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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 12:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:27


You smell the fragrance, you know how to appreciate, but you can not afford.


Love of women must be vigilant to do a rose, beautiful and even pain.
Should not be stepped into a pile of sticky wet slurry heinous.


To achieve a big step forward, to be walking at the foot of the pieces of dead bodies before.
Regardless of whether they are decomposed or linger.


Understanding between people of different entirely.


Even if Firestone electro-optical and flash, that moment, I really really tired of you, although we are friends.


Each of the men initially, there will be a cherry-like woman, falling in life, destined to deteriorate.


In the summer of that year.
Every year, said "the summer of that year."
I search for your step-by-step track.
The urgency, anxiety, grief, as in life the end of the summer cicadas.


If I have the best intentions, to a very important person's identity into a person's life.
Well, even if in the future from this life I still hope that if the status is not the gravel.


Like a person, just like you one day?


On the road, people must be kept falling wrestle trip.
I did not expect I was left with a right foot trip.


At the time of intense emotions, not always used.
In the letter we wrote, I love you.
Like this has not yet started their journey in the world that I would like to proceed.


Can you get married the day to do my best man do?
Was first to say good together into the hall.


Now everything is not important.
The time is up.

As long as what a person would not have to, anything can be put down.


I know that ultimately we are a great president. Pain in the past years.
And those who love us, it disappeared.


Tell me, how have you as a souvenir.


We have a lot of people loved. We have to leave them.
This is what we have to pay the price. Also willing to come.


In such a night, do you think of him.
He reminds me of you have said you go to such a place.
But when you are here, he is not your side.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:28


You smell the fragrance, you know how to appreciate, but you can not afford.


Love of women must be vigilant to do a rose, beautiful and even pain.
Should not be stepped into a pile of sticky wet slurry heinous.


To achieve a big step forward, to be walking at the foot of the pieces of dead bodies before.
Regardless of whether they are decomposed or linger.


Understanding between people of different entirely.


Even if Firestone electro-optical and flash, that moment, I really really tired of you, although we are friends.


Each of the men initially, there will be a cherry-like woman, falling in life, destined to deteriorate.


In the summer of that year.
Every year, said "the summer of that year."
I search for your step-by-step track.
The urgency, anxiety, grief, as in life the end of the summer cicadas.


Well, even if in the future from this life I still hope that if the status is not the gravel.


Like a person, just like you one day?


On the road, people must be kept falling wrestle trip.
I did not expect I was left with a right foot trip.


At the time of intense emotions, not always used.
In the letter we wrote, I love you.
Like this has not yet started their journey in the world that I would like to proceed.


Can you get married the day to do my best man do?
Was first to say good together into the hall.


Now everything is not important.
The time is up.

As long as what a person would not have to, anything can be put down.


I know that ultimately we are a great president. Pain in the past years.
And those who love us, it disappeared.


Tell me, how have you as a souvenir.


We have a lot of people loved. We have to leave them.
This is what we have to pay the price. Also willing to come.


In such a night, do you think of him.
He reminds me of you have said you go to such a place.
But when you are here, he is not your side.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:28

Love one pepoie,but only love one today.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:29

Translation of Google is do so powerful

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:27


You smell the fragrance, you know how to appreciate, but you can not afford.


Love of women must be vigilant to do a rose, beautiful and even pain.
Should not be stepped into a pile of sticky wet slurry heinous.


To achieve a big step forward, to be walking at the foot of the pieces of dead bodies before.
Regardless of whether they are decomposed or linger.


Understanding between people of different entirely.


Even if Firestone electro-optical and flash, that moment, I really really tired of you, although we are friends.


Each of the men initially, there will be a cherry-like woman, falling in life, destined to deteriorate.


In the summer of that year.
Every year, said "the summer of that year."
I search for your step-by-step track.
The urgency, anxiety, grief, as in life the end of the summer cicadas.


If I have the best intentions, to a very important person's identity into a person's life.
Well, even if in the future from this life I still hope that if the status is not the gravel.


Like a person, just like you one day?


On the road, people must be kept falling wrestle trip.
I did not expect I was left with a right foot trip.


At the time of intense emotions, not always used.
In the letter we wrote, I love you.
Like this has not yet started their journey in the world that I would like to proceed.


Can you get married the day to do my best man do?
Was first to say good together into the hall.


Now everything is not important.
The time is up.

As long as what a person would not have to, anything can be put down.


I know that ultimately we are a great president. Pain in the past years.
And those who love us, it disappeared.


Tell me, how have you as a souvenir.


We have a lot of people loved. We have to leave them.
This is what we have to pay the price. Also willing to come.


In such a night, do you think of him.
He reminds me of you have said you go to such a place.
But when you are here, he is not your side.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:28


You smell the fragrance, you know how to appreciate, but you can not afford.


Love of women must be vigilant to do a rose, beautiful and even pain.
Should not be stepped into a pile of sticky wet slurry heinous.


To achieve a big step forward, to be walking at the foot of the pieces of dead bodies before.
Regardless of whether they are decomposed or linger.


Understanding between people of different entirely.


Even if Firestone electro-optical and flash, that moment, I really really tired of you, although we are friends.


Each of the men initially, there will be a cherry-like woman, falling in life, destined to deteriorate.


In the summer of that year.
Every year, said "the summer of that year."
I search for your step-by-step track.
The urgency, anxiety, grief, as in life the end of the summer cicadas.


Well, even if in the future from this life I still hope that if the status is not the gravel.


Like a person, just like you one day?


On the road, people must be kept falling wrestle trip.
I did not expect I was left with a right foot trip.


At the time of intense emotions, not always used.
In the letter we wrote, I love you.
Like this has not yet started their journey in the world that I would like to proceed.


Can you get married the day to do my best man do?
Was first to say good together into the hall.


Now everything is not important.
The time is up.

As long as what a person would not have to, anything can be put down.


I know that ultimately we are a great president. Pain in the past years.
And those who love us, it disappeared.


Tell me, how have you as a souvenir.


We have a lot of people loved. We have to leave them.
This is what we have to pay the price. Also willing to come.


In such a night, do you think of him.
He reminds me of you have said you go to such a place.
But when you are here, he is not your side.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:28

Love one pepoie,but only love one today.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:29

Translation of Google is do so powerful
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