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七年级英语暑假日记60词带翻译 1篇 不要网上有的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 15:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:38

Today I went to the zoo with my classmates .We saw a lot of animals like lions, tigers ,many kinds of birds and so on.But I like elephant best. They have two small eyes, two big ears and a long nose.They look friendly .The guide told us the elephants are very clever. they could draw,play footballs and show people the way.We got a surprise.
we also took a lot of great photo. And we all enjoyed ourselves.
I thought tody is a great day.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:38

One Sunday my mother and me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.
While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smiling at us and heard the birds singing their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed pretty beautiful.
When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw our mother waiting for us at the door.
真无语了。 一点内容要求都没有。。
七年级英语暑假日记60词带翻译 1篇 不要网上有的

Today I went to the zoo with my classmates .We saw a lot of animals like lions, tigers ,many kinds of birds and so on.But I like elephant best. They have two small eyes, two big ears and a long nose.They look friendly .The guide told us the elephants are very clever...


This morning I woke up at 6 o 'clock is to the kitchen for mom made a bowl of beef and tomato noodles, mother looked at me as she do breakfast is very happy, she finally put all eat noodles, very delicious, also say I grew up, not a kid, can look after himself, I...


Summer vacation, I went to grandma's house to play. As soon as I got home, I saw colorful pictures.暑假,我到外婆家玩,一到家,就看见了五颜六色的画面。In front of the door, cucumbers are planted and flowers bloom, like elves playing hide and seek among the vine leaves. B...


On July 20, sunny Get up early today is very hot, hot feeling uncomfortable. Breakfast mother let me accompany her to go shopping and I didn't go. Because it is too hot, move feeling on the finger to sweat.The city library to read a book this afternoon. Because the librar...


we had a great party. We sang and danced happily. We didn’t want to leave(离开) the friends and the teachers. I hope I can go to summer camp again next year.我去夏令营度假。第一天,我们去了美丽的海滩。这是一个阳光和炎热的一天,所以我们去游泳。水是温暖的,我们有很大的乐...


but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am essential to complete the homework as soon as I have time.翻译:我打算今年暑假花在运动。打篮球是总是我的最爱,所以我的一些同学和我将组建一个小团队,并且在一起打篮球。有时我们可能会匹配其他...


【翻译】2009年7月7日 这是我们第二天的暑假.我感觉很好.我觉得我很自由.我有很多时间做我喜欢.我的父母都在中山.所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独.但是,我没有做什么特别.我住在家里看电视.噢!我写了一篇英语日记.这是我的功课.今天,我睡了14 个小时.我以为我很疲惫.现在是吃晚饭.我必须去!我非常...


1。Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外交游,外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服。我们骑着自行车一...


我非常喜欢暑假。Because summer vacation is the longest vacation in a year. We have more than fifty days off.因为暑假是一年中最长的假期。我们有超过五十天休息。Although the weather is very hot, we can go swimming or stay in an air-conditioned room. I like to go shopping with my...


【翻译】2009年7月7日 这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了一篇英语日记。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 个小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃...

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