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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 14:47



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 20:42

Everyone has a memorable thing, and memorable things like the beach the diversiform shells, shining in the sea side, exudes be riotous with colour light, count the number of never-ending. And now my hands still held that one of the most shining shells, that also is me the most memorable thing. My mother and I to Shangjie to buy something, are walking home, walked, I appeared in front of an ordinary cleaners, she wasn't wearing a thick jacket, not wearing warm gloves, but only in the thin clothes, hands red with cold red face, gave birth to frostbite, but it is very spirit, she is to concentrate on to sweep the streets. Then, a five or six year old child, peeling with a sweet and big orange, he saw a nearby cleaners, they readily put an orange peel thrown on the ground, in fact, the land has just swept. Cleaners froze a moment, shook his head, only with the pair of hands frozen stiff and the orange peel sweeps clean out completely. I also saw the eyes cleaners emit a kind of sad, helpless look.Dear friends, do you think, these cleaners for the city clean, in order to have a clean living environment, to give up the family reunion, get the warm time, can withstand wind, regardless of the cold and to serve you, and we are selfish, littering or waste, does not realize that they mood, cold the stman aside, you think cleaners is sweep things, this is wrong, the cleaner is swept away the bad mood, disease. Without cleaning, the world will become a waste of the world, let a person feel be.From this trivial thing, I know how to protect environment, cherish the fruits of labor of others. Although this is a small thing, but let me forget a long time.

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