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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-16 08:06



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 21:44

In this paper, the dismantling of scrap cars at home and abroad present situation of the economic model of dismantling scrapped automobiles, on the reuse of discarded automobile parts, materials recycling, manufacturing and other key components were re-value analysis. Dismantling scrapped automobiles for the current process on the pollution of the environment, inefficient dismantling, recycling and other means of original defects, a set of scrap cars for dismantling of the current dismantling process. Finally, the use of Visual Basic program design knowledge, design a process of dismantling scrapped automobiles. There are various types of scrap cars, there are cars, buses, trucks, etc., this design is the main design of the cars in the dismantling process. Use the program, we simply select the appropriate components, click, you can get the corresponding steps in dismantling, demolition tools and disassembled down parts and recycled parts available storage methods. Through Visual Basic, intuitive understanding of people can scrap the entire process and each car different parts dismantling process.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 21:45

In this paper, the dismantling of scrap cars at home and abroad present situation of the economic model of dismantling scrapped automobiles, on the reuse of discarded automobile parts, materials recycling, manufacturing and other key components were re-value analysis. Dismantling scrapped automobiles for the current process on the pollution of the environment, inefficient dismantling, recycling and other means of original defects, a set of scrap cars for dismantling of the current dismantling process. Finally, the use of Visual Basic program design knowledge, design a process of dismantling scrapped automobiles. There are various types of scrap cars, there are cars, buses, trucks, etc., this design is the main design of the car追问这个是翻译软件翻的吧,都是单词拼出来的,语法都不对

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