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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 19:06



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 15:58

A robber with a box of gold jewelry black boat ride to prepare to flee abroad, the unfortunate boat accident sank into the sea, he abandoned all the weights desperately to swim to an island not far away, but only that box of money he could not bear to discard. But I was lucky that he actually did it, and survived. So a person living on a desert island for the greater part of the year are always did not wait for a ship passing day, looking at a box of gold jewelry have nowhere available and rely on wild fruits and raw fish to sustain life! Day, the weather is sunny, he sat on a desert island thinking of a better life for his ruin, miss once favorite Mexican restaurant, he thought: "I want to again eat once the tacos. I do not know how happy it! "suddenly found a drift bottles met their toes, found a note on the inside, he opened the note curious. Found that a lot of the word appeared in front of "free tacos volume, only the day. His pain keep tears exclaimed: "I deserve A!!!" How ironic a free meal coupon Ah!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 15:58


A robber with a box of gold jewelry black boat ride to prepare to flee abroad, the unfortunate boat accident sank into the sea, he abandoned all the weights desperately to swim to an island not far away, but only that box of money he could not bear to discard. But I was lucky that he actually did it, and survived. So a person living on a desert island for the greater part of the year are always did not wait for a ship passing day, looking at a box of gold jewelry have nowhere available and rely on wild fruits and raw fish to sustain life! Day, the weather is sunny, he sat on a desert island thinking of a better life for his ruin, miss once favorite Mexican restaurant, he thought: "I want to again eat once the tacos. I do not know how happy it! "suddenly found a drift bottles met their toes, found a note on the inside, he opened the note curious. Found that a lot of the word appeared in front of "free tacos volume, only the day. His pain keep tears exclaimed: "I deserve A!!!" How ironic a free meal coupon Ah!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 15:59

One robber grasped a chest of gold and jewelry and left with a ship to elsewhere. Unfortunately, the ship capsized and sank into the deep blue ocean, he abandonedd all the heavy stuff except this treasure chest, and surprisingly, he managed to reach an island and survived there. He stayed in the isolated island for more than half a year but no single vessel passing by. Everyday, he looks at the treasure chest but non of them could help to fill up his stomach the fruits and fishes would help!!
One fine day, when he sat down at the shore and recalled his old good days - such a wonderful thing to enjoy it if I could sit down in my favourite Maxican restaurant and taking my mouth watering - Taco (chips). Suddently, he found something knocked at his toe and there was a bottle which contained a piece of paper. He was wondering what was written in the paper and he retreived the paper and fond out that there were two words shown - "FREE TACOS - TODAY ONLY". He was in great despair and wept and shouted - " I deserved it - this free meal coupon is a such joke/irony !
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