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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 08:34



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 21:30

第一篇:招聘广告(Recruitment Ad)
  Sodexho,the largest multi-service company in the world, specializes in catering, cleaning services, facility management, etc. Due to its rapid development in Shanghai, Sodexho China is now looking for talent with minimum 3 years experience in services management in the following areas: Catering Manager Aged 27 to 30. College graate. 3 years' experience in catering. Preferably in managerial position.
  Fluent English in both written and spoken communication. Self-motivated and service-oriented. Sales Administrator Bachelor degree majoring in English with good computer skills. Detailoriented and prior working experience as a translator will be advantageous. Business Development Manager Minimum 3 years' relevant experience preferably in service business. Bachelor degree or above.
  Proficient in English and computer operation. Self-motivated and team-oriented. We Provide You Not Just Job, But A Career In Sodexho.
  Teachers Wanted
  21st Century English Training Centre
  Teachers Wanted
  We need native English teachers who have experience in teaching
  English as a second language to join us.
  We are a leading training school, managed by China Daily.
  We provide English instruction to alt students and staff of international companies who wish to improve their English communication skills.
  This is a very good opportunity for you, and we will pay you a high salary and local travel costs.
  Please call or fax and tell us about yourself!
  Lucy Liu, Christine Wang
  Beijing 21st Century English Training Centre
  Fourth Floor, Daily Building,
  15 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029
  Tel: 64927842 64924488 ext 3402
  Fax: 64927844
  Help Wanted
  A computer company wants two English translators who can meet the following requirements:
  1. male or female aged under 25;
  2. living in this province;
  3. able to use English freely;
  4. with the knowledge of operating computers.
  Anyone who is willing to, please send your resume in Chinese and English within two months, including two photos, to Miss Mary of NBA computer company.



您好:Rose restausant,the largest multi-service company in China,specializes in catering, good accommodation services, facility management, etc. Due to its rapid development in Shanghai, now we are looking for talent with minimum 3 years experience in services management in the following...


too. The party will be from 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock on Friday in the students' club. We will have a birthday song, cake for Xiaoming. And there will be games then. The only request is that you would have to prepare a gift for Xiaoming.We...


The editor's job mainly includes two parts. One is to choose articles which is suitable for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Intemet. The other is to select and edit the articles from students.If you want to apply for the job you must meet the follo...

招聘人才广告的英语作文 30字 带翻译

我们公司愿招各方面的人才,不限年龄,资历也要研究生以上(包括研究生)。Our company is willing to recruit the talent of each respect, not limited to age, seniority will graduate and above ( including the graduate ).


Talents Are Wanted for the School Badminton Club – Supersonic Club Do you know that badminton is such a sport with an intensity that is only after soccer? Do you know that a reaction faster than table tennis is required to judge towards where the feather-ball is shooting? Come...


英语招聘广告范文篇一:一、英文招聘广告的组成 英文招聘广告通常有如下此内容组成:1、招聘单位的名称(TheNameoftheRecruitingUnit)一般单独摆在第一行,排版时用粗体字,以标题的形式出现。如:Avon(Shanghai)CompanyLimited上海雅芳有限公司 Amway(China)DailyNecessitiesCompanyLimited美国安利(中国)日用品有限...


求职信英语作文带翻译篇三:销售的英语求职信 1. My experience in the past three years ranged from computer lab assistant to installation specialist to troubleshooter working with a diverse group of people and winning accolades for my technical and people skills.在过去的三年中,我当过...

急 求一篇招聘幼师的英语作文带翻译 50字

please believe me。当我是一个孩子时,我就想将来能成为一名老师,我想如果我是一名老师,我将可以和孩子们一起玩,我喜欢孩子并且也喜欢和孩子们一起玩,我认为如果我可以和孩子们一起玩,我将变得更年轻,成为老师一直是我的梦想,我希望我将成为一名老师,我会很好的照顾孩子们,请相信我。


All the best!Yours,Li Hua 我很高兴收到你的信,我很高兴地听到你会去中国且在我们这里学习中文的消息。我已经找到了寓所。在芳草街,不远处就是我们的中文学校。乘坐11号巴士就可以到达,前一站就是中文学校。寓所是在三楼,有3个房间,其中一个是卧室,其他两个卫生间和厨房。有一张床,一个...

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电脑开机时怎么进入安全模式 广东医学院大一新生宿舍怎么样,是不是都是学校分配,不能自己选择_百度... 2012高考理科 考到545 想知道怎么填志愿 我的分数545可以报广东医学院边d专业?我系广东考生 高考排名。高考报志愿。广东医学院。 今年545分补录广东医学院还有机会吗? 徒步穿什么鞋 夫妻之间感情再不好都不要去互相伤害 平时可以穿登山鞋吗 大学生都爱去哪些网站? 女人胸罩最大多大码? 剑魂达人看看啊 破极兵刃的效果 求作文五篇。高二水平 什么作文都行 dnf剑魂纯光剑刷图拔刀斩、逆转反击,破极兵刃,猛龙、幻影各加多少? 高中生优秀作文 800字 五篇 dnf剑魂技能破极兵刃加满有多少攻? 这家公司是国企吗 cad用坐标画五角星步骤 跪求高中生5篇作文、复制一下! 国企就是央企吗? DNF剑魂如果破极兵刃加满而不点武器节制,刷图大概费多少耐久?如果都点满又会费多少?希望资深白手回答 急~! 求5篇800字的高中作文,题材不限、 拜托、、、 女人的胸部以A杯B杯C杯D杯称呼大小是什么意思啊 怎么测量? 高中作文五篇(600字左右) 100财富值寻枪手!!! 求教DNF中剑魂破极兵刃的攻击力加成是怎样计算的?最好有依据,先谢了.. 土地纠纷!!!土地管理法? ABB公司是国企吗 I罩杯的女人男人能接受吗? DNF剑魂破极兵刃,逆转反击,自动格挡加多少啊? 土地权属纠纷解决的原则 DNF剑魂每提升一级破极兵刃加多少物攻和物爆 求数据帝解答 求十篇高中经典作文(其中五篇涉及历史题材)600字左右 地下城剑魂技能里有一个终极兵刃,这个技能加不?是主动技能还是被动的? 青春期女生一般什么时候是多少罩杯? 高中生5篇暑假800字议论文。谢了 DNF 技能:破极兵刃怎么没用 DNF 技能:破极兵刃怎么用 高中以“脚印”为话题作文5篇 dnf第五章剑魂破极兵刃加满多少暴击 玉环柚的简介 DNF剑魂破极兵刃和光剑精通哪个提升攻击高 地下城剑圣的破极兵刃每学一级可以提高多少物功? 没有爱吃柚子的亲,给我下你们吃过最好吃的柚子? 巨明玉米收割机液压行走用什么液压油? 收割机液压油热了转向不好用是怎么回事 目前哪款手机拍照像素方面是最好的? 沃德水稻收割机变速箱加什么油好 小麦收割机液压油烫手是怎么回事 世界上第一款可以照相的手机是什么型号? 收割机发动机机油往液压油箱里进油咋回事 星光750水稻收割机加多少号液压油