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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-15 20:40



热心网友 时间:2023-12-31 21:34

"Journey to the West" is an implication is a profound cultural fiction, the novel of the Monkey King in the image won the people's favorite. He wit flexible, Mitac majority of heroically Shanzhan, and the Law candid heart, dedication, is people's hearts hero. However, in the performance of his comedy image, while also showing us the tragedy of his color. Sanjie from row to learn from law enforcement, from the pursuit of indivial freedom and equality to be suppressed and Childlike Innocence constraints, he left a freedom and the freedom of thinking is bound by the road, the Monkey King is a sad thing, a very bitter Tragedy.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-31 21:34

" Journey to the West " is a culture novel with deep connotation, Sun Wukong's image firmlies get people's fondness in this novel. He is quick-witted and flexible, has great magic power, brave and skillful in battle, and it is frank, devoted to one's ty to grasp the heart, it is a heroic figure in the hearts of people. But while displaying his comedy image, have shown his tragic color to us. Restricted by depression, childlike innocence from pursuing freedom the indivial character equally to from creating an uproar in three circles to defending the doctrine and learning from else's experience, he walk one and freedom in bond road of thought, it is a kind of grief for Sun Wukong, a tragedy making the person sad.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-31 21:35


热心网友 时间:2023-12-31 21:36


"Journey to the West" is an implication is a profound cultural fiction, the novel of the Monkey King in the image won the people's favorite. He wit flexible, Mitac majority of heroically Shanzhan, and the Law candid heart, dedication, is people's hearts hero. However, in the...

英语高手,请帮我翻译一下歌词we will rock you(谢绝翻译软件)

Buddy you're a young man hard man 伙计,你是一个年轻又坚定的人 Shoutin in the street gonna take on the world some day 叫喊着你将在某一天征服这世界 You got blood on you face 脸上沾满了血 You big disgrace 背负着坏名声 Wavin' your banner all over the place 到处挥舞着你的旗帜...


All I need is your love 我只需要你的爱 to make me stronger 它能使我更坚强 I wanna hold you close 我想紧紧抱着你 under the rain 在雨中 I wanna kiss your smile 亲吻你的微笑 And feel your pain 也想感受你的痛苦 I know what's beautiful 我认识了什么是美丽 Looking at you 只...


I have a hat.我有一顶帽子。 My hat is old.我的帽子是旧的。 I want a new button.我想要一个新的按钮。I make a button out of it.我做了它的一个按钮。 I love my new button.我爱我的新按钮。I have a button.我有一个按钮。 But I can't find my button.但我找不到我的...


she read a boring book yesterday.4


《西游记》=“Pilgrimage to the West”孙悟空= Sun Wu Kong 英雄性= Hero 悲剧性= Tragedy 宗教性= Religion Believe that I, am bound to go!(相信我,一定行!)参考资料:孙悟空形象的思想意蕴探究=Sun Wu Kong image thought intention accumulates an exploration ...


fuller.女孩们长得更高更胖,她们的胸部和脸庞变得更丰满。As well as all the changes you can see happening,就像所有你可以看见的改变一样,other important changes that you can't see are happening inside your body at the same time.别的重要的改变也同时在你看不见的地方开始了。


I am Lihua , a 16-year-old boy of China.I am glad to recive your massage and it is the first time that I make pen pal / I think we can learn the culture of China ang America by sending e-mile each other.亲,希望能够帮到你,欢迎追问,望采纳~...


1我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你;I'm learning to give you up because I love you too much.2如果我所做的一切不能使你快乐,那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤.If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you.3前世多少次回眸想望,才换来今生一个擦肩...


A:嗨,tom,你在做什么呢?Hi, Tome. What are you doing?B:你好,我在看一本书,关于发明创造的 Hello. I'm reading a book about invention.A:是吗,我也对发明创造很有兴趣,你能说说我国的四大发明是什么 Well, I'm also interested in invention. Can you point out China's Four ...

帮我翻译一下英文 帮我学英语的英文翻译 她经常帮助我学英语怎么翻译 作业帮英语翻译 高手英语 高手英语怎么说 让我来帮你吧用英语怎么说 一英语 帮助英语
在液压原理图中各种符号的表示意义是什么? 脚臭怎么办,一脱鞋,那味道我自己都受不了? ...经电加热后表面会形成一层黑色物质,请问是什么东西?用什么化学... 宿舍老是经常出现蚂蚁,放久的书本打开全是蚂蚁,或是布柜里放久的衣服... 为什么寝室地板上会有蚂蚁? 怎么计算产值excel 青春不再伤感经典句子(《青春伤感经典短句子》) 致我们失去的青春简短说说(怀念过去的经典句子) 分享回忆过去致青春的语录集锦(回忆的句子时光感言简短) 女生为什么总想摸我的脸 一年只能改一次怎么改第二次? 优酷看视频的时候,画面放着放着会卡住,但是声音还有,不是网络...5 三月三的日记 快乐的三月三日记27 三月三日记150字1 描写动物进食的好词6 一个手机号怎么注册两个 怎样帮朋友解封 河北猎豹汽车销售有限责任公司怎么样? 接受溢价投资的公司,原股东需要缴纳个人所得税吗? 描写动物进食的词语5 三月三250字周记1 我的被封了,然后我用同一个手机号又注册登陆,以前的那个还... 我的被封了,怎么办啊? 在国外几岁才是法定成年人?197 申请试用品理由怎么写?131 我想给我爸买台四轮拖拉机,拉鲜玉米秸打青储,一秋要拉四十亩左右,请问... 用科诺斯科对word文档加密后可以查看被加密的文档进行过什么操作吗? 注销了可以重新注册一个吗 谁知道小窍门:如何去掉杯子的橡胶味17 美瞳试戴22 我修改了一次,我想修改第二次,怎么办? 同一手机号注册两个,前一个怎么登 如何一年内强制二次修改? 个人如何申请无线电台?13 怎么通过微信红包交易单号找到对方? 贵州猎豹汽车销售有限责任公司怎么样? 我的被封了,然后我用同一个手机号又注册登陆,以前的那个还... 把 16 个苹果平均分成若干份,可以怎样分? 描写动物的词语233 关于动物的词语大全4611 我的被封了,然后又用手机号重新注册了一个微信,还能找回以前的微 ... 怎么在两个vivo手机上登录同一个? 描写动物的四字词语507 在一幅地图上,图上距离一定,比例尺和实际距离()1.成正比例...3 70岁查尔斯王子又穿“苏格兰裙”,与72岁卡米拉配情侣装甜蜜... 地基土摩擦系数 怎么取45 蓖麻毒素真的查不出死因么 为什么我在蹭网,玩着玩着网络就断了,还连不上,这是什么情况,怎么解决... 一个长方体的药水箱里装了60L的药水,已知药水箱里面长5dm,宽3dm,药...