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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 13:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 11:03

The tortoise refers broadly to collectively terrapin. The narrow sense refers to the Emydidae species under. Turtle ( Chinemys reevesii ) called the tortoise, tortoise, tortoise and turtle, mud, in animal taxonomy is part of Reptilia, Testudines, tortoise family, is the most common Testudines animals. It is the oldest extant reptiles. Characteristics of body length on a very solid carapace, under attack when the turtle can head, tail and limbs retracts the turtle's shell. Most turtles are carnivorous, with worms, snails, shrimp and small fish for food, but also eat the leaves and stems of plants. China almost all turtles distribution, but in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River provinces with high yield, Guangxi each district also has proction, especially in the southeast, South, there are a large number of guangxi. Abroad mainly to Japan and korea.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 11:03

The tortoise refers broadly to collectively terrapin. The narrow sense refers to the Emydidae species under. Turtle ( Chinemys reevesii ) called the tortoise, tortoise, tortoise and turtle, mud, in animal taxonomy is part of Reptilia, Testudines, tortoise family, is the most common Testudines animals. It is the oldest extant reptiles. Characteristics of body length on a very solid carapace, under attack when the turtle can head, tail and limbs retracts the turtle's shell. Most turtles are carnivorous, with worms, snails, shrimp and small fish for food, but also eat the leaves and stems of plants. China almost all turtles distribution, but in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River provinces with high yield, Guangxi each district also has proction, especially in the southeast, South, there are a large number of guangxi. Abroad mainly to Japan and korea.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 11:03

The tortoise refers broadly to collectively terrapin. The narrow sense refers to the Emydidae species under. Turtle ( Chinemys reevesii ) called the tortoise, tortoise, tortoise and turtle, mud, in animal taxonomy is part of Reptilia, Testudines, tortoise family, is the most common Testudines animals. It is the oldest extant reptiles. Characteristics of body length on a very solid carapace, under attack when the turtle can head, tail and limbs retracts the turtle's shell. Most turtles are carnivorous, with worms, snails, shrimp and small fish for food, but also eat the leaves and stems of plants. China almost all turtles distribution, but in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River provinces with high yield, Guangxi each district also has proction, especially in the southeast, South, there are a large number of guangxi. Abroad mainly to Japan and korea.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 11:03

The tortoise refers broadly to collectively terrapin. The narrow sense refers to the Emydidae species under. Turtle ( Chinemys reevesii ) called the tortoise, tortoise, tortoise and turtle, mud, in animal taxonomy is part of Reptilia, Testudines, tortoise family, is the most common Testudines animals. It is the oldest extant reptiles. Characteristics of body length on a very solid carapace, under attack when the turtle can head, tail and limbs retracts the turtle's shell. Most turtles are carnivorous, with worms, snails, shrimp and small fish for food, but also eat the leaves and stems of plants. China almost all turtles distribution, but in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River provinces with high yield, Guangxi each district also has proction, especially in the southeast, South, there are a large number of guangxi. Abroad mainly to Japan and korea.
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