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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-09 15:47



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 02:05

hello everyone, my name is XX and studing in XXXX. I am glad to have this oppotunity here to improve my social experience. I am a easy going person and like challenge, I think we could be good friend. I would try my best to do the work, if you found any problem in my work, please point it out without hesitation.
Thanks everyone.
Although we just know each other, I have to leave now. For this short period, I have learned much and get special experience from you guys, we are friends now, the experience here will be memorable things in my life. thanks for your understanding and help!
大家好, 我叫XX 在XXXX学习。我很高兴来到这里提高我自己的社会经历。我容易相处并喜爱挑战,我们能成为好朋友。我会尽力做好我的工作,但如果你们发现我工作中的任何问题,请及时指出,谢谢大家。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 02:05

Nice to meet you everyone!

My name is XXX,student of XXXX.

I'm so glad that I could have this opportunity working together with you.


“我优点不多”这一句改成:“我有很多兴趣爱好,比如:XXX... 我也热爱学习,渴望与人交往。”

I have a lot of interests,for example:XXX...

I also have deep love for study, thirst for associating with people.

If I made some mistakes in working process,I hope you would help me note the mistakes for correction promptly.


Thank you very much for your tolerance and help!


Although we will not work with each other for a long time, but I could obtain your guidance and make friends with all of you,it has very important meaning for me.

This experience will become my precious memory in my life.

I hope we'll get along with each other very well.

thank you so much everyone!



Nice to meet you everyone!

My name is XXX,student of XXXX.

I'm so glad that I could have this opportunity working together with you.

I have a lot of interests,for example:XXX...

I also have deep love for study, thirst for associating with people.

If I made some mistakes in working process,I hope you would help me note the mistakes for correction promptly.

Thank you very much for your tolerance and help!

Although we will not work with each other for a long time, but I could obtain your guidance and make friends with all of you,it has very important meaning for me.

This experience will become my precious memory in my life.

I hope we'll get along with each other very well.

thank you so much everyone!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 02:05

Hello, my name is XXX, enrolled in XXXX. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to work with you. I (the advantages of small, I don't think I could change), but I love learning, eager to communicate with people. If you work in the process of the mistakes committed, hope you correct my time. Hope and everyone happy, thank you.
We just know, but also to separate. X days though short, but can be taught and become friends with you have boundless senseI am very glad to work with you together, once it has become my memory cannot erase a pen. Thanks for the tolerance and help!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 02:06

Hello everyone, My name is XXX, a student at XXXX. Are very pleased to have this opportunity to work with you. I have the advantages of not, but I love learning, desire and human exchanges. If in the course of the work of the commission of a wrong, hope that in time my criticism. Would like to live a happy, Thank you very much.
We are only aware of, but should be separated. X-day, though short, can be taught and become friends with you very happy. I am pleased to have worked with you to get along, this has become my memory is not a indelible. Thank you for your tolerance and help!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 02:07

Hello, my name is xxx, a student at xxxx.Glad to get the chance to work with you.I do not have many merits (this sentence i think it inappropriate, can the appropriate changes), but i love learning, desire and people.If the course of the work of the mistakes, we hope that the timely humour me.Want happy members, thank you.
We just know, but also to separation.X days although short, but can get taught and became friends with Honourable Members have infinite implications (nor too appropriate, suitable change).I am glad to get along with fellow colleagues at work, this has become my memory is not a pen that.Thank you for your generosity and help!

hello everyone, my name is XX and studing in XXXX. I am glad to have this oppotunity here to improve my social experience. I am a easy going person and like challenge, I think we could be good friend. I would try my best to do the work, if you found any problem in m...


Firstly, let me give you an introduction.我叫ABC,今年22岁。我来自于XX省,XX市。我目前就读于XX大学,主修XX专业。大学期间,我努力学习,刻苦钻研,取得了良好的学习成绩。不过由于客观因素的影响,我在专业知识的某些方面还存在缺陷;各方面能力与重点院校的学生还存在一定差距。但我为人积极向上,...


I am optimistic with pleasant personality. I have a variety of hobbies and interests and I am good at communication. Work with chariness and responsibility with a correct attitude.I am a quick learner and able to complete and effectively carry out tasks assigned by Superior ...


My name is ... I'm 21years old. My hometown is Hebei. Post secondary education.1.65 metres in height.I was a receptionist in,,, I'm very lively and outgoing,I have a strong learning ability.I live in Shunyi now


2.Be good at computer drawing by using CAD and Pro/e 3.Can neatly do programming and manufacture by the way of numeric control 4.Have the skill of metalworking, latheman and locksmith 5.Be able to measure the part of machine as well as design Appraise about myself:1.Have ...


