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初中英语作文 :should chinese celebrate weatern festival

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 09:01



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 01:30

Should Chinese celebrate western festival
It has been an increasingly hot issue in Chinese mind,so should we celebrate western festivals? As far as I am concerned, we can celebrate western festivals under the condition that we won’t forget ours..
More and more young people would celebrate the Valentine’s Day rather than celebrate Qixi, known as Chinese Valentine’s Day. They give flowers and chocolates to their lovers. What’s more, on Christmas day, many retailer sell different kinds apples everywhere and some apples are very expensive. Although there isn’t any law that doesn’t allow us to celebrate western festivals, we’d better celebrate ours. It is a useful way to protect our traditional culture.
It is a very open society and we learn more about other countries by studying and traveling abroad. We can celebrate western festivals, but we have to celebrate ours as well. Our traditional festivals are very precious treasure that we have to protect.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 01:30

Should Chinese celebrate western festival
It has been an increasingly hot issue in Chinese mind,so should we celebrate western festivals? As far as I am concerned, we can celebrate western festivals under the condition that we won’t forget ours..
More and more young people would celebrate the Valentine’s Day rather than celebrate Qixi, known as Chinese Valentine’s Day. They give flowers and chocolates to their lovers. What’s more, on Christmas day, many retailer sell different kinds apples everywhere and some apples are very expensive. Although there isn’t any law that doesn’t allow us to celebrate western festivals, we’d better celebrate ours. It is a useful way to protect our traditional culture.
It is a very open society and we learn more about other countries by studying and traveling abroad. We can celebrate western festivals, but we have to celebrate ours as well. Our traditional festivals are very precious treasure that we have to protect.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 01:31

有一个追问发给我 一定采纳

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 01:31



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