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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-31 04:02



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 15:56

The optical communication system is changing day by day complex. These systems usually contain many signal channel, the different topology, the non-linear component and the non- Gauss noise source, is suitable is complex to their design and the analysis and needs the high strength work. The advanced software tool causes these systems the design and divides 析变 rapid and is effective. WDM took the present optical communication the mainstream technology, has the important practical significance to its research. In the present paper to the WDM fiber-optic transmission system molation way, EDFA and the WDM fiber-optic transmission system will carry on the design simulation, and will obtain some to have the reference value the conclusion. Paper main work and achievement as follows: First two kind of molations ways □□direct-frequency molation which uses for the WDM fiber-optic transmission system in and outside molates carries on the comparison, confirms molates the way under the different speed to the system the influence, compared with two kind of molations ways performance fit and unfit quality; Next to mixes the t optical fiber amplifier (EDFA) to carry on the design simulation, the confirmation mixes the erbium optical fiber in the different length, the different erbium ion concentration, the different pump laser power as well as under the different light signal power condition gain, obtains EDFA the characteristic as well as designs when EDFA may supply the reference the data; Finally carries on the simulation to the WDM fiber-optic transmission system, confirms 8 groups, 16 group, under 32 group channels system performances, and proposed a plan, achieves the system performance and the transmission speed balance. Question supplement that, Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software! Do not use the translation software

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 15:57

Optical communications systems are becoming increasingly complex. These systems usually contain a number of signal channels, different topological structure, nonlinear devices and non-Gaussian noise source. to their design and analysis is very complicated and needs of the high-intensity work. Advanced software tools to make these systems design and analysis has become quickly and effectively. WDM optical communication now as the mainstream technology, its research has important practical significance. In this paper will WDM transmission system molation, and WDM EDFA optical transmission system design simulation, and get some valuable conclusions. The main thesis work and the results are as follows : First of WDM optical transmission systems used in the molation -- Foreign direct molation and molation, certification in different molation rate under the system, compared molation performance of the merits; Second, erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) for design simulation, verification of the erbium-doped fiber in different length, different erbium ion concentration and pumped laser power and the different optical signal power under the conditions of the gain, be EDFA characteristics and the design of the EDFA available at the reference data; Finally, the WDM optical transmission systems for simulation, verification 8 Road, 16 Road, 32 Road channel system performance, and proposed a program to achieve system performance and the balance transfer rate.
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