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爸爸去哪儿主题曲的歌词 的英语翻译,万分感谢!4

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-29 18:22



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 03:58

Daddy you can sing "twinkle twinkle little star
That I teach you good
Twinkle Twinkle little stat
How I wonder what you are
You are out of tune oh
My home have personal is very cool
Superhuman powers invulnerability
There is a little coarse the palm of his hand
I learned to walk holding
Thank you for your concern my little monsters
You is the most beautiful love letter I have written
Button to live a happy home
In love with you rain or shine
Dad dad we where to go
I'm surely not afraid
Baby baby I'm your tree
A lifetime to accompany you see the sunrise
This is the first time when your dad
We are a little complicated
You try very hard to germinate my white hair
Write down a skimming a si together
Dad dad we where to go
I'm surely not afraid
Baby baby I'm your tree
A lifetime to accompany you see the sunrise
My dad is a myth (of course)
Fix old mama family elegance (ha ha)
Even if one day you lost teeth (ouch!)
I can take you to hot (yeah)
Dad dad we where to go
I'm surely not afraid
Baby baby I'm your tree
A lifetime to accompany you see the sunrise
Dad dad we where to go
I'm surely not afraid
Baby baby I'm your tree
A lifetime to accompany you see the sunrise
Dad dad we where to go
You are my old and big
Baby baby time to hand a pen
You are always valuable
Twinkle twinkle little star
The sky is little star
Twinkle Twinkle little star
How I wonder
You're out of tune!
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