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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 06:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 00:40

Weather the young should give seats to the old
we always see some phenomence that the old often stand up in the bus,in the public,while the young are sit in the seats leisurely.so we have to think highly of this problem,weather we should give seats to the old.追答As we know ,respecting the old and taking care of the child is the tradition sprit of our country,when we attend school .our teacher give us elementary ecation , that is respecting the old and taking care of the young,but we feel bittterly when some alts ingore the old ,they sit the seat play mobile phone ,siting with their legs crossed.even worse ,theirs behaviors are not good to childrent. It is not advantage for social developments . it influence our images of our country.
in my opinion, the elder are devoted all their youth for life,now ,they should have a happy life,i think the authorities concerned should imphasis the importance on politeness,as the old says:condect decide everything.we should form the good habit of politiness ,undoubtful,we should give seat to the elder.


As far as I know,river pollution exist so many places in our country.A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the river because of the serious pollution.Besides river pollution,there are also air pollution,soil pollution and so on.They have done great ...

离焦和普通镜片的区别 昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东.身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀壹点通 后面的... “昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东。”是什么意思_出处及原文翻译_学 ... 春捂养生吃什么?春不捂好易宫寒严重者或致不孕! 吃什么滋阴养颜 四种滋阴的食物最适合女性主妇网 5种食物来帮忙,滋阴补肾更健康 十大滋阴补气保健食材推荐 女性滋阴润燥最好的10种补品有哪些_百度知 ... 500g肉松紫米饭团的大小 下雨天的心情说说经典 三文鱼的胆固醇高吗 让座的英语作文 在公交车上该不该为老人让座,100字英语作文 求一篇英语作文:给孕妇或者残疾人让座,40或50词就行,不用太长 求一个英文演讲稿的关于要不要给老人让座的 英语作文让座90词左右 把座位让给老人的初中英语作文 小孩给老人让座的英语作文80词 关于让座的英语作文(要简单的句子结构) 求一篇关于 字数120左右 年亲人是否要给老人让座的英语作文!急!!! 求一篇交通高峰该不该给老人让座的英语作文120字左右,谢谢大佬!help 求一篇关于 字数120左右 年亲人是否要给老人让座的英语作文! 关于在地铁上给老奶奶让座位的英语作文 英语作文《try my best to...》 求一篇关于让座是传统美德的英语作文,急 关于公交车上我给老人让座的英语作文怎么写 50字英语作文给老人让座 微信里不能提支付宝或者付款之类的话吗 简单SQL多条件查询 银行卡绑定微信或者支付宝,别人往我银行卡里转账,我在微信或者支付宝上能看到提示吗? 支付宝里付东西的钱微信会提示吗 英语作文 关于在公车上给老人让座的 短一点 50词左右 该不该给老人让座的英语作文 请问高峰期应不应该给老人让座的英语作文怎么写呢? 多条件查询的SQL语句怎么写 吃泥鳅有什么坏处? 泥鳅每天吃对身体有害吗 泥鳅对人体有伤害吗? 泥鳅在家里面对人有害么 患有肝癌和肝硬化吃泥鳅有害吗? 泥鳅对龙虾和螃蟹有伤害吗 肝癌和有肝硬化吃泥鳅有害吗? 泥鳅是害虫还是益虫 肝癌肝硬化和腹水吃泥鳅有害吗? 美猴王是怎么寻得菩提祖师的?他为什么要访仙问道? 孙悟空是怎样变成美猴王的,孙悟空是怎么从石猴变成美猴王的?要概括哦。 在数据通信行业中,开放标准为什么重要 ccna ccna对进移动.电信有用没? 《王者荣耀》里面的美猴王要怎么才能得到? 数通工程师学思科还是学华为呢,网络工程师学习什么好呢? 现在学习数通一般要掌握哪些协议原理等?