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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-30 20:14



懂视网 时间:2022-07-01 00:35



  The 21st century, the thought of the teenagers, we and our beloved one generation, will never be able to melt together, seems to have no why, I do not know why. Adults like to impose their ideas in a new generation of us, and we, must also accept the ideology of "unreasonable", if not accept, perhaps, in the eyes of an adult, our behavior is what is called a rebellious, not sensible, wings hard, but, you never know what we carry in our hearts, can only silently bear all this, buried our own thoughts, not move to the attraction.

  We are the -- the future of The Times. We have our own dreams, we have our own in the future, we have our own life to live, all this, go to our own, you can never be with us life, the way back, but also to go on our own. Please let go of your generous hand, let us fly yourself.

  Times are changing, the life also is changing. Different time, different people, have their own way. Dear, father, mother, we grow up, learn to walk, bumpy road ahead, let's face it alone, raising more than ten years, we won't forget, you also should have a rest.


  According to the variety of social background, personal experience and personal emotion, differernt people have different opinions towards things. Thus, there is no doubt that generation gap exists everywhere. We always find that there are big differences between us and the old generation. We always regard the old are outdated, while they think us are crazy. They can’t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our childish thinking. Instead, we could put up with their standpat thingking and their “feudal rulers”. Thus, the generation gap becomes more and more obvious and serious. However, why don’t we realize that opinions can be changed, while people can’t. So, we can think in an other way, learn to accept. It is certain that we can narrow the generation gap to live a more harmonious life.

  由于社会背景,个人的经历和个人情感的不同,不同的人对事情有不同的看法。因此,毫无疑问代沟随处可见。 我们总是发现我们和老一代之间有很大的差异。我们总是认为他们思想守旧,而他们却觉得我们疯狂。他们不能忍受我们喜欢的衣服,我们追求的时尚甚至是我们幼稚的思维方式。相反,我们觉得他们思想保守,“封建专制”。因此,代沟越来越明显和严重。但是,为什么我们没有意识到想法是可以改变的,而人却是不可以的。所以,我们可以尝试换位思考,学会去接受。可以肯定的是,我们可以缩小代沟过上更和谐的生活。


  Generation gap refers to the misunderstanding between the old and young. The term came into fashion after the 1980s. However, in recent years, the phenomenon is getting more and more fierce.


  How does generation gap come into being? The first reason is that the two generations have grown up in different ages, thus they have different attitudes toward life. Secondly, due to having little in common with each other, they are unwilling to sit down and talk face to face. Besides, as modern life is so stressful, both of them are so busy with their study or work that they have not enough time to exchange their ideas.


  To bridge the generation gap is not easy at all, but we can do something to shorten it. For one thing, children should respect their parents as well as accept their good advice. For another, parents should not only show their love and care to the kids, but also support their good life view. As long as the old and young can understand each other, it would be more harmonious in family and world.



  The 21st century, the thought of the teenagers, we and our beloved one generation, will never be able to melt together, seems to have no why, I do not know why. Adults like to impose their ideas in a new generation of us, and we, must also accept the ideology of "unreasonable", if not accept, perhaps, in the eyes of an adult, our behavior is what is called a rebellious, not sensible, wings hard, but, you never know what we carry in our hearts, can only silently bear all this, buried our own thoughts, not move to the attraction.

  We are the -- the future of The Times. We have our own dreams, we have our own in the future, we have our own life to live, all this, go to our own, you can never be with us life, the way back, but also to go on our own. Please let go of your generous hand, let us fly yourself.

  Times are changing, the life also is changing. Different time, different people, have their own way. Dear, father, mother, we grow up, learn to walk, bumpy road ahead, let's face it alone, raising more than ten years, we won't forget, you also should have a rest.


  According to the variety of social background, personal experience and personal emotion, differernt people have different opinions towards things. Thus, there is no doubt that generation gap exists everywhere. We always find that there are big differences between us and the old generation. We always regard the old are outdated, while they think us are crazy. They can’t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our childish thinking. Instead, we could put up with their standpat thingking and their “feudal rulers”. Thus, the generation gap becomes more and more obvious and serious. However, why don’t we realize that opinions can be changed, while people can’t. So, we can think in an other way, learn to accept. It is certain that we can narrow the generation gap to live a more harmonious life.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 21:43

My View On Generation Gap
Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious.
There are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. The key one is the fast-growing society. Different generations play different roles in the society. The different experience ends in their different views. The old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. Hence the conflict exists.
To narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to communication. We should open our hearts and try to understand others. In addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things! Then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. In fact, we can benefit from it.

【关于代沟的英语作文篇一】Nowadays,the problem of generation gap becomes more and more serious. Based on the survey by our school, the poor relationship between parents and their children is very common. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or,do the harsh family rules ...

关于代沟的英语作文 关于代沟的英语作文范文欣赏

Despite the fact that parents may be worried about the generation gap between their children and themselves. But as we all know, with time going by, children gradually grow old and ripe. And then they will come to understand their parents.2、如今,“代沟”已逐渐成为一种普遍现象世...


父母与孩子代沟英语作文篇1 Generation gap refers to the misunderstanding between the old and young. The term came into fashion after the 1980s. However, in recent years, the phenomenon is getting more and more fierce.代沟指的是老人和年轻人之间的误解。这个词在20世纪80年代就开始流行。




In my opinion, I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to communicate with each other frequently. Not only the parents, but also the kids should be equal when exchanging their views....


回答:越来越多的父母和他们的孩子正抱怨所谓的“代沟”,代沟使他们之间的距离变得很大甚至更大,写出你对代沟的观点。 就是这样的意思。。。一定要加分。。。

急求英语作文一篇,谢谢。《on the generation gap》

我认为:父母和子女间的代沟问题可以通过双方相互理解来共同解决.Generation gap is a concept which means a lack of understanding and communication between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents do not understand them while parents worry about their children's behaviours...


Nowadays,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children.Children always complain that their parents are out of date,while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do.Thus,a big generation gap is formed.The gap remains wide for many reasons.Children ...

写一篇关于代沟的英语作文 100词左右!!!

gap means the different opinions between the child and the parents when the child is growing up.this is usually due to the lack of communication between the parents and child,hence worsening the rel哗户糕鞠蕹角革携宫毛ationship between them.once the generation gap is being formed,...


几年前,代沟是一个非常流行的词。父母抱怨孩子对他们没有应有的尊重和服从;而孩子们却抱怨父母根本不理解他们。很多批评家指出,这成为了我们社会结构的组 成部分。造成代沟的原因之一,是现在年轻人对自己的生活有了更多的机会进行选择。传统的社会里,孩子和他们的父母生活在同一个地方,与父母认识并...

父母和孩子的代沟英语作文 有关代沟的英语作文150字 关于家庭代沟的英语作文 关于代沟的英语小作文 英语作文两代人的代沟 有关代沟的英语作文 以代沟为主题的英语作文 有关代沟的英语作文带翻译 如何解决代沟问题英语作文
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