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This is the first time that I have.为什么要用have

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 15:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 02:06

  This is the first time that the three leaders have met together
  This is the first time that we have ever chosen to repoint the spacecraft to look at aninteresting flaring object.
  This is the first time that people are being rewarded for protecting the environment.
  当然,如果This is the first time that 变成了This was the first time that +had done(因为是截止到过去时间的影响和结果)
  This was the first time that China had been bestowed this honor.
  区分It is time+(过去式的句子或是谓语用should+do,其中should不能省略)
  Itis time that we made a decision.
  Itis time that we should put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 02:06

一般现在时(Simple present tense)。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态。

have 英[həv] 美[hæv]
aux. 用以构成完成式及完成式的不定式,表示已经…;
vt. 有,具有; 拿,取得; 从事; 必须,不得不;
n. 〈口〉有产者,有钱人; 富国; 〈英俚〉欺骗,诈骗;
1、Alex has already gone.
2、When I met her, she had just returned from a job interview.
3、You haven't sent her away, have you?

4、He arrived in San Francisco, having left New Jersey on January 19th.

5、I went out and had a walk around.

6、Come and have a meal with us tonight.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 02:07

This is the first time that I have.这里用have表示现在完成时。

这里是一种固定句型:This is the ……time that sb.have/has done sth.表示“这是某人第几次做某事。”

This is the first time that our family have gone out together for a travel
He said that this was his first time that he had been to Shanghai.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 02:07

我不知道你对have的疑问是语法上的, 还是其他的.
至于其他的意思 还是得联系上下文吧.
This is the first time that I have been abroad

正确的说法是this is the first time that i have been abroad.the first/second/third time 后面跟定语从句,时态用完成时 为何要加for啊?你想加上时间段啊?这里不需要,因为前边the first time,已经是时间了。

the first time的句子什么时候用过去时,什么时候用完成时?

time作连词用,引导一个时间状语从句时,从句一般用过去式,例如:He fell in love with Mary the first time he saw her.(他对玛丽一见钟情。)2.当the first time用在“It is/was the first time that……”结构中时,从句一般用完成式。如果前边用“is”,从句用现在完成式;如果前边用“was...

this is the first time that Ihave been here 是定语从句吗?请分析...

不是定语从句,这是一个句型:It's the (first,second,third...)time something has happened.Tim is having a driving lesson. It's his first one. = It's the first time he has driven a car.= He has never driven a car before....

itis()the first time that Ihave done()sth.?

It is the first time that+现在完成时表示这是我第一次做某事,在这句话中,用现在完成时主要是为了强调表示过去的某一个动作或行为对现在的影响,即强调第一次做的事对现在的影响,所以必须用完成时态,而且因为前面是is,表示现在时,后面必须时态呼应一致,因此用现在完成时。

...This is the first time [that] I have been here.

这就是定语从句。不过是有点特殊。当先行词有time,day,place,reason,way等的时候,可以用that代替when或where或why或介词+which, 口语中that 还可以省略。比如:I still remember the day (that) you went away I still remember the day on which you went away I still remember the day when ...


否定回答:No,I/they/we/youhaven't.或No,she/he/人名hasn't。特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(have/has+主语+过去分词+其他)。现在完成时态的用法 1、现在完成时表示影响:过去发生的动作在过去已经完成;过去发生并完成的动作对现在有影响或结果;说话者强调的或感兴趣的就是这个影响或结果...

the first time和 for the first time的区别

意思不同:the first time 第一次 This is the first time I have been here.这是我第一次来这里;for the first time;初次体验 You will never forget it for the first time.你将难忘初次体验;


①It/This/ThatisthefirsttimethatIhavecometoZhejiang. ②It/This/ThatistheonlypartythatIhaveeverreallyenjoyedinmylife. ③It/This/ThatisthemostinterestingbookthatIhaveeverread. (注:以上句型把is改为was,则从句时态相应改为过去完成时态) 3.现在完成时与一般过去时态的区别:现在完成时强调对现在的影响或...

“我第一次觉得学英语不无聊" 用英语怎么翻译?

最好这样,典型的句型。It is the first time that i have found it no boring to learn english.LS的太口语了,主语都杂乱了。

it is the first time ___Ihave been here. 应该用that


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