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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-28 00:46



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 19:13

Chanel的NO.5号香水,让5成为香水界的一个魔术数字,代表一则美丽的传奇。 香奈儿香水“5”是香奈儿女士的幸运数字,当时巴黎香水界的名鼻ErnestBeaux研制了几款香水样品,香奈儿女士在众多香水样品中,选择了第5支香水,而Chanel No.5香水的发表日,恰好在5月25日,与Chanel第5场的时装发表会同时举行。1953年,Chanel No.5成为第一个使用电视打广告的香水。 No.5是Chanel的第一瓶香水,在1921年推出的CHANEL No.5是第一瓶款合成花香调香水,灵感来自花束,融合了奢华与优雅,且表现出女性的勇敢与大胆,完全打破了当时香水的传统精神。香奈儿女士崇尚简洁之美,她希望以简单而不花俏的设计为最初诞生的香水作包装—长方体附以俐落线条的香水瓶, Chanel No.5的黑色字眼呈现于白底上。 从玛丽莲·梦露那件著名的睡衣—Chanel No.5诞生以来,Chanel的香水始终以高贵优雅的形像深入人心。1956年,还成为纽约大都会博物馆的收藏。直到今天,Chanel No.5依然稳坐世界销售冠军的宝座。 香调:乙醛花香调 前味:格拉斯橙花、乙醛、香水树花 中味:格拉斯茉莉、五月玫瑰 后味:麦索尔檀木香、波旁香根草 CHANCE邂逅香水 Coco Chanel曾说过“Chance is my soul.”当Chanel遇上chance时,Chance诞生了。继经典的CHANEL No.5后,全新香氛CHANCE以崭新的浑圆形象,成为香水新经典、明日世界的新典范。Chanel香氛大师Jacques Polge以三年时间调制的Chance ,是特别针对年轻勇于尝试、爱好幻想、热情活力、狂野却又纤细的年轻女性所设计。CHANEL为Chance找来俄罗斯模特儿Anne Vyalitsyna为国际形象,正是看准她那份年少轻狂的自信,多元化的性格特质和自然的美态,为反映现今年青女性的最佳人选。 Chanel Chance一推出,即在美国造成轰动,以清新花香为主调,动态香味层融合风信子、白麝香、粉红胡椒、茉莉、香根草、柑橘果、鸢尾和琥珀广藿香,散发甜美的感觉之余,也带有感性及热情的气息,甜美与辛辣交织的嗅觉体验,充分表现时代女性朝气勃勃及勇敢果断的一面,CHANCE创新的行星式香味惊喜,摆脱一般前、中、后味的固定形式,让你的甜美气质充满无限惊喜。 外包装及瓶身摆脱了过往的设计,创造了令人难忘的新惊喜,以浑圆的瓶身愉悦视觉,粉红色包装来挑逗感官。有别于Chanel经典香氛的方形瓶身,Chance是Chanel史上第一款圆形瓶子的香水,正式地为Chanel揭开了这个新纪元的序幕!在浑圆之内,注满的是狂野的动力、*的魅力及澎湃的创造力,亦蕴含着宇宙无限的意义,成功的为Chanel香水写下历史的新一页。Chanel NO. 5 of perfume to make 5 become perfume group of a magic number, representing a beautiful legend. Chanel perfumes"5" is sweet nai lady lucky number, when Paris perfume group name nasal ErnestBeaux developed several kinds of perfume sample, Chanel lady in numerous perfume sample, the choice of the first five teams perfume, and Chanel No. 5 of perfume, just published on May 25, and Chanel game 5 fashion conference held simultaneously. In 1953, Chanel No. 5 be the first to use TV advertise perfume. No. 5 is the first a bottle of perfume, Chanel in 1921 launched Chanel No. 5 is the first bottle of synthetic beautiful sweet tone perfume, inspiration comes from bouquet, shirt-sleeve luxury and graceful, and shows a woman of courage and daring, totally broke when the traditional spirit of perfume. Chanel lady advocating simple beauty, she hopes by simple but not fancy of the design of the first birth of perfume for packaging - cuboid attached with neat lines of perfume bottle, Chanel No. 5 black words presented in white. From Marilyn Monroe that famous pajamas Chanel No. 5 - since birth, Chanel perfumes always with elegant the likeness of a thorough popular feeling. In 1956, also become the New York mets collections of the museum. Until today, Chanel No. 5 still sit steady world sale champion. Sweet adjustment: acetaldehyde flowers before adjust flavour: sargeras orange blossom, aldehyde, perfume tree flower in flavour: sargeras jasmine, may rose after taste. Wheat sol ebony sweet, bourbon vetiver grass Coco Chanel perfumes CHANCE encounter had said "there goes my CHANCE." when the CHANCE, Chanel met CHANCE was born. Following the classical CHANEL No. 5, brand-new CHANCE with brand-new fragrance perfectly round image into perfume new classic, tomorrow the world's new model. Chanel sweet atmosphere Jacques Polge took three years to master the Chance, is special molation aimed at young dares to attempt, visionary, passion vigor, wild yet slender young women design. CHANEL Chance for Russian models for Anne Vyalitsyna for international image, it is certain that her copy of young frivolous self-confidence, diversified personality traits and the beauty of nature state, to reflect now young woman who the best candidate. Chanel Chance is rolled out, namely in the United States, in order to create the stir fresh aromas gives priority to tone, dynamic fragrance layer fusion hyacinth, white musk, pink pepper, jasmine, vetiver grass, citrus fruit, iris and amber patchouli, send out sweet feeling of remaining, also with perceptual and warm flavor, sweet smell experience with spicy interweave, full performance era female spark animated and brave decisive side, Chance innovative planet type fragrance surprise, get rid of general before, ring and after the flavour of fixed form, let you of the melting temperament full of surprise. Packaging and departs from past design, creating memorable new surprises to chubby body cheerful visual, pink packing to titillate senses. Different from the classical Chanel fragrance, body Chance is square Chanel history in the first paragraph of circular bottle of perfume, formally opened a new era for Chanel the prelude of! In the round inside, fill the are wild power, sexy charm and surging creativity, also contains the universe infinite significance, the success for Chanel perfumes write history of a new page.
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