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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 06:19



热心网友 时间:2024-08-18 17:28

All the police entered the war, all the people involved, determined to win the hundred days of concentration and control of road traffic safety campaign of action.
All the people involved in the Hundred Days concentration and control of road traffic safety act together to create a harmonious and orderly safe traffic environment.
Actively involved in the Hundred Days concentration and control of road traffic safety action, consciously resist all kinds of traffic violations.
Carry forward the spirit of Liaoning Public Security, is going to win a complete victory concentration and control of road traffic safety.
Civilized travel, travel law, consciously resist all kinds of traffic violations.
To take drastic measures, at all costs, resolutely prevent serious road traffic accidents.
Take drastic measures to fully carry out road safety hundred days of concentration and control actions.
保障城市交通顺畅 打造平安和谐沈阳
Guarantee smooth urban transport in Shenyang to build peace and harmony.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-18 17:29

The whole police enter a war, the whole people participate in, win road traffic safety centralized renovation one hundred days action assault of fortified positions firmly.
The whole people participate in road traffic safety centralized renovation take action one hundred days, make safe harmonious orderly road traffic environment together.
Participate in road traffic safety centralized renovation take action one hundred days, resist all kinds of traffic illegal activities consciously actively.
Develop spirit, public security men of Liaoning, swear, take traffic safety centralized renovation of the road win in an all-round way.
Civilization go out, abide by the law, go out, resist all kinds of traffic illegal activities consciously.
Take the drastic measures, at all costs, prevent the traffic accident of grave and enormous road from happening firmly.
Take the drastic measures, launch the traffic safety centralized renovation of the road and take action in one hundred days with all strength.
Ensure the city traffic to be smooth Make safe harmonious Shenyang
保障城市交通顺畅 打造平安和谐沈阳

热心网友 时间:2024-08-18 17:29

All the police entered the war, all the people involved, determined to win the hundred days of concentration and control of road traffic safety campaign of action.

All the people involved in the Hundred Days concentration and control of road traffic safety act together to create a harmonious and orderly safe traffic environment.

Actively involved in the Hundred Days concentration and control of road traffic safety action, consciously resist all kinds of traffic violations.

Carry forward the spirit of Liaoning Public Security, is going to win a complete victory concentration and control of road traffic safety.

Civilized travel, travel law, consciously resist all kinds of traffic violations.

To take drastic measures, at all costs, resolutely prevent serious road traffic accidents.

Take drastic measures to fully carry out road safety hundred days of concentration and control actions.

Guarantee smooth urban transport in Shenyang to build peace and harmony

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