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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-30 23:48



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 12:04


Venice is a city in northern Italy,
It is a beautiful city above water.
Venezia is a city of small islands, enhanced ring the Middle Ages by the dredging of soils to raise the marshy ground above the tides.
The resulting canals encouraged the flourishing of a nautical culture which proved central to the economy of the city.
Venice is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world for its celebrated art and architecture.
The Doge's Palace is a palace built in Venetian Gothic style, and one of the main landmarks of the city of Venice
During the 16th century, Venice became one of the most important musical centers of Europe
Now The city has an average of 50,000 tourists a day

It continued being a fashionable city in vogue right into the early 20th century
In the 1980s the Carnival of Venice was revived and the city has become a major centre of international conferences and festivals, such as the prestigious Venice Biennale and the Venice Film Festival, which attract visitors from all over the world.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 12:04

The Original Venice Walk
An absolute must for the first time visitor to Venice
Walking Tour features: San Marco Square and its famous landmarks, The Pantheon of the Venetian nobility, legends of Casanova & Marco Polo, Paintings by the great Venetian masters, Sculptures, House of Marco Polo, Merchants warehouse and the Rialto bridge.

"The guide was fabulous and the tour truly gave me a taste of the real Venice"
Marc Cohen, Washington D.C.

Visit San Mark's square and learn the history that lies behinds the walls of its most famous landmarks; the Basilica and its Byzantine heritage, the Doge's Palace and its adjoining prisons, that retain the true secrets to comprehend how a city built on swamps became one of the most enlightened cities of the western world, and learn how all of a sudden fate turned its back on her.

Then, leave the square to discover the "real Venice", enter a labyrinth of narrow passageways and alleys where a magical city of meandering canals punctuated by delicate bridges awaits you......

And through the sights and the historical narrations learn how illustrious Venetians, the likes of Casanova and Marco Polo, and more common citizens made this city of stone a vibrant and magical place. And, of course, discover how Venice is today and how it is to live in the most beautiful city of the world, though not the most practical!
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