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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 13:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 04:52

1. More is less. A very common mistake is to answer in more words than instructed. If the task says "Not more than 3 words", answering in 4 or more words will definitely cost marks.
2. Less is less. The length of a written task is crucial. When instructions mention a minimal number of words (250 for essay, 150 for report or letter), it means that any work shorter than required will be penalized.
3. Longer essay doesn't mean better mark. Another common misconception is that longer essays score better in IELTS. Not only is this a myth, but also a dangerous one. Writing a long essay can indirectly cost marks, because the chances of making mistakes increase with the number of words and sentences.
4. Changing the subject is unacceptable. Every so often a student is asked to write on topic, that he doesn't understand. To avoid the disaster of missing a whole task they decide to write on a slightly – or entirely - different topic. The sad fact is that no matter how beautiful the submitted work is, the wrong topic means zero score. Another similar pitfall is to omit parts of the given topic or ignore the guidelines in your work. Every point the topic refers to needs to be covered because the examiners will be actually counting them.
5. Good memory can get you in trouble. Having seen that the topics sometimes repeat, "smart" students with good memory decide to memorize essays. This is a terrible mistake to make because the examiners are trained to look for memorized essays and have firm instructions to disqualify such works on the spot.
6. Accent is not important. Pronunciation is.! IELTS, being a test for non-native English speakers can't penalize people for having an accent. The problem here is that not everyone knows the difference between speaking with an accent and mispronouncing the words. No matter how strong of an accent a person has, the words are to be pronounced correctly or it will cost marks.
7. It is not the ideas that are important, but the way they are described in. Many students think that expressing the wrong ideas (whether it is in essay, letter or discussion) can harm their score. The truth is that no idea can be wrong and the ideas are not important on their own, it is the way they are expressed in that important.
8. Connective words: the more is not always the better. Smart students know that one of the essay marking criteria are coherence and cohesion, and what better way is there to demonstrate cohesion than to use lots of connective words, right? Wrong. Overuse of connective words is a know problem, which is easily recognized and penalized by the examiners.
A word of advice: to stay out of trouble, it is equally important to be aware of the pitfalls and to practice enough before the exam. Being familiar with the structure and the procere of the test will build up confidence and that will reflect in your score.
环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思考试容易犯的错误有哪些? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 04:52

1. More is less. A very common mistake is to answer in more words than instructed. If the task says "Not more than 3 words", answering in 4 or more words will definitely cost marks.
2. Less is less. The length of a written task is crucial. When instructions mention a minimal number of words (250 for essay, 150 for report or letter), it means that any work shorter than required will be penalized.
3. Longer essay doesn't mean better mark. Another common misconception is that longer essays score better in IELTS. Not only is this a myth, but also a dangerous one. Writing a long essay can indirectly cost marks, because the chances of making mistakes increase with the number of words and sentences.
4. Changing the subject is unacceptable. Every so often a student is asked to write on topic, that he doesn't understand. To avoid the disaster of missing a whole task they decide to write on a slightly – or entirely - different topic. The sad fact is that no matter how beautiful the submitted work is, the wrong topic means zero score. Another similar pitfall is to omit parts of the given topic or ignore the guidelines in your work. Every point the topic refers to needs to be covered because the examiners will be actually counting them.
5. Good memory can get you in trouble. Having seen that the topics sometimes repeat, "smart" students with good memory decide to memorize essays. This is a terrible mistake to make because the examiners are trained to look for memorized essays and have firm instructions to disqualify such works on the spot.
6. Accent is not important. Pronunciation is.! IELTS, being a test for non-native English speakers can't penalize people for having an accent. The problem here is that not everyone knows the difference between speaking with an accent and mispronouncing the words. No matter how strong of an accent a person has, the words are to be pronounced correctly or it will cost marks.
7. It is not the ideas that are important, but the way they are described in. Many students think that expressing the wrong ideas (whether it is in essay, letter or discussion) can harm their score. The truth is that no idea can be wrong and the ideas are not important on their own, it is the way they are expressed in that important.
8. Connective words: the more is not always the better. Smart students know that one of the essay marking criteria are coherence and cohesion, and what better way is there to demonstrate cohesion than to use lots of connective words, right? Wrong. Overuse of connective words is a know problem, which is easily recognized and penalized by the examiners.
A word of advice: to stay out of trouble, it is equally important to be aware of the pitfalls and to practice enough before the exam. Being familiar with the structure and the procere of the test will build up confidence and that will reflect in your score.
环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思考试容易犯的错误有哪些? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!



雅思口语考试第一部分经常有关于你“home"的问题。很多考生不理解英语的'home'只是你住的房子并不包括你家人。考官会问"Do you like your home"这样的问题,考生就会在脑海里把问题译成“我喜欢我家吗?”。然后考生会谈他喜欢他爸妈的很多理由。 我关于这个错误的意见很简单:你被问关于你"home"的问题时你只要谈...

雅思写作中会犯到的常见错误有哪些? ?



3、考官口音听不清 雅思考试里考官不但有欧美人,同时还有澳洲,或者其他国籍,有时会由于考官自身的口音问题,造成了大家根本没有办法听清问题,这个时候,如果只会单独的说一个pardon?可能会让考官不快,或者认为你的语言能力不行。解决方案:当你没有听清这个问题的时候,不要直接告诉考官【我不懂你...

雅思口语考试中容易犯什么错误? ?



一、不一致 所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,还包括了数的不一致、时态不一致以及代词不一致等。二、修饰语错位 英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化。对于这一点考生们往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解。三、句子不完整 口语中,交际双方可借助手势...



雅思口语逻辑错误 常见的有哪些


雅思听力考试中有什么绝对不能犯的错误吗? ?



1、90%的雅思口语考生,只会使用"单"词,却不去使用"词串"若不会使用"词串"的考生,考试的得分肯定都会被扣0.5到1分。实际上不会"词串"刚好是中国考生的致命伤,它不仅会影响了词汇分,同时还对流利分和速度分有影响。2、60%的雅思口语考生,因"表情"被扣分 在雅思口语评分标准的"发音"评分...

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