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they will have more time for themselves的意思?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-05 20:10



热心网友 时间:2023-12-31 16:09


They will have more time
for themselves.
people will have more free time in the future的同义句

time to spare 指“剩余”的时间,也就是有更多自己可以支配的时间。也可以说:People will have more time to themselves in the future.to themselves 是前面省略了 belonged 这个词。也就是“属于(他们)自己”的时间。希望能对你的学习有帮助,别忘了采纳哦 。。。


Accordingly, such a language, arising out of repeated experience and regular feelings, is a more permanent, and a far more philosophical language, than that which is frequently substituted for it by Poets, who think that they are conferring honour upon themselves and their art, in proportion as...

肯尼迪就职演讲稿 前面的一段话?

to convert our good words into good deeds, in a new alliance for proGREss to assist free men and free governments in casting off [9] the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall ...


and they have their own room when they are a little more grown-up.在孩子的日常事务处理上,in the children's daily lives,父母只帮孩子做一些他们力所不能及的事,parents only help them on the things that they are unable to do,凡是孩子力所能及的事情都尽量让孩子自己去完成,and let them finish...


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are...


But this time something strange has happened. Each of the big-name speakers seems to have hit on the identical homily for their commencement addresses: they are all telling graduates to make the world a better place。 不过今年有点奇怪。每个大名鼎鼎的演说者似乎都碰巧在毕业典礼演讲中谈到了同样的...

come out什么意思?

comes out once a month.青年杂志每月出一期。His new book will come out sometime next month.他的新书下个月出版。come out罢工,例句:The men have come out for more pay.人们为增加工资而罢工。They have to come out to stand for themselves.他们不得不去罢工来维护自己的权利。

for a long time women with hiv... 求翻译, 急

妇女通常有一个更糟的时间处理艾滋病毒比男子。在大多数情况下,该女子交谈照顾儿童,以及她生病的搭档。她可能甚至没有时间照顾自己。艾滋病毒抗体阳性妇女两端肩负起家庭,以及她自己的个人问题。然而,男子,通常是那些有保险、 收入和对医生的访问。他们得到照顾。妇女经常不做。艾滋病毒抗体阳性妇女歧视...


Small companies often know what kind of person they are looking for. (10)... According to David Rowe, this means that small company managers themselves have to devote more time and energy to recruitment. It shouldn't be something that is left to the evenings or weekends. Many companies sta...

...to prepare them for the time when they will be big and will ha...

第一题:可从第一句看出是为孩子的未来做准备。B错,是因为文中是 will have to work for themselves.是为了将来,选项却是they have to work for themselves at the moment是为了现在。第二题:They learn their own language so that they will be able to tell others clearly what they want ...

they themselves themselves的怎么读 they will have they will come they will go to themselves读什么 themselves英语 so will they they will be
安徽明光市 结婚彩礼钱一般是多少 如果一个人的生命只有7天的时间了,你会做什么 蓝莓 叶斑病 新买的九阳电饭煲,煮了4次饭都不熟,找专卖店说过了15天不能换。华星太... 我十几天前,在商水万果园购买一九阳电饭煲,那时促销员告诉我说;现在九... 如果一个人的生命只有7天的时间了,你会做什么 python正则表达式的分割 Python如何使用正则表达式分割字符串举4例说明 我午睡都会做梦,为什么?? 痛经能休息几天 在英语单词中ng和nk 的发音怎么区别288 电脑一开机不到3秒就自动关机了是什么原因13 古代仵作是不是衙役?2 ...号注册了一个,现在以前的号登不了了,怎么办啊!急 西装怎么叠啊?出门的时候装行李箱不得不叠啊,60 做梦生气,之后憋醒了2 ...号注册了一个,现在以前的号登不了了,怎么办啊!急 请问哪里有可以看美股的软件,不需要实时行情,但是最后能看多级... 哪个版本大智慧能接收美股行情 大智慧软件能看美股么7 2016年11月9日16点19分出生的女宝宝。五行缺什么,姓王,起名字用那些字... 古代的仵作和现在的法医有什么区别吗?12 古代是什么时候又仵作的?8 网络电视机安装什么软件看电视节目 如何引用诸葛亮骂死王朗的那一段话? 怎么申请注册新账号? 微信既没有绑定手机号码也没有好友只有 ,怎么找回密码?2 htc一键解锁工具未解锁怎么办 已经改过一次了,想再改一次,怎么改? 我是男的,发型很容易乱怎么办?低个头头发就乱了。要烫吗? 定...1 最大的负整数是-1,最小的正整数是1.______(判断对错... 最大的负整数是多少。。641 电脑启动几秒就自动关机,怎么回事?393 电影一天的结局是什么意思109 wxid开头的怎么搜索不到 只有没有手机号怎么找回密码 请问南沙有帮忙做集群地址的吗4 电脑开机,显示屏没有反应,过了大概3秒之后,主机突然全关了,... 科鲁兹1.6T可以换科帕奇的18寸轮毂轮胎吗? 借款人赖账不还钱,扣押他车并打过户买卖合同,合法吗1 没有麦田的守望者 (书评:麦田守望者) 一年内怎么改第二次 没有只有原始id密码也知道没有绑定手机号怎么登录微信14 一年内怎么改第二次 我用一个手机号,注册了两个以前的微信登录不上了怎么办求大神 德拉库拉英语读后感 桥牌里叫品的含义是什么12 桥牌室布置标语如何写2 2016年11月9日9时18分出生的段姓女孩五行缺什么起什么名字 刘桓辰2016年11月9日16点33分出生能打多少分他五行中缺什么,