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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-03 05:54



热心网友 时间:2024-02-20 23:30

This paper emphatically analyzes the chivalrous spirit of martial arts novels gu unique place in cologne, expounds the chivalrous spirit and human nature in the novel is indivisible viewpoint. This paper explains the meaning of traditional martial arts spirit, and analyzes contrast with traditional martial arts novels gu jin yong martial arts novels and such new-style swordsmen novel different, graally lead the chivalrous spirit novel gulong represents meaning and emphatically analyzes in the novel about swordsmen gulong chivalrous spirit of performance and the characteristic. Finally arrive at cologne wuxia novels chivalrous namely human point of view. Paper is divided into three parts. The first part extricated from pre-qin classics, the chivalrous spirit for every school started, analysis the comprehension and "chivalrous" qian chivalrous shiji role.certainly, then transition into of strange and new-style swordsmen novel, finally the chivalrous spirit covering cologne martial arts. The second part, from cologne novel "seven arms series", and combined with other with many other works analysis cologne embodies the chivalrous spirit. The final part of the chivalrous spirit of cologne analyzed separately unique to cologne "chivalrous namely, the argument is made final humanity" argument.
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