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complex sentence

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 13:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:42

1. Monarch butterflies, which migrate to Mexico each year, are guided by instinct.
这个句子的主句是Monarch butterflies are guided by instinct.
which migrate to Mexico each year是一个定语从句,修饰主语Monarch butterflies。which/who指代Monarch butterflies,一定不能省。这个句子如果不用定语从句的话可以这样讲:
Monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico each year, and they are guided by instinct.

2. Geese mate for life unlike humans who, according to the divorce rate, seem to have trouble committing to just one person.
这个句子的主句就是Geese mate for life。unlike...之后的部分作状语,补充说明主句的意思。who seem to have trouble committing to just one person是定语从句修饰humans。所以seem不加S,因为humans为复数。according to the divorce rate只是一个插入词组,可以放在句中,也可以放在句首和句末。
Unlike humans who seem to have trouble committing to just one person,according to the divorce rate,geese mate for life.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:42

1. Monarch butterflies, which migrate to Mexico each year, are guided by instinct.
这个句子的主句是Monarch butterflies are guided by instinct.
which migrate to Mexico each year是一个定语从句,修饰主语Monarch butterflies。which/who指代Monarch butterflies,一定不能省。这个句子如果不用定语从句的话可以这样讲:
Monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico each year, and they are guided by instinct.

2. Geese mate for life unlike humans who, according to the divorce rate, seem to have trouble committing to just one person.
这个句子的主句就是Geese mate for life。unlike...之后的部分作状语,补充说明主句的意思。who seem to have trouble committing to just one person是定语从句修饰humans。所以seem不加S,因为humans为复数。according to the divorce rate只是一个插入词组,可以放在句中,也可以放在句首和句末。
Unlike humans who seem to have trouble committing to just one person,according to the divorce rate,geese mate for life.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:42

1. Monarch butterflies, which migrate to Mexico each year, are guided by instinct.
这个句子的主句是Monarch butterflies are guided by instinct.
which migrate to Mexico each year是一个定语从句,修饰主语Monarch butterflies。which/who指代Monarch butterflies,一定不能省。这个句子如果不用定语从句的话可以这样讲:
Monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico each year, and they are guided by instinct.

2. Geese mate for life unlike humans who, according to the divorce rate, seem to have trouble committing to just one person.
这个句子的主句就是Geese mate for life。unlike...之后的部分作状语,补充说明主句的意思。who seem to have trouble committing to just one person是定语从句修饰humans。所以seem不加S,因为humans为复数。according to the divorce rate只是一个插入词组,可以放在句中,也可以放在句首和句末。
Unlike humans who seem to have trouble committing to just one person,according to the divorce rate,geese mate for life.
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