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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 10:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 03:44

Conan Doyle (1859--1930) the distinguished British crime novelist, playwright. He graated from Edinburgh Medical University, practicing for more than 10 years, income can only maintain the life. After writing detective stories. " A study in scarlet [1]" after the manuscript was published in four," signature" is well known in the world. 1891to abandon medicine for literature, and then into the detective novelist. The representative of" Persian MIA scandal" redhead" will"," the five orange nuclear [2]". In 1894decided to stop writing detective stories, in the" last case" [3] let Holmes die in torrent. But readers this outrage, protest. Conan Doyle had to" vacancy" let Holmes take escape from death, and to write" Basque hound [4]"," the valley of fear", detective story. Shape of Holmes have become the world make known to every family. Even Holmes 's office --221 Beck street in London, B has become a tourist attraction. Works of logical reasoning and the ups and downs, structure, distinctive characters, was involved in British society. For its artistic achievement, the famous British novelist Maugham once said:" and Conan Doyle's" Sherlock Holmes", without any detective novels of Ceng Xiang have so great reputation. Conan Doyle was known as" the father of British detective stories", and his book the world's best-selling book one, Conan Doyle, also known as the world's most famous detective novelist. Chinese complete transliteration of Conan De Yi Lu, simplified for Conan Doyle. Conan Doyle at the age of 9 he was admitted to the Jesuit preparatory school, when in 1875 he left school when Doyle has to the Catholic Church has aversion, and become an agnostic. From 1876 to 1881, he studied medicine in University of Edinburgh, after graation as a ship's doctor to the West African coast, after returning home in 1882in Plymouth to practice. But his medical practice is not too smooth, ring which Doyle began writing. In a move to the city in the South China Sea ( Southsea ), he began to spend more time writing. Doyle's first major work was published in1887," Beaton's Christmas annual" ( Beeton ' s Christmas Annual for 1887) detective story" a study in scarlet" A Study in Scarlet ) ( A Tangled Skein ), the protagonist of the novel is famous after Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle's wife -- Lewis Hawkins

In 1885 Doyle and Lewis Hawkins ( Louise Hawkins ) married Lewis Hawkins died in1906. In 1907 Doyle and Jane Le strange ( Jean Leckie ) married miss. Doyle has five children, two of which he and his first wife child, another three is his wife and second children. In 1890Doyle went to Vienna to study Ophthalmology, a year later returned to London to become an ophthalmologist, which made him more time to writing. In 1891November, in a letter to his mother in a letter Doyle wrote," I consider to kill Holmes ... ... Kill him, one finished, all is finished. He has taken up too much of my time." In 1893December in the" last case", Doyle let Holmes and his nemesis professor Moriarty to be Lessing Bach falls. The ending of the novel to make the reader feel amazed, they are not willing to believe that a great detective die like this, in the London at that time many people wearing black cuff to commemorate the detective Holmes, and even Conan Doyle as lady called beast. Readers of the fictional character Holmes the love and devotion that Doyle eventually asked Holmes to" Resurrection", in 1903, Doyle published" vacancy", makes Holmes take escape from death. The life of Doyle has written56 Short detective novels and 4novellas detective novels, all with Holmes as the protagonist. At the end of the nineteenth Century England in South Africa in the Boer War was universally condemned, Doyle wrote a book called" the war in South Africa: origin and behavior" ( The War in South Africa: Its Cause and Conct ) booklet, British defense. The book was translated into many text distribution, has a great influence on. Doyle believes that it is because of this book that he was knighted in 1902. At the beginning of twentieth Century two Doyle running for Congress, but was not elected. Doyle himself was also involved in the two pile of interesting cases. Once in 1906, a British Indian Mestizo lawyer being accused of sending threatening letters and animal abuse. Although it was reading Conan Doyle

