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This Is What Makes Us Girls 歌词·

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 11:52



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 02:30

手工了,兽性了,我太喜欢这首歌了···请原谅翻译的过于high了··= =·····

Remember how we used to party up all night 还记得我们以前是怎样在夜晚里狂欢么?

Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life 溜出家门,向往着真正的生活

Drinking in the small town firelight 在小镇的温暖火光边开喝

(Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice) 结了冰的Pabst Blue Ribbon

Sweet sixteen and we had arrived 终于到了我们甜美的十六岁

Walking down the street as they whistle, "Hi, hi!"在街上看到他们向我们吹着口哨说嗨~~嗨

Stealin' police cars with the senior guys 跟着学长学姐们···偷警车····= =

Teachers said we'd never make it out alive 老师说我们我们早晚得玩儿蛋去··

There she was my new best friend 她是我新的好朋友

High heels in her hands, swayin' in the wind 她拎着高跟鞋,甩来甩去

While she starts to cry, mascara runnin' down her little Bambi eyes 当她哭的时候睫毛膏就顺着她的眼泪从她啥啥的眼睛流下来(- -突然整出一句法语要干嘛···)

"Lana, how I hate those guys." “lana,你知道我有多恨这些男人么”

This is what makes us girls(一时找不到合适的翻译···)

We don't look for heaven and we put our love first 我们不向往天堂,我们向往爱情

Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse 你知道我们为何而死么?是爱的诅咒

Don't cry about it, don't cry about it 别为了这些哭,别哭

This is what makes us girls 我们就是这样的妞儿

We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first 我们不成天黏在一起,因为我们把爱情看得更重要

Don't cry about him, don't cry about him 别为了他哭,别哭

It's all gonna happen 这一切都是注定的

And that's where the beginning of the end begun 那是最后结局的预示

Everybody knew that we had too much fun 每个人都知道,我们乐极生悲了

We were skippin' school and drinkin' on the job 我们辍学我们醉醺醺的工作

(With the boss)和头儿一起(= =姑娘,你真猛··)

Sweet sixteen and we had arrived 终于到了我们甜美的十六岁

Baby's table dancin' at the local dive 我们在当地的酒吧里跳着销魂的舞

Cheerin our names in the pink spotlight 庆祝我们的名字出现在粉色的聚光灯下

Drinkin' cherry schnapps in the velvet night 在丝绒般的夜晚喝着樱桃味的schnapps

Know we used to go break in 你知道我们以前习惯破门而入

to the hotel pool, glittering we'd swim 去旅馆闪闪发光的游泳池,我们瞎扑腾

Runnin' from the cops in our black bikini tops 穿着黑色比基尼和*玩*

screaming, "Get us while we're hot" 尖叫道:趁热乎赶紧把我们悳(dei )回去吧

"We don't give a whaaat!" 滚犊子

This is what makes us girls 我们就是这样的妞儿

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 02:30

This Is What Makes Us Girls
Remember how we used to party up all night
Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life
Drinking in the small town firelight
(Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice)

Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Walking down the street as they whistle, "Hi, hi!"
Stealin' police cars with the senior guys
Teachers said we'd never make it out alive

There she was my new best friend
High heels in her hands, swayin' in the wind
While she starts to cry, mascara runnin' down her little Bambi eyes:
"Lana, how I hate those guys."

This is what makes us girls
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it
This is what makes us girls
We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him
It's all gonna happen

And that's where the beginning of the end begun
Everybody knew that we had too much fun
We were skippin' school and drinkin' on the job
(With the boss)

Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Baby's table dancin' at the local dive
Cheerin our names in the pink spotlight
Drinkin' cherry schnapps in the velvet night

Know we used to go break in
to the hotel pool, glittering we'd swim
Runnin' from the cops in our black bikini tops
screaming, "Get us while we're hot"
"We don't give a whaaat!"

This is what makes us girls
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it
This is what makes us girls
We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first
Don't cry about him, don't cry about him
It's all gonna happen

The prettiest crowd that you had ever seen
Ribbons in our hair and our eyes gleamed mean
A freshmen generation of degenerate beauty queens
And you know something?

They were the only friends I ever had
We got into trouble and when stuff got bad
I got sent away, I was waving on the train platform
Crying 'cause I know I'm never comin' back.