Hello! My name is XXX, English name is XXX x, live in subjcet subjcet x. In subjcet subjcet subjcet subjcet primary school. My personality is lively, but met strangers will shy, but this point I'll change. I usually like to exercise, especially likes playing basketball, ...

请各位帮忙翻译一下我的自我介绍 英文的

my name XXX 22 years old ,Is a graduating student, reads the commercial management in Beijing Auspicious University, and obtains the Chinese Health care Association's senior nutritionist certificate, my disposition open and bright lively, has the splendid learning capability, the ...


profession, how I learn to be together with others, I understood in met the difficult time how to solve. I am interested very much to this work, although I do not have the work experience, but I will treat this work well, I believed that I can complete this work....


the name of mine is XXX,i am a 14-year-old boy,i am from XXX primary school.of all subjects,i like math best,because i am interested in math.my hobby is pianting and singing,i prefer blue,because the color of thesea is blue.i have a family which there are parents and...


I have very broad interests in soccer, reading, computer and running As an undergraduate with four years of study and working practice, I believe I will be qualified for this job and I can do it very well.I hope your company can offer me an opportunity and I will return you...

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大脚趾甲因为打篮球有淤血,现在整个指甲已经掉下来了,里面指甲已经一半... ...头充满淤血。前几天把淤血排出去,现在发现脚趾甲和里面 ...淤血出来就,现在半个脚趾甲都空了颜色发黄是从根部到中间这一段... ...脚趾甲全淤血了,淤血消失了 肉与脚趾甲分离了,等脚趾甲自动脱离,还 ... 大拇脚趾甲砸肿了里面全是淤血 ,现在淤血消了但是脚趾甲里跟肉分离... 葫芦娃、奥特曼、超人、蜘蛛侠、小叮当 如果他们混战,最后站着的是谁... 神笔马良、葫芦娃、奥特曼、圣斗士在一起打混战,最后谁会赢? 十个奥特曼大混战是哪一集 英文版MY60T5ERlES数字万用表是什么牌子的,多少钱一台,质量好吗_百度... 怎么才能让鸡蛋从2米高处落下来不碎 公寓和住宅有什么区别,产权年限一样吗?106 动车二等座可以充电吗?13 师傅和徒弟100人做零件,师傅每人做3个零件,徒弟平均每三人做一个零件... ...有细菌真菌生长,后来去三甲医院做了前列腺液检查卵磷脂小体3+... 为什么前列腺液常规正常,但是用前列腺液却培养出细菌了是怎么回事?_百 ... 普通电视怎么可以接收地面数字信号,需要买什么设备60 申请公交车车载电视广告需要哪些手续10 以前电视都是模拟信号传播,现在都用数字信号传播了,我想知道这...1 猪发烧不按拱圈是怎么回事 动车二等座有没有充电的插口啊?470 陕西385分理科能考什么大学 中秋节送老人什么礼物好 谁能帮我把这两篇文章翻译成英文? ...中本身固有的.本质的.必然的.稳定的联系。规律最重要的特点是... 1..在这么著名的大学里学习真是难忘的经历 2..为了避免交通拥挤,他们... 车载卫星电视是怎么接收信号得16 开个公交车媒体电视台,需要投资多少钱?电视台是靠什么传播信号... 天蝎女知道摩羯男睡梦中呼喊另一个女生名字后心突然冷了不问原因... 梦见授粉 摩羯座男生和天蝎座女生1225 求一首英文歌,歌词听到这两句“tell me a story...1 ...和徒弟100人,修理100辆汽车,2个师傅合修3辆车,3个徒弟合修2辆车,问... 怎样合理拒绝一个你不喜欢的人1 现在市场上最好的电脑配置是? 现在什么样的电脑配置才能达到游戏狂的要求? 以会计学专业为主的二本大学有哪些12 白细胞0-3前列腺3+该怎么办 动车二等座位有充电口吗 位置在哪里63 高铁上 二等座 能充电吗382 什么是创新创业载体? 康美丹是烟台鸿瑞生产的吗,怎么还有一个烟台美尚美都在卖,是几... 公寓楼与普通住宅楼有哪些区别?79 中秋节给长辈送礼物送什么好? 某厂师傅和徒弟共100人做零件,师傅每人做3个,徒弟平均每三人做一个... 3050ti和2060对比 ...牙齿轻微松动,有浮出感,吃了甲硝唑还有罗红霉素还有肿痛安,没有效... 爬华山要很长时间吗?我从西安市里去华山,回来怎么走呢?什么时间出发... 梦见三个人偷我和好友手机 中秋节应该给长辈送礼吗? 怎么查自己什么时间加入的qq群13