However, the lawyer was arrested after, still have the animal abuse, but the police cling to one's view that the lawyer. Notable is in this case, in 1907 the British established a court of criminal appeals. Therefore said I not only helped the lawyer, also indirectly help establish a grievance grievance mechanisms. Another one in1908, a German Jews were accused of operating a casino with a bat, hit a 100 year old woman. Later in life, Doyle began to believe spiritualism, even as a subject has written several novels. Arthur Conan Doyle died in July 7, 1930 ad. " True as steel, just as the sword" is Conan Doyle's epitaph. Arthur Conan Doyle for the adventures of Sherlock Holmes [5] series of works of famous later, but this is just one of his many contributions. And the same period many different writers, Doyle's short stories have very strong sense of pictures, the conflict set focus, full of twists and turns, fascinating, make the reader as if to read the story of the film. It is no exaggeration to say, many of Doyle's short stories, with a little modification is a very good film based on. Long before the popularity of movie art, Doyle could have such a thought of art, is a very rare. His short story" tot ring", around the culture of ancient Egypt 's death and the eternal theme, presents us with a world of fantasy, and then Hollywood mummy genre of writing source of. " The lost world" ( written in1912) is a cross-century works, tells the story of a team of expedition to South America on a plateau adventure, and this plateau survives some prehistoric creatures, this novel for our modern ancient beast, dinosaur type adventure stories and movies can not said to be edified somewhat.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 03:45

Arthur Conan Doyle, the son of Charles Doyle and Mary Foley, was born in Edinburgh on 22nd May 1859. Arthur's father was an alcoholic and the family was always short of money. At school, Arthur developed a strong interest in the books written by Sir Walter Scott and Edgar Allan Poe.

Conan Doyle studied at Edinburgh University and helped to fund his course by working as a surgeon on Hope, a 400 ton whaler on a seven month voyage to the Arctic. The following year he worked on Mayumba, a passenger ship bound for West Africa. On this voyage Conan Doyle nearly died of typhoid.

On his return, Conan Doyle set up as a doctor in Southsea, a suburb of Portsmouth. With very few patients, Conan Doyle attempted to make money by writing detective stories. His main character, Sherlock Holmes, was based on Dr. Joseph Bell, a surgeon and criminal psychologist, who lectured at Edinburgh Infirmary.

In 1891 Conan Doyle published six Sherlock Holmes stories in the Strand Magazine. The following year he was paid £1,000 for a whole series on Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle really wanted to write historical novels like his hero, Sir Walter Scott, and in 1893 decided to kill off Sherlock Holmes in the story, The Final Problem. However, after coming under considerable pressure from his fans, he returned to write his best known detective story, The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902).

Conan Doyle served as a doctor in the Boer War (1899-1902) and wrote The War in South Africa (1902), where he attempted to justify Britain's actions ring the war.

On 2nd September, 1914, soon after the start of the First World War, the Liberal politician, Charles Masterman, the head of the War Propaganda Bureau, organised a secret meeting of Britain's leading writers. to discuss ways of best promoting Britain's interests ring the war. Those who attended to discuss the best way of promoting Britain's interests ring the war included Conan Doyle, Arnold Bennett, John Masefield, Ford Madox Ford, William Archer, G. K. Chesterton, Sir Henry Newbolt, John Galsworthy, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, Gilbert Parker, G. M. Trevelyan and H. G. Wells.

All the writers present at the conference agreed to the utmost secrecy, and it was not until 1935 that the activities of the War Propaganda Bureau became known to the general public. Several of the men who attending the meeting agreed to write pamphlets and books that would promote the government's view of the situation.

In 1914 Conan Doyle wrote the recruiting pamphlet, To Arms!. The WPB arranged for Conan Doyle to go the Western Front and his pamphlet, A Visit to the Three Fronts was published in 1916. During the war Doyle also wrote his six volume history, The British Campaign in France and Flanders. Conan Doyle also wrote on the First World War for the Daily Chronicle.

Although fifty-five when the war Conan Doyle also joined the Crowborough Company of the Sixth Royal Sussex Volunteer Regiment and served as a private throughout the war. His son, Kingsley Conan Doyle, joined the British Army and was wounded at the Somme. He died in October, 1917, after developing pneumonia.

After the war Conan Doyle wrote several books on spiritualism including The New Revelation (1918) and The History of Spiritualism (1926). Arthur Conan Doyle died at Crowborough on 7th July 1930.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 03:45

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, DL (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was an author most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. He was a prolific writer whose other works include science fiction stories, historical novels, plays and romances, poetry, and non-fiction.
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