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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 17:03



热心网友 时间:2023-05-30 06:56

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Fast Food
There are many reasons that many people love to eat fast food.It is fast and easy to eat food which makes us satisfy.There are too many researches about disadvantage of fast food.I think that fast food has more hamful properties than benefit ones
The Advantages are only two:
1.It saves your time.
2.It catches with your taste buds.
The disadvantage lists is quite longer than the advantage lists and are as follows:
1.Heart disease – High saturated and trans fat along with high sodium content damages the arteries and high cholesterol clogs the arteries.
2.Obesity – High calories slowly settle down in your body and make you fat.
3.Peptic Ulcer – Excessive spicy foods inces peptic ulcer.
4.Lack of essential nutrients –Being low on nutrients,these junk foods are causing severe lack of essential vitamins,minerals,and other essential components in our body.
5.Irregular food habits – These instant and readily available foods have given us a very negative attitude and bad food habits of eating while working or eating while driving or delaying eating time.
6.Addiction – These are highly addictive.Once your child get addictive,it will become very difficult for you to make them understand all the pros and con.
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