发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 09:30
懂视网 时间:2022-05-08 01:52
If you’ve recently completed a key signing party or have otherwise met up with other people and have exchanged key fingerprints and verified IDs, it’s now time to sign the keys you trust. There are several different ways of completing this task and I’ll discuss two of them now.CA Fire and Forget (caff) is a program that allows you to sign a bunch of keys (like you might have after a key signing party) very quickly. It also adds a level of security to the signing process by forcing the other person to verify that they have both control over the email address provided and the key you signed. The way caff does this is by encrypting the signature in an email and sending it to the person. The person who receives the message must also decrypt the message and apply the signature themselves. Once they sync their key with the key server the new signatures will appear for everyone.
$ gpg --keyserver hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net --refresh-key
There is somesetup of caffthat needs to be done prior but once you have it setup it’ll be good to go.
Installing caff is pretty easy although there might be a little trick. In Fedora there isn’t a caff package. Caff is actually in the pgp-tools package; other distros may have this named differently.
Once you have caff installed and setup, you just need to tell caff what key IDs you would like to sign. “man caff” will give you all the options but basically ‘caff -m no -u ‘ will sign all the keys listed after your key. You will be asked to verify that you do want to sign the key and then caff will sign the key and mail it off. The user will receive an email, per user id on the key, with instructions on importing the signature.
The other way of signing a PGP key is to use GnuPG. Signing a key this way will simply add the signature to the key you have locally and then you’ll need to send those keys out to the key server.
The first thing that you have to do is pull the keys down from the keyserver.
$ gpg --keyserver hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys...
Once you have received all the keys you can then sign them. If someone’s key is not there you should probably contact them and ask them to add their key to the servers. If they already have uploaded their key, it might take a couple of hours before it is sync’d everywhere.
Signing a key is pretty straightforward:
$ gpg --sign-key 1bb943dbpub 1024D/1BB943DB created: 2010-02-02 expires: never usage: SCtrust: unknown validity: unknownsub 4096g/672557E6 created: 2010-02-02 expires: never usage: E [ unknown] (1). MariaDB Package Signing Key[ unknown] (2) Daniel Bartholomew (Monty Program signing key) Really sign all user IDs? (y/N) ypub 1024D/1BB943DB created: 2010-02-02 expires: never usage: SCtrust: unknown validity: unknown Primary key fingerprint: 1993 69E5 404B D5FC 7D2F E43B CBCB 082A 1BB9 43DBMariaDB Package Signing Key Daniel Bartholomew (Monty Program signing key) Are you sure that you want to sign this key with yourkey "Eric Harlan Christensen " (024BB3D1)Really sign? (y/N) y
In the example I signed the MariaDB key with my key. Once that is complete a simple:
gpg --keyserver hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-key 1BB943DB
…will send the new signature to the key servers.
热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 23:00
接下来启动你的TheBat!选择工具菜单的OpenPGP项的“选择OpenPGP版本”命令,如下图:出来“选择OpenPGP执行”对话框,如下图:确定之后,再选择工具菜单的OpenPGP项的“OpenPGP键管理器”,如下图:出现“Key Generation Wizard”(如果你是重装系统,恢复的PGP里已经有密钥了,那么这一步会直接出现PGP的密钥管理器,如果你要新加密钥可以选择“Keys”菜单下的“New Key...”命令,否则,跳过该步。),选择下一步,出现下图:如图操作,再下一步:一般来说,使用RSA算法的属于是比较通用的,建议选用,下一步一般来说,2048位的RSA是比较安全的了...... 下一步:再下一步:密码最长是128位,只要你能记住,越长越好,而且最好是字母和数字混合的,单纯的数字作为密码并不可靠。中间的密码质量的指示条清楚的展现了的你的密码长度和安全性。如果你的主板不是Intel的810/815等系列,在你点击下一步之前,最好做好运动鼠标的准备,点击下一步后,就可以开始运动鼠标了:^_^这下终于知道了Intel为什么在8XX系列主板芯片组的固件中心(其实就是BIOS)里面加入硬件的随机数发生器了吧,呵呵,完成后,点击下一步:最后,下一步:完成了,呵呵,点击“完成”,看看成果吧:等等:?!老老实实备份吧......公钥无所谓,下面的私钥可是你的命根子:好了,这个最关键的搞成了,下面还有几个参数看看,打开The Bat!工具菜单的OpenPGP项的“OprePGP参数选择”命令:出来对话框:OK了,确定......过我们知道,PGP是对称加密,别人要发给你加密邮件,必需得有你的公钥才行,反过来,你要给别人发加密邮件,也得有别人的公钥才行,那么如何获得别人的公钥呢?前面说的,你可以把你的公钥发布到服务器上去,让别人查询,用样,你也可以自己到服务器上去找,方法就是启动PGP密钥管理器(选择The Bat!工具菜单的OpenPGP项的“OpenPGP键管理器”),选择Server菜单的“Search...”命令:然后出现Search对话框,选择合适的条件,搜索内容,然后拨号上网,就可以Search了:找到你要的结果以后,可以在结果上面点击右键,选择“Import to Local Keyring”命令,就可以把那个公钥加入你的本地密钥库了:不过,以上对于公共邮箱的公钥,当然可以发布到服务器上,但是私人邮箱呢?当然不能发布,那么就只能手工发给人家了:启动PGP密钥管理器(选择The Bat!工具菜单的OpenPGP项的“OpenPGP键管理器”),选择你准备发送的密钥,点击右键,选择“Copy”,然后再到邮件内容编辑窗口里面“粘贴”后(注意,不要修改粘贴上去的内容 )发给对方就行了(放心,不会把你的私钥给贴出来的^_^):发是发出去了,但是收呢?如果你收到别人的内容里附有公钥的邮件,你可以直接选择The Bat!工具菜单的OpenPGP项的“输入OpenPGP键”命令,就可以直接将他的公钥导入了:至此,设置部分全部结束......好了,万事俱备了,让我们来试一把:按照正常的方法写信,彻底写完以后(不需要再改了),选择邮件编辑窗口的“秘密”菜单的“OpenPGP”项,如下图:选择一个以后,会出来对话框:好了,OK,现在看看那封信?呵呵,出效果了吧,好了,发出去吧......嗯,挺快,收到一封加密的信,怎么办?当然是解密了,呵呵,选中那封信,然后选择The Bat!工具菜单的“OpenPGP”项的“OpenPGP解码”命令,输入你的私钥口令,你会收到一个PGPLOG的对话框,告诉你结果,如果成功了,你会在你的收件箱里找到一封主题为“(PGP Decrypted)”的收发件人和原信一样的邮件,当然是解密的......(如果是签名的邮件,和前面一样,只是然后选择The Bat!工具菜单的“OpenPGP”项的“检查OpenPGP签名”命令,而不是“OpenPGP解码”命令,PGPLOG窗口会告诉你结果的,当然,也不会有解密的邮件出现):呼呼,终于结束了,呵呵,反正基本的PGP的邮件功能就这么多了。当然,PGP的高级功能还有很多,而且PGP并不是只能用在邮件加密上,而且还能应用于加解密文本、图片,加解密其他文件,乃至于擦写磁盘等等一系列的功能,这些,就请各位自己去开发、扩展了,呵呵呵呵^_^参考: http://netsecurity.51cto.com/art/200512/14945.htm 网站图文并茂,注解详细,极适合初学者热心网友 时间:2022-05-08 00:18
这款软件,我没有使用过。热心网友 时间:2022-05-08 01:53