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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-10 04:46



热心网友 时间:2024-03-11 08:18

A.on business
1. Writing of Business Correspondence on the Basis of Courtesy
2. Business Culture and Business English
3. A study on typical sentence structures in business correspondence writing
4. Development of E-Commerce in China
5. Teamwork in xxx ( e.g. Negotiation )
6. Brand Strategy
7. Importance of Corporate Culture
8. Cultural Difference in International Business
9. The Principle of Business Letter Writing
10. Sincerity and Elegance: Oral Communication in Business
11. The Relationship between the Consumers’ Psychology and the Procts
12. The Relationship between Customers’ Attitude and Proctions
13. The Impact of Culture Factors on International Trade
14. Influence of Advertisements on Consumers
15. Cultural Differences in Business
16. The Language Characteristic of Advertisement English
17. Structure and Macro-level Impacts of Electronic Commerce
18. Talking about the English Language Characteristics of the Foreign Trade Letters and Cables
19. Coping with Culture Differences in Foreign Trade
20. Development of China’s Foreign Trade
21. Brand Power in marketing
22. Localization of Multi-national Enterprises
23. Cultural Influences on Business Ethics
24. Influence of Company philosophy on Employee Performance
25. Factors affecting Development of Logistics in China
26. Dress Code in Business Situation
27. Language Characteristics in English Advertisement
28. Vagueness in Business English Writing
29. Language Characteristics in International Business Contract
30. On Language Communication Skills in International Business Negotiation

B. On Translation
1. Advertisement English and Its Translation
2. Accuracy---the Life of Translation
3. Basic Strategies of Advertisements Interpretation
4. Trade Mark and its Interpretation
5. Pragmatic Mistakes on Chinese Advertisements Interpretation
6. Characteristics and Interpretation of Business Documents
7. Characteristics of Foreign Trade English and its Interpretation Modes
8. The Differences between Translation and Interpretation
9. Ways of Translation
10. Cultural Factors in Translation
11. Brand Name translation
12. The Effect of Different Culture on Translation
13. The Linguistic Features if English Advertisements and Ads; Translation
14. The Linguistic Features of English Brands and Brands’ Translation
15. The Linguistic Features of English Titles and Titles’ Translation
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