发布时间:2023-09-17 23:49
时间:2024-12-03 01:51
人的某些稳定的行为特征称为“习惯”。人类行为学家对人的种种习惯有着浓厚的兴趣。 从心理分析的角度看,习惯的“再现”是“潜意识”(人类的一种不能为意识所觉察的潜在思维过程,又称“下意识”)支配行为的结果。举个例子来说:某人曾谋杀过一个人而未被发现,但他总是整天提心吊胆,感到自己手上沾着死者的鲜血,于是在别人面前总是不自觉地搓手。他自己意识里并不明确他的目的,但他的潜意识在催促着他:擦掉手上的血!不要被别人发现!久而久之,他形成了在别人面前不断搓手的习惯。 习惯的形式有多种。我们不妨把“非条件反射”看作最基本的习惯。人在看物体时要不时地不自觉地眨眼,这种“眨眼”就是非条件反射活动,也可以说是几乎人都有的最基本的习惯。 较高一级的习惯是语言、动作习惯。通常意义下的“习惯”指的就是这种。行为学家发现男女之间的某些习惯有所不同,例如:男子大多在尚未到家门口之前就已从口袋里掏出钥匙(除非手里拿着东西或其他原因),而女子则在走到家门口之后,停下来,再从口袋里找钥匙。 思维的习惯是最高级形式的习惯。这种习惯受理性和哲学的影响最大。例如:马克思基于其哲学成果,习惯于从矛盾的两个方面看问题;大物理学家爱因斯坦习惯于从最简单的事实经过严密的推理得出最深奥的结论;而量子论的奠基人之一玻尔则习惯从实证的角度理解宇宙的不确定性…… 无论在哪一方面,只要是人类活动所及,习惯就潜在地起着巨大的作用。而无论哪种形式的习惯,都往往有利又有弊。有意识地发现自己的习惯,有意识地消灭坏习惯和培养好习惯,是取得工作成功的重要条件。
时间:2024-12-03 01:52
Einstein is a great physicist, his theory of relativity has influenced many scientific researchers, and I admire him very much.
Einstein was not smart as a child, but also because of his slow reaction, not sociable, and was ridiculed by his classmates as a "moron". Einstein was a poor student, had no friends, and no one expected him to become a famous physicist.
One day, the teacher told the students to go home and make a little bench by themselves. The next day, the students handed in their works. The teacher is very happy to see the students' works are very delicate and practical. Einstein, on the other hand, just sat there, saying nothing. "Einstein, what about your work?" "Asked the teacher kindly. "I, I..." He murmured, and shyly took out his "work." It was of very coarse material, with the back of the chair thrown sideways, and even the legs were crooked and not of the same length. The teacher said loudly: "Students, this can count as a bench? How many points will I get?" "Zero! The classmates burst into laughter. Who knows, Einstein magic and took out two worse small bench: "just that little bench is done after, although it is not good, than I did before much better!" .
Everyone froze. "How many marks should you give Einstein, class?" "Full marks! Suddenly, the classroom rang out a prolonged applause. I admire Einstein for his perseverance as a child. I think, this is also an important reason why he became a famous physicist in the future!
When he grew up, Einstein studied hard and was good at thinking. He became a famous physicist. Once he wanted to change a picture on the wall, so he got a ladder and climbed up step by step. Halfway up, it occurred to him that he was working on a problem. I was so thoughtful that I forgot what I was doing. Such a distraction, "plop", fell down. When we fall down, we usually complain. But, ignoring the pain, he thought at once, "Why did someone fall straight down? It seems that objects always move along the path of least resistance." It can be seen that Einstein was good at thinking, often from some small life inspired, but we lack this ability.
Students, Einstein's perseverance, good at thinking spirit, is really admirable. Isn't this spirit worth learning?