the third one ranged by the length to the sun. It has a natural satellite—the moon, and the two make up an astronomic system—Earth-moon system. The Earth has a history of arround 4.6 billion years.
The land of the whole planet can be divided into seven continents: , Africa, Europe, Oceania, South America, North America and Antarctica.
地球上29%是陆地 71%是海洋。
29% of the surface of the Earth is the land, and 71% of it is the sea.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 20:16

Eight of the solar system planets, the sun from near and far from the order for the third. It has a natural satellite - the moon, the two formed a celestial body - on the line. Earth about 46 million years of history. Earth's life there are 200 million elderly.

The world's land can be divided into Qi Taizhou: Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, South America, North America and Antarctica.

Earth is 29% of the land is 71% ocean.

The vast ocean contains extremely rich in biological, the Global Biodiversity occupies an important position.

The world has known of the 300,000 kinds of marine life.

But in recent years, e to the growing instrial pollution, the earth is suffering from unprecedented damage.

Accelerating the rate of environmental degradation, pollution in the growing number of cities.

The increasingly advanced technology of modern war, but the pollution is immeasurable. The depletion of resources led to the outbreak of war.

In today's nuclear contamination is inevitable, what will be the future, we are at a loss.

Children in war is the most innocent victims. Who does not know what their future is the color.

Perhaps we are to build their own graves.
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