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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-16 19:29



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 07:59

  I like my living place very much.It is a nice white house with a big yard.The evironment is very good.There are lots of beautiful trees and flowers aound our village.When spring comes,the flowers and grass come out.the trees turn green .Willow Shoots out a new,switchgrass braids flying as girls.Peachflowers bloom of smiling faces to welcome this beautiful spring.It is really beautiful.There is a big parking lot near my home.There are two supermarkets,a post office,a bank and so on.So it is really convenient.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 08:00

If nearby my family has a clothing store, I very will be happy, because will buy clothes to be able like this to be very convenient, if that need assistant, I might also help using the vacation, perhaps will be able to be very interesting.I like the new clothes very much, likes the popular clothes, but I do not like that writing at sixes and seven.汉义如下:假如我家附近有一家服装店,我将很高兴,因为这样买衣服就会很方便,如果那需要助手,我也可以利用假期去帮忙,或许会很有趣。我很喜欢新衣服,更喜欢流行的衣服,但我并不喜欢那写乱七八糟的衣服,我很喜欢*。总的来说,如果那样,我会很高兴的。s clothes, I like the uniform very much.Generally speaking, if such, I can very happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 08:00

I like my living place very much.It is a nice white house with a big yard.The evironment is very good.There are lots of beautiful trees and flowers aound our village.When spring comes,the flowers and grass come out.the trees turn green .Willow Shoots out a new,switchgrass braids flying as girls.Peachflowers bloom of smiling faces to welcome this beautiful spring.It is really beautiful.There is a big parking lot near my home.There are two supermarkets,a post office,a bank and so on.So it is really convenient.
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