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(英文作文)红烧鱼的做法 四十个单词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 11:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:50

A, after kills the fish to wipe the salt, the seasoning, wipes explodes the powder inundate approximately half to an hour;
B, the hot pot puts the oil, the oil puts the fish hotly, the slow fire or the fire fries fish in turn, to fish golden yellow, installs the small dish spare.
C, the hot pot puts the oil, explodes the fragrant onion to be white, the garlic piece or at the end of the garlic, Jiang Pian and so on, puts the right amount water, puts seasoning which oneself likes (e.g. thick bean sauce, cooking wine, always pulls out, vinegar, sugar and so on) cancels the juice.Puts the fish, cooks in a covered vessel approximately more than ten minutes.Usually cooks in a covered vessel the time is longer, each kind of seasoning flavor enters are more, but cannot continuously cook in a covered vessel endlessly.Knows when to stop then.

D, after the fish is ripe, sets free a captured animal the onion, thewidget which the coriander and so on likes, namely achieved aggravatesthe fragrance the goal, also achieves the decoration the goal.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:50

Braised fish in soy sauce is the basic craft of Chinese dish. The distinguishing characteristics are it looks red and glossy, rich in smell and thick in gravy. Both sides of the fish slice must be fried to become golden yellow, a thin crispy layer of skin should be left on the top before you take it out of the hot oil pot. This is the key step of forming the gloss, or you may have a dish that looks gloomy and gets torn to pieces ring cooking process.追问谢谢


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