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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-28 01:14



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 02:37

At present, in the field of aerospace power, the vast majority of satellite solar power batteries are used as the core of its power. Satellite power to directly affect the performance of satellite performance and working life, performance and reliability of the satellite power system simulation and test assessment is of great significance.
In order to ensure timely collection assessment process simulation and test the satellite in the solar cell of a series of test data, the need to develop a set of "the power of satellite ground equipment data acquisition / control system" for real-time monitoring of satellite solar cell output characteristics, And the relevant control immediately.
The topics discussed RS232 communication interface based on the agreement, the satellite solar cell performance real-time data collection and monitoring methods, research-based database technology the possibility of the test data, testing based on the graphic patterns of testing the performance curve.
This issue provides solutions for an effective solution to the (long) satellite ground testing of solar cells in the process of data collection problems, will help improve the reliability of space solar cells developed. Subject to a certain extent the results of research on the practical significance.
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