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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 04:25



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:26

If i had a lot of money i would,so that I could be very rich. I could buy many things. I could help poor people become rich and happy. I could do a lot of things while I want to. My life would be rich and colorful.
If i had a lot of money i would, I would make my dreams come true.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:26

If I have a lot of money,I want to go around the world with parents.
Seeing the most beatutiful interesting,such as the Great Wall,Pyramids,Eiffel Tower.Also,I will buy a sports car to my father and give my mother many fashion clothes.Besides,I'd like to donate much money to the charities to help some people who suffer from disease,poor and hungry.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:27

If I had a lot of money ,first I would buy my parents a big house. Second I would donate some money to the poor children whose parents can not afford their school fees . Then I would run a company where we proce some high technology proction. Finally I would take my parents to trave around the world. I think it must be fun.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:27

???不明白你啥意思追问题目是:假如我有许多钱 的英语作文,60~70词

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