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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-10 22:37



热心网友 时间:2024-02-11 15:15

1. The general conditions of informant including gender, age, pocket money, food consumption fee, lactose intolerance etc.
2. The general questions relating to acidified milk: intake frequency of the acidified milk within a week, purchasing fee of the acidified milk within a week, proper cost of the acidified milk, purchase place of the acidified milk, and basic knowledge of the acidified milk etc.
3. Addiction to acidified milk: the taste, shape, sensation, and smell etc.
4. The brand of acidified milk: Regarding to brand of acidified milk.
5. The design and capacity of acidified: brand design, color of its brand design, and its capacity.
6. The safety and degree of confidence: its safety, with respect to acquiring place to its safety information and trusting information etc.
7. Whether their body for milk intake is hard to digest.
8. The frequency of acidified milk intake within a week (times).
9. The food consumption fee within a day.
10. The purchase fee of acidified milk within a day.
11. The influence of proction design to us when purchasing.
12. The influence of proction functions to us when purchasing.
13. The reason of confirming food compositions.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-11 15:16

1.General conditions of respondents: gender, age, pocket money, food receiving and paying expenses, lactose intolerance, etc.
2.Basic questions related to acidified milk: 1. the acidified milk intake frequency in a week, purchasing expense of acidified milk in a week, proper price of acidified milk, purchasing place of acidified milk, basic knowledge of acidified milk, etc.
3. Preference for acidified milk: taste, form, texture, smell of acidified milk, etc.
4. Brand of acidified milk: questions about the brand of acidified milk
5. Design and volume of acidified milk: the brand design of acidified milk, the brand design color of acidified milk procts, the volume of acidified milk, etc.
6. Safety and reliability of acidified milk: safety of acidified milk, information acquiring places about acidified milk safety , information of acidified milk reliability, etc.
7. Whether the personal is hard to digest the milk
8. Acidified milk intake frequency (times) in a week
9. Food receiving and paying expenses in a day
10. Purchasing expenses of acidified milk in a day
11. The effect of proct design when purchasing acidified milk
12. The effect of proct performance when purchasing acidified milk
13.Reasons for confirming food ingredient list

已翻译好,但对于"食品进出费用"这个词不是很明白, 具体是指什么?进出口费用吗?

热心网友 时间:2024-02-11 15:16

1. General situation of the respondents: gender, age, pocket money, expense on food and lactose intolerance, etc.
2. Basic questions about the fermented milk: intake frequency of fermented milk per week, expense on fermented milk per week, the average price of fermented milk, from where to purchase fermented milk and the common sense about fermented milk
3. Preference : fermented milk taste, states, texture, smell, etc.
4 Brand: Questions about fermented milk brand
5 Design and capacity :brand design, colors of the brang design and capacity of the fermented milk .
6 Safety and reliability: safety, the security intelligence access institutions and the reliabilityof the intelligence.
7. Respondents' body condition of digestion of milk.
8. Intake frequency of fermented milk per week
9. Expense on food per day.
10.Expense on fermented milk per day.
11. Influence of design on Purchasing.
12. Influence of fuction on Purchasing
13. Reasons to confirm the food composition tables.


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