This is what makes us girls
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it
This is what makes us girls
Darlin' little queens do you know what you're worth?
I'll tell you everyday till you get it, girl
It's all gonna happen

This is what makes us girls now, baby.
This is why we rule the world now, baby.
This is what makes us girls now, baby.
Why we rule the world now, baby, oh.追问中文翻译


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 02:31

Remember how we used to party up all night
Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life
Drinking in the small town firelight
(Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice)
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Walking down the street as they whistle, "Hi, hi!"
Stealin’ police cars with the senior guys
Teachers said we’d never make it out alive
There she was my new best friend
High heels in her hands, swayin’ in the wind
While she starts to cry, mascara runnin’ down her little Bambi eyes:
"Lana, how I hate those guys."
This is what makes us girls
We don’t look for heaven and we put our love first
Don’t you know we’d die for it? It’s a curse
Don’t cry about it, don’t cry about it
This is what makes us girls
We don’t stick together ’cause we put our love first
Don’t cry about him, don’t cry about him
It’s all gonna happen
And that’s where the beginning of the end begun
Everybody knew that we had too much fun
We were skippin’ school and drinkin’ on the job
(With the boss)
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Baby’s table dancin’ at the local dive
Cheerin our names in the pink spotlight
Drinkin’ cherry schnapps in the velvet night
Know we used to go break in
to the hotel pool, glittering we’d swim
Runnin’ from the cops in our black bikini tops
screaming, "Get us while we’re hot"
"We don’t give a whaaat!"
This is what makes us girls
We don’t look for heaven and we put our love first
Don’t you know we’d die for it? It’s a curse
Don’t cry about it, don’t cry about it
This is what makes us girls
We don’t stick together ’cause we put our love first
Don’t cry about him, don’t cry about him
It’s all gonna happen
The prettiest crowd that you had ever seen
Ribbons in our hair and our eyes gleamed mean
A freshmen generation of degenerate beauty queens
And you know something?
They were the only friends I ever had
We got into trouble and when stuff got bad
I got sent away, I was waving on the train platform
Crying ’cause I know I’m never comin’ back.
This is what makes us girls
We don’t look for heaven and we put our love first
Don’t you know we’d die for it? It’s a curse
Don’t cry about it, don’t cry about it
This is what makes us girls
Darlin’ little queens do you know what you’re worth?
Don’t cry about it, don’t cry about it
It’s all gonna happen

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 02:32

Remenber how we used to party up all night
Sneaking out and looking for a taste of real life
Drinking in the small town firelight
(pabst blue ribbon on ice)
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Walking down the street as they whistle "Hi,hi!"
Stealin' police cars with the senior guys
Teachers said we'd never make it out alive
There she was my new best friend
Hig heels in her hands, swayin' in the wind
While she starts to cry, mascara runnin' down her little bambi eyes:
"Lana, how I hate those guys."
This is what makes us girls
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse
Don't cry about it,don't cry about it
This what makes us girls
We don't stick together' cause we put our love first
Don't cry about him,don't cry about him
It's all gonna happen

And that's where the beginning of the end begun
Everybody knwe that we had too much fun
We were skippin' schooland drinkin' on the job
(With the boss)
Sweet sixteen and we had arrived
Baby's table dancin' at the local dive
Cheerin our names in the pink spotlight
Drinkin' cherry schnapps in the velvet night
Know we used to go break in to the hotel pool, glittering we'd swim
Runnin' from the cops in our black bikini tops screaming,"Get us while we're hot"
"We don't give a whaaat!"

This is what makes us girls
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse
Don't cry about it,don't cry about it
This what makes us girls
We don't stick together' cause we put our love first
Don't cry about him,don't cry about him
It's all gonna happen
The prettiest crowd that you had ever seen
Ribbons in our and our eyes gleamed mean
A freshmen generattion of degenerate beauty queens
And you know smething?
They were the only friends i ever had
We got trouble and when stuff got bad
I got sent away, I was waving on the train platfrorm
Crying'cause I know I'm never comin's back

This is what makes us girls
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first
Don't you know we'd die for it? It's a curse
Don't cry about it,don't cry about it
This what makes us girls
We don't stick together' cause we put our love first
Don't cry about him,don't cry about him
It's all gonna happen